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Five, beat the eggs

It is said that Biaozi and Feiteng Feiyue set off from the regiment headquarters early in the morning. Around lunch time, they arrived at Daxing Store, which is only fifty or sixty miles away from Wuhan. When I walked into Daxing Store, I saw, oh, it was time for lunch.

Yes, there are still a lot of people on the street. Although it is not a crowded place, it is still bustling and lively.

"Boss Jiang, this street is so lively, let's go shopping." Feiteng couldn't help but said to Biaozi.

"Yes, yes." Feiyue also agreed.

Biaozi glanced at the two recruits Danzi and whispered: "We have a mission, so we don't have time to go shopping and watch the excitement. Come with me to have something to eat, have a rest, and then continue on your way."

"Oh." Upon hearing this, both boys were stunned.

Biaozi took the two boys to a food stall, ordered three bowls of steamed buns and six steamed buns, and sat down at the table to eat.

"Well, boss, this is so delicious, especially the flavor of mustard." Feiyue said with a beaming expression while eating.

"This is called Baomian. You just roll out the dough and make it a little thinner than the dumpling skin. Then put a little meat in the middle of the skin, pinch it together, put it in the pot and cook it for three or four minutes, and then you can eat it." Biaozi explained.

"Oh, it's that simple. When I go back to Luoxi, I'll cook it for my mother, okay, fourth brother?" Fei Teng said to Fei Yue.

"Okay, let's do it together." Feiyue said with a smile.

"Both boys, you are quite filial..." Before Biaozi finished speaking, he heard someone shouting: "Run quickly, we are arresting people, we are arresting people..."

Fei Yue reached into his waist and was about to draw his gun. Biaozi held down Fei Yue's hand, gave him a sign, and whispered: "Eat, sit still and eat."

At this moment, he suddenly heard two gunshots, and stood up in a hurry. Biaozi immediately pulled the two boys to one side under the eaves, and whispered in a low voice: "Stay still!"

At this time, a man dressed as a commoner and holding a shell gun ran in front of Biaozi and the others. Immediately afterwards, he saw three or four little devils holding 38-inch caps rushing past. Then another

It was a few plainclothes men wearing black silk clothes who ran over with rifles.

"Follow me!" Biaozi understood the situation as soon as he saw the formation, and immediately led the two boys and went over in plainclothes.

"Bah, bang, bang," there were several more gunshots.

Biaozi quickly took the two boys and hid behind a vegetable stall. While the little devils were busy, he carefully looked over and saw that the man who ran over just now was lying on the wall, motionless, with two bloody holes on his back, gurgling.

There was blood pouring out of the ground.

Fei Teng Fei Yue blushed, and Fei Teng asked Biao Zi in a low voice: "Boss, let's kill the idiot from behind."

Biaozi turned around and glared at Feiteng and said, "Let's go."

"Boss!" Feiyue said, pulling Biaozi's sleeve.

"Let's go!" Biaozi lowered his voice and said sternly.

The special forces team here is searching for Captain Luo Yuesong during training. Murong led several brothers and surrounded the depression covered with dead leaves with guns in hand.

"Tang Si, go and turn over those dead leaves." Murong said.

"Yes!" Tang Si agreed, and walked over with his gun in hand, kicking the dead leaves with his feet so that they were flying all over the sky, but he found nothing.

"No!" Tang Si said disappointedly, "It seems that there is no need to eat the eggs."

The other brothers also looked at each other and looked up at Murong.

"Let's go, continue searching." Murong had no choice but to let his brothers continue searching.

Brother Chao and his brothers over there searched a little slower, but they still found some clues.

Brother Chao picked up a cigarette butt on the ground, smelled it, and said, "The captain has been here."

"Where?" a brother asked quickly.

"I said I've been here before, but I'm definitely not here. This cigarette butt was left intentionally by the captain to test your eyesight and judgment." After Brother Chao finished speaking, he led his brothers to continue searching slowly.

The third brother and several brothers searched for Luo Yuesong for a long time, but could not find it, so he asked Mengzi to walk in the front and followed slowly behind.

A breeze blew by, blowing a smell of moldy moisture in the humid forest. Mengzi stopped and breathed evenly, just like some people like to smell car exhaust.

"It smells musty, what's so good about it?" the third brother said impatiently.

Mengzi didn't say anything, and walked forward slowly while smelling it. Then he bent down and prepared to crawl into a low bush.

"Brothers, prepare for battle!" Third Brother whispered.

The brothers immediately steadied their guns and followed behind Mengzi.

Mengzi walked to the bushes with a low waist, and peeled off a dead leaf. Sure enough, a human footprint was revealed. Mengzi's face showed a trace of joy. When he found that he peeled away the dense branches, he got into the bushes.


The brothers watched the bushes swaying, and their hearts were in their throats. They stared at the bushes, looking forward to good news about Mengzi.

The bushes shook again, and out came Mengzi, holding a gray cloth military uniform jacket in his hand. At a glance, he knew it was the uniform of the New Fourth Army.

"I've been here, and I've left again," Mengzi said, looking at his third brother.

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about after leaving!" The third brother sat down on the ground, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said, "It seems that I can't eat eggs today."

Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and a bullet flew past the third brother with a whoosh, and hit the tree trunk in front of the third brother with a "boom".

"There are enemies, take cover!" The third brother subconsciously lay on the ground. The brothers also lay on the ground, using tree trunks as cover.

"Get down, Mengzi, you're looking for death, you new recruit." The third brother was lying on the ground, holding two guns in his hands, but he saw Mengzi still standing there, holding the military uniform in his hand, looking straight at

Looking far away.

"Look, it's the captain!" A brother looked in the direction where Mengzi was looking and couldn't help shouting.

The third brother looked up and saw that it was Captain Luo. Captain Luo was holding a sniper rifle, motionless, as if he had just fired it.

"What's going on? Didn't we just look for it over there? Why is the captain right behind us?" The third brother said, got up and kicked Mengzi, "You new recruit, I still count on you.

, I smelled it for a long time and came out wearing tattered clothes, but someone got in the back and shot us in the buttocks."

Yuesong slowly put down the gun, put it on his shoulder as he walked, and walked towards this side at a leisurely pace with a smug look on his face.

Several other groups of team members who heard the gunfire also came over. When they saw the captain leaning against a jujube tree and smoking leisurely, they guessed that the shot must have been fired by the captain.

"Captain, you really shot. If the political commissar finds out, he won't scold you to death." Brother Chao said to Yuesong seriously, holding a sniper rifle.

"It's okay, my hand is steady, the bullet can't float." Yuesong took a puff of cigarette.

"It's okay. The bullets weren't flying towards you. If you were just a little bit crooked, you would have buried my old bones in the dirt." The third brother complained.

"Stop nagging, the enemies have appeared behind you. If it's an actual battle, you don't want to be buried in the loess, so just bury it in the loess." Minghe teased while wiping his broadsword.

"By the way, Captain, there's such a big forest, and so many of us were searching all over, why did you run up behind us?" Cao Gen'er approached Yuesong and asked.

"You ask me? Who am I asking?" Yuesong patted Cao Gen'er on the shoulder and said, "Then you still have to ask yourself." Yuesong said, pinching Cao Gen'er's ears hard.

"Ouch, be gentle, captain!" Cao Gen shouted, but he still didn't forget to ask, "Ask me how I know, so don't show off, just let me beg you, okay?"

"The fault is yours!" Yuesong bent his fingers and tapped the grass root's head again and said, "Tell me, did you just pass an old honey locust tree?"

"Old honey locust tree?" Cao Gen'er scratched his head and thought for a moment, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Did you, a brat, and a few of your brothers run like rabbits being chased by wolves, running under the honey locust tree in the blink of an eye?" Yuesong asked again.

"Captain, are you hiding in the honey locust tree?" Cao Gen looked at Yuesong doubtfully and asked.

"There are no footprints on the ground," another brother said.

"There are many dead leaves under the old saponaria tree. Can't I sweep the branches away while retreating so that there will be no footprints?" Yuesong asked rhetorically.

"Oh, you little brat, Cao Gen'er, you've been causing trouble for a long time, but you let the captain go and let me get shot." The third brother pointed at Cao Gen'er and said.

"Third brother, let's not talk about the monk being bald. You are not much better. You know there are enemies and snipers, but you still smoke. Where will my bullets go if they don't go to you?" Yuesong began to lecture again.

Come on, third brother.

"Don't you also smoke? Of course a monk can't say that a leper is bald." The third brother muttered softly.

"Okay, Minghe, gather the team and talk about it." Yuesong ordered.

Soon, Whooping Crane gathered the team.

Yuesong stood in front of the team, walked a few steps, stopped, walked a few more steps, looked at the sky, and then spoke: "The first mistake in today's training was made by Vice Captain Chang."

"Ah?" Brothers, look at me and I'll look at you.

"Brother Chao, I asked you to divide the team into six groups, but you can't let the six groups of people fight on their own like chasing ducks, and then scatter out without a clear division of labor. Faced with a person who is extremely good at hiding.

Snipers, you have to have some people running around in the open, some people stalking the wind and shadows, and some people holding their rifles steady to attack at any time. Otherwise, they will either not be found, or they will be shot one by one.

Get rid of it." Yuesong analyzed methodically.

"Yes, captain, you punish me." Brother Chao said loudly.

"Don't be busy. The second mistake is of course Cao Gen'er's. However, if Captain Chang had not made the first mistake, Cao Gen'er's mistake would not be so serious."

"Yes!" Cao Gen'er replied loudly.

"What is it? You are wrong no matter what." Yuesong pointed at the grass root and said, "The third mistake is Third Brother. If you are not serious in training, you will pay the price with blood in battle."

The third brother lowered his head and remained silent.

"The fourth mistake is that you, Deng Minghe, get discouraged when you can't find it. You lack the perseverance of special operations. The enemy can find you just by sitting there? If you hold a big blade, the enemy will fight with you?"


"Well, everyone has their own strengths. If you're going to do it with a sniper, don't send me." Ming He was unconvinced.

"If you talk too hard, the enemy's sniper's muzzle will only shoot at the sniper?" Yuesong walked up to Whooping Crane and grabbed the cloth bag from Whooping Crane's hand, "I'll give you an egg today."

Don't think about eating it, Mengzi, take it and keep it for me for the time being."

Mengzi took the cloth bag containing the eggs and put it into the medicine basket.

"Now I'll make you crawl for a thousand meters. Start here and crawl to the river bank. Captain Chang, lead the team and crawl there!"


This chapter has been completed!
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