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Thirteen, Raid Division Headquarters

Biaozi was drinking tea in a teahouse more than a hundred meters outside the security headquarters, looking at Jing'er. He had changed three pots of tea and had two plates of melon seeds. More than an hour had passed, but he still couldn't.

He didn't see Fei Ying go out. Biaozi went to the toilet again, secretly took out Fei Ying's photo and looked at it carefully for a long time. He thought to himself, as tall and thin as a bamboo pole, he shouldn't be able to escape when he walked out.

Our buddy has such a sharp eye. Why hasn't he gone out for more than an hour? It seems that this squatting job is also difficult for his father. Biaozi stuffed the photo into his underwear pocket, walked out of the toilet, walked back to the teahouse, and continued to drink

The tea was so tasteless that it tasted no longer in his mouth. After all, Biaozi was not a tea drinker, but he had no choice but to continue drinking it.

Fei Teng and Fei Yue put on a little disguise. Fei Teng wanted to be more cautious, so they made a wooden cigarette box with five or six kinds of cigarettes in it. They hung it around their necks and hawked it near the gendarmerie, even though Fei Teng was not a businessman.

, I have never sold cigarettes, but I have sold several packs of cigarettes, and I have not seen Wang Daya enter the yard, nor have I seen Wang Daya leave the yard. Could it be that the beating last night really shocked the dog? Could it be

Dare not even go out? Feiyue bought a load of firewood, picked it up near the gendarmerie, put the load of firewood at the door of a small restaurant, and stood there stupidly. The waiter from the small restaurant ran out and asked about the firewood.

The price was high, but Feiyue just ignored him, so the waiter had to curse and go in.

After Brother Chao led his brothers to train the offensive formation, he reported to Yuesong. Yuesong asked Brother Chao to gather the team together and began to lecture again: "Comrades, our goal is the division headquarters, the division headquarters.

Here, hey, forget it, come here and form a circle."

The brothers gathered around Yuesong. Yuesong squatted on the sand, picked up a few stones, and began to lay out a terrain map.

"This is the division headquarters." Yuesong put a big stone on the ground. "The biggest symbol of the division headquarters is a yellow fruit tree several feet high. Under the yellow fruit tree is a row of blue brick and tile houses. The first tile house is the division headquarters.

The second room of the military conference room is the division commander's bedroom, and the third room is the guard's room. Usually there are four guards for the division commander's political commissar. The fourth room is the political commissar's bedroom, the fifth is a confidential room, and the sixth is

It’s the chief of staff’s bedroom.”

Yuesong raised his head and looked at his brothers, "Is it clear?" The brothers nodded.

"If the division headquarters is successfully occupied, most of the division commander and political commissar and chief of staff will be in the military conference room in broad daylight. I, Lei Hang, and Minghe will control the conference room. Brother Chao will lead a few brothers to control other rooms, and the remaining brothers will control

Peripheral." After Yuesong finished speaking, he looked up at his brothers, who still nodded.

Yuesong placed a few more stones on the ground, "Here is the first regiment, here is our second regiment, here is the new first regiment, and here is the third regiment. Our best route is to pass through the defense area of ​​the second regiment."

, After all, we are most familiar with this land. It is right here, on the flank of our third battalion. One group can pass under the river bank and go in this direction to reach the outskirts of the division headquarters..." Yuesong made arrangements for each group.

After passing the designated concealed route through the defense areas of each regiment, he stood up and asked loudly: "Brothers, do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" the brothers replied in unison.

"Grandma, you haven't eaten yet, I can't hear you!" Yuesong said.

"Yes!" The brothers shouted loudly with all their strength, and the neat and majestic voices formed an exciting echo in the distant valley.

"Okay, let's go!" Yuesong gave the order, and the leaders of each group took their brothers and set off towards the goal.

For more than three hours, Yuesong led Lei Hang and others through the group's defense zone smoothly and arrived at Jigong Pass on the outskirts of the division headquarters. Yuesong and his brothers hid in a cypress forest, waiting for other groups to arrive.

The brothers rushed over. After the concealment training, it really had a certain effect. In half an hour, the brothers from other groups also successfully passed through the defense areas of other battalions and gathered unnoticed at the chicken outside the division headquarters.

On the public road, Yuesong asked Lei Hang and his brothers to hide in the cypress forest. He took several team leaders and boarded the Jigongtou. Lying on the Jigongtou, the division headquarters more than two miles away came to an end.

Looking around, Yuesong picked up his sniper rifle and observed the deployment of the guard camp near the division headquarters through the sniper scope. Brother Chao lowered the sniper scope on his sniper rifle, and the leaders of other groups also used the sniper scope as a telescope.

Carefully observed the deployment of the guard camp.

After a while, Yuesong and several team leaders squatted behind the cock head and began to discuss the battle plan.

"Everyone, watch," Yuesong picked up a few more stones and said as he placed them. "There is a squad with a Czech light machine gun in the northwest corner of the division headquarters. There is a squad in each of the commanding heights of southwest, northeast, and due east.

, all have light machine guns, and these points have wide visibility and long sight range. If we want to sneak into the division headquarters, we must avoid these points."

"Captain, is there more to the guard camp than just this?" Cao Gen'er asked.

"Silly man, is the entire guard camp on combat duty? Isn't this the barracks of the guard camp? Most of the soldiers are near the barracks." Murong said.

The grassroots man knew that he had made a low-level mistake and did not dare to say anything again.

"Of course, Cao Gen'er's worry is not unreasonable." Yuesong not only helped Cao Gen'er step down, but also reminded the other brothers, "There are small woods here and here. These two woods

There are at least two platoons of brothers here. Otherwise, when the gun fires and the soldiers in the barracks come out, the division headquarters will be in danger. So we have to beware of these two small woods, including the Xiaoqing River that flows from the entrance of the division headquarters.

There may be soldiers on duty in the reeds beside us."

"Yeah." The brothers nodded.

"Also, our New Fourth Army usually posts outposts in the dark and in the light. Now this is the division headquarters. The overt sentry is easy to handle. We just need to avoid it. There are probably more than one hidden sentry in the division headquarters. Did you see it just now?

There are four ancient cypress trees lined up next to the tomb. With the area covered by their branches and leaves, you would be hard-pressed to spot not to mention a handful of people hidden in them, but even three or five of them." Yuesong continued.

"But captain, we can't avoid all the guards no matter how we go." Brother Chao asked worriedly.

"Yes, just by placing two hidden posts on these four ancient cypress trees, you can monitor a large open area from here to here. The remaining few passable areas are all equipped with machine guns on combat duty.

." Tang Si said dragging his cheeks.

"Of course. Do you think that Battalion Commander Xu is the one who is doing the job? In a short while, the guard battalion commander will still have his turn?" Yuesong took out a cigarette, thought for a while, and walked down the slope for another ten minutes.

After a few meters, he sat on the stone, lit it, and smoked slowly.

Brother Chao lay on the head of the cock again and continued to observe. The other brothers did not dare to approach Captain Yuesong. They each sat on one side and no one said a word.

Yuesong finished smoking a cigarette, picked up a few more stones, and played with them on the ground, but no matter how Yuesong moved, he couldn't find a gap to sneak into the division headquarters. Alas, it seems that he still wants to challenge the guard camp.

It's really not easy. No wonder the last time the Japanese sent an elite team to attack the division headquarters, they were quickly discovered by the guard camp. It was still in the early morning when everyone was sleeping soundly, not to mention it was broad daylight and the sun was high.

The view is wide, even if a bird flies to the division headquarters, the soldiers in the guard camp will see it clearly.

Yuesong lit another cigarette and played with the stones while smoking. After arranging them for a while, he still couldn't find a defensive gap. Yuesong pushed the cigarette butt to the ground, stepped on it with one foot, and stepped on it hard.

After a few moments, he said to himself: "I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

Yuesong walked up to the head of the chicken again, lay on the head of the chicken, and observed carefully with a sniper scope. Behind the division headquarters, about a hundred meters away, is a small hill. There are not many trees on the hill, but there are shrubs.

It's quite dense, and this is a favorable terrain that can be exploited, but the hills are 100% guarded by troops, so that's not that important. As long as you can reach the hills, you can take down the guarding troops.

Yuesong moved the sniper scope again and looked back along the hill. After the hill was the machine gun position in the northeast corner. In front of the position was an open field, at least four to five hundred meters away. It was the most difficult to pass here, with many obstacles.

The grass is not deep, so what should we do?

Yuesong looked to the right. It was a hilly road leading to the division headquarters. It was impossible to walk on the road. There were three checkpoints. It was impossible to get through. It was even more difficult to break through forcefully. Exposing one's intentions would mean failure, let alone oneself.

There is a possibility of brothers accidentally injuring each other. If the guard battalion really opens fire, then it will be serious. The division commander will not shoot our brothers by then.

Yuesong collected the sniper rifle, walked down from the cock head, and started smoking cigarettes and placing rocks again. Hey, I really racked my brains and couldn't find an opening. Damn it, Xu Tianhao, is his father so flawless?

At this time, Cao Gener came over timidly.

"Go on, don't you see I'm in trouble?" Yuesong glanced at Cao Gen'er and cursed angrily.

"Captain, I..."

"I am what I am. If you have anything to say, say it quickly. If you have any farts, hurry up. If you have any urine, I can urinate as far away as possible." Yuesong continued to scold.

"I have an idea." Cao Gen'er suddenly said boldly.


"Captain," Cao Gen'er approached Yuesong and said softly, "In the past, when we fought against the Japanese, didn't we always wear Japanese yellow clothes and pretend to be Japanese to sneak in?"

"Yes, but now both our offensive and defensive sides are wearing the uniforms of the New Fourth Army."

"That's right, we can stride over without disguise." Cao Gen'er's eyes were filled with hope.

As soon as Yuesong heard this, he quickly lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and stared at a small Chinese chrysanthemum tree in front of him, motionless, thinking carefully. Seeing this, Caogen'er quietly left timidly.


Yuesong finished smoking a cigarette in a long puff, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out, and said: "Come here, everyone!"

Several team leaders quickly came down and walked to Yuesong's side.

"In this way, we divide ourselves into six groups and sneak into the forest in stages. This shouldn't be a big problem. Then we have to pass the machine gun position in the northeast corner." Yuesong pointed to the stone array on the ground and said.

"How are you going to pass through such a large open space?" said the third brother. "Even if you have wings and fly over, you still can't escape the eyes of the brothers in the guard camp."

"Yes, since we can't avoid it, let's walk over in a swaggering manner, and even line up neatly." Yuesong stood up and looked around at the group leaders.

"Then it's exposed, why did you sneak in secretly?" Murong said.

"What Cao Gen'er just said made me think about it. When we fought against the Japanese, we wore Japanese yellow leather and entered the prison with the strictest security. Now we don't need to put on makeup. We are already wearing New Fourth Army uniforms." Yuesong.


"Captain, it's not that you don't know, even our New Fourth Army troops cannot be transferred to the division headquarters without orders from the division headquarters." Brother Chao said so many words suddenly while holding a sniper rifle.

"Yes, we don't have a transfer order, but after all, we have to walk to the machine gun position before we need to show the transfer order?" Yuesong spread his hands and said.

"We're here, and we don't have the order, what should we do, fight with each other? Those are our own brothers in our own army!" After the third brother said this, he turned away.

"Then it depends on the abilities of our brothers in the special operations team. I will pretend to show the order to the officers at the machine gun position, and you guys can take the opportunity to control the soldiers on the machine gun position. After all, there are several soldiers in the guard camp who are not

Those who know me, Luo Yuesong, will definitely relax their vigilance with my face here, believe it or not? Let’s make a bet," Yuesong said confidently.

"I think it will work, it will definitely work!" Cao Gen'er said.

Brother Chao thought for a while and said, "You can give it a try."

"Either you give it a try, or you have to win it," Yuesong said.

"Then what?"

"Then you just follow me. That's it. I'll take the first group and touch it first." After Yuesong finished speaking, he picked up the sniper rifle, summoned the brothers in the first group, and set off.

Since the cypress forest where Yuesong and the others are located is more than two miles away from the division headquarters, and only some senior officers of the New Fourth Army have binoculars, let alone sniper scopes, there are only a few special operations teams.

So Yuesong and the others successfully avoided the hidden sentry and lurked in the small woods in front of the machine gun position in the northeast corner.

After a while, several other groups came over smoothly. Yuesong gathered the troops, asked the brothers to stand in two columns, put the guns on their shoulders, and walked out of the woods towards the machine gun position with neat steps.

Walk through the large open space in front of you.

As soon as the special operations team walked out of the woods, the soldiers at the machine gun position discovered it.

"Platoon leader, a team is coming over there." A soldier reported to Guo Weidong, the third platoon leader of the first company of the guard battalion, who was on combat duty.

Platoon leader Guo looked at it carefully and said: "It's our troops. Why did they come out of the forest without taking a good road? Comrades, be vigilant!"

"Yes!" the soldiers replied in unison, one by one, they picked up their rifles, opened the bolts, and loaded the bullets. The machine gunners also stood in the trenches, opened the bolts of the machine guns with a "clatter", and stood ready.

This chapter has been completed!
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