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Sixteen, sharpening knives

In the evening of the same day, Chief of Staff Wei drafted the punishment document and immediately anxiously announced the punishment decision to the brothers of the special team. The brothers of the special team did not react much after hearing this. After all, everyone knew in their hearts that the captain was a bit off this time.

There was a big fuss. Brother Chao made a statement on behalf of the special team, expressing his willingness to accept the division's decision on punishment.

"Vice Captain Chang, after bringing the troops back, training still needs to be strengthened. In addition, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness of the troops, political and ideological education must also be strengthened. The party commands the army, and the army must absolutely obey the party. Political ideology is the soul of the army...

..." After the chief of staff gave some ideological education to Brother Chao, he asked Brother Chao to take the special force back to the Second Regiment.

Back at the station, it was inevitable that Commander Song and Political Commissar He would give the special forces another lesson, which of course was about political and ideological education.

Back in the barracks, Brother Chao was not a person who engaged in ideological and political education. He just told the brothers lightly that although the captain was in solitary confinement, the training would still have to go ahead as planned tomorrow morning.

After the kid Queluo Yuesong woke up from his sleep, it happened that Political Commissar Ren and a guard brought dinner. Yuesong ate like a man who had nothing to do, while he ate hungrily and listened to Political Commissar Ren's earnest sermons.


After finishing the meal, my stomach was full, and the political commissar's ideological education came to an end.

"Comrade Luo Yuesong, you have been in the solitary room for the past few days to reflect hard, and finally submit a self-reflection material to me. Only when the self-reflection material is approved by the teacher can you leave the solitary room, do you hear me?" Political Commissar Ren said.

Yuesong wiped his lips, stood up, stood at attention, saluted, and replied loudly: "I promise to complete the mission."

"Well, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you can never do a good thing. Well done!" Political Commissar Ren patted Yuesong on the shoulder and said, and walked out of the solitary room.

Yuesong knew that he was only going to be detained for ten days, and he was happy in his heart. However, it was not this that made Yuesong's heart bloom. It was political commissar Ren who told him that the last time he rescued Rice, he was killed by the National Army.

The Fifth Theater Command received awards and promotions. Haha, in this case, level is no longer a problem. Our buddy is qualified to marry a wife. Thinking of this, the boy was lying on the bed alone, happily "Haha

Haha." He smiled.

Biaozi was riding a rickshaw here. Sure enough, he turned a street and found that the rickshaw Fei Ying was riding in was slowly moving forward.

"Slow down, slow down, just follow, don't go too fast." Biaozi said to the coachman.

"Okay, sir, don't worry." The coachman agreed readily.

After walking two more streets, Feiying got out of the car, gave him the money, and was arranging his military uniform. Biaozi also quickly got out of the car, paid the money, walked behind a blue brick pillar, and secretly observed Feiying's actions.


Feiying tidied up his military uniform and walked into a pastry shop nearby. Biaozi planned to follow him in, but was worried that he would be exposed if he followed too closely, so he had to continue hiding behind the pillar. However, Biaozi looked at the name of the shop carefully and

I remembered it in my heart. "Deyang pastry, Deyang pastry." Biaozi chanted in his heart over and over again. As he was thinking about it, he saw Fei Ying walking out of the pastry shop, admiring the pastries in his hands, and singing slowly

He turned awkwardly into an alley.

Biaozi took a moment and estimated that Fei Ying had been in the alley for a while, and then followed him into the alley. But as soon as he took a look, Fei Ying disappeared again. Biaozi quickly ran a few steps, and it turned out that the alley was seven

There were many twists and turns, but there was only one path, so Biaozi continued to jog forward. After about a bowl of tea, he finally saw Fei Ying still singing and walking forward.

After following a few more alleys, Biaozi suddenly realized that he was back to the alley at the beginning. At this time, Feiying suddenly stopped and stood on the same spot. Biaozi immediately dodged and hid in a small

In the gatehouse.

Feiying looked back and forth and found no one following him, so he walked to a gatehouse and knocked on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Biaozi stuck his head out to look. After a while, the door creaked open, and a young and beautiful woman stuck her head out. When she saw it was Fei Ying, she let Fei Ying in.

Seeing this situation, Biaozi guessed that the young and beautiful woman must be familiar with Feiying, that's for sure. Feiying came here in a roundabout way, which shows that he doesn't want others to know. Could it be that this is

Fei Ying’s joint point? Otherwise, Fei Ying has a mistress. How can a party member do this?

Biaozi thought for a while and felt that it would be meaningless to follow him any further, so he walked out of the gate and prepared to go back.

Feiteng Feiyue waited near the military police headquarters for almost a day, but did not find Wang Daya, so he had to return to Lao Lu's shop in frustration.

At ten minutes after dinner, the three of them returned to the braised pork shop. After meeting Lao Lu in the basement, everyone discussed together.

Fei Teng and Fei Yue reported the first day's tracking to the deputy leader unhappily. Biaozi touched Fei Yue's head, patted Fei Teng's shoulder, and said, "Well done, we're doing underground work.

We still have to learn from Lao Lu, patience and confidence, these are indispensable, don’t you think so, Lao Lu?”

"Learn from each other, ah, just learn from each other, but what Commander Hu said is right, underground work requires patience and confidence. You can't rush this work, otherwise you will easily make mistakes." Lao Lu said.

Then Biaozi told the story of tracking Fei Ying. "Lao Lu, could that 'Deyang Pastry' be our underground transportation station?" Biaozi asked.

"Oh, well," Old Lu paused and said, "I don't know for sure. Maybe Fei Ying just buys pastries, but it is necessary for you to remember the name and location of the pastry shop."

"Yes, but could that young woman be our comrade?" Biaozi asked again.

"Captain Hu, it's hard to say this. We underground workers usually have one-way contact, and don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. This is the party's confidentiality principle, so..."

"Oh, Lao Lu is making a joke. Don't ask, don't ask." Biaozi said.

"Captain Hu, judging from today's situation, we can't see any signs of it. I'm afraid we still have to trouble a few comrades to work hard these days, and we will have to follow them for a while. We will summarize the situation here every day. As for

I'm afraid it's up to the special committee to decide how to draw a conclusion." Lao Lu continued.

"Comrade Lao Lu, is it because we are unfamiliar faces?" Fei Teng learned wisely, and Biaozi also heard some outliers.

"Hey, Feiteng, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Ah, let's just do the things assigned by the organization according to the organization's distribution, right, Lao Lu?" Biaozi said.

"Haha, yes, yes, that's how I work. Otherwise, that's all for today. It's time to eat. After eating, the comrades can have a good rest." After Lao Lu finished speaking, he went up to arrange dinner.


Biaozi was lying on the bed and began to think in his mind. It seems that when our deputy commander arrived in the city, he was also a soldier under Lao Lu. There were many things that Lao Lu knew, but he might not tell me. Hey

, it’s all for the revolution, to fight the Japanese, why bother worrying so much.

After finishing dinner and taking a short rest, Biaozi took Fei Teng Fei Yue around the area of ​​the plainclothes team. One of them didn't come back until after ten o'clock in the evening, but Wang Daya still didn't show up.

For several days in a row, Biaozi and the two boys were doing almost the same thing. Wang Daya seemed to be really frightened and never showed up. Feiying came out twice, both times with the second one.

It was the same thing every time, buying something to eat and drink, and then twisting and turning, I finally arrived at the yard. But Biaozi had a new idea in his heart. If that young woman is really our comrade, Feiying

I shouldn't have seen her three times in a few days. She is probably still a mistress or something like that. Since she is a mistress, the possibility of Feiying going bad increases.

Biaozi had gained a little bit, but the two boys had gained nothing except getting familiar with each other in the city. Naturally, the two boys began to feel a little bored, so they complained to Biaozi twice,

I want to go back to the special operations team.

Struggle is like this, not every day is exciting, and boredom is inevitable. Biaozi educates the two boys and continues to wait for opportunities.

After Yuesong slept soundly for a few days, he became more energetic. Although the wooden boards on the windows were removed and light slipped in, staying in this small room was really annoying. Yuesong began to

I couldn't stand the loneliness anymore, so I started writing self-reflection materials. Although I patiently finished writing the materials, I was sent back the same day I submitted them, with a few words written on them, "Keep polishing!" Yuesong saw that he was the teacher.

He wrote, alas, it seems that the teacher is not satisfied yet. So Yuesong wrote again, and after writing, he called back. Yuesong wrote again, and wrote five or six times in succession, but finally he didn’t call back. But if he doesn’t call back,

Yuesong has nothing to do anymore. Let's continue sleeping. He has already slept all his sleep. How can he still sleep?

Yuesong was bored and playing with the cassia twigs he brought back to Danfeng. After so many days, the yellow flowers on the cassia twigs had long since fallen away, and even the skin of the cassia twigs was dry. Yuesong held the cassia twigs in his hand.

He looked out the window, his eyes dull, and his heart felt empty. Perhaps, this was exactly the effect the teacher wanted. No matter how good a soldier is, he will still be anxious. If there is anxiety, it will take time to polish it off.

After some discussions and several days of hesitation, the division commander's political commissar decided to hand over the American equipment sent by the Fifth Theater Command to the special operations team. After all, such equipment should only be used by the most combat-effective troops.

Make the most of your equipment.

On this day, Brother Chao, who was leading the team training, received an order from the regiment headquarters to take a dozen soldiers from the special operations team to the division headquarters to receive new equipment. Brother Chao was happy and took Lei Hang, Minghe and the others.

One, he rushed towards the division headquarters.

This chapter has been completed!
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