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twenty-five, beat him

Yuesong immediately divided the team into six groups just like during training.

Yuesong pointed to the sketch on the stone table and said: "The entire special force is divided into six groups. The number of people in each group varies depending on the task. The first group is led by Biaozi and is responsible for squatting inside and outside the Huichun Teahouse. The four of you are enough.

, Fei Teng and Biaozi entered the teahouse together, waiting for an opportunity to kill Wang Daya. Feiyue and Geng Douzi were responsible for responding outside; the second group was led by Brother Chao, who was responsible for long-distance cover and slowing down the reinforcements of the Little Japanese Gendarmerie. Murong and Xizi followed.

You; the third group of Minghe leads the team, responsible for the streets and alleys east of Huichun Tea House, to block the surrounding enemies. Shihong, Third Brother, Tang Si, you all follow Minghe and give me crazy firepower to cover.

For the purpose, pay attention to large-scale destruction; I will lead the fourth group and be responsible for cutting off the enemy's secret stronghold on the turret. Lei Hang and Tubaozi can just follow me; the fifth group will be led by grassroots and responsible for blocking the west side.

, your place is also blocking and attacking, I give you six people, Hanba, Tiedan, you just follow the grassroots, that's enough."

"That's enough. I, Thompson, have been hungry and thirsty for a long time. I am just waiting for the blood of the Japanese to feed me." Cao Gen'er said while holding Thompson up.

"Okay, Yang Ying, you will be in charge of the sixth group, Mengzi, Osmanthus, Shit, and the remaining comrades will follow Lieutenant Colonel Yang Ying." After Yuesong finished speaking, he picked up the porridge bowl and drank the porridge in a few big mouthfuls.

"Brother Yuesong, what is my mission?" Yang Ying asked.

"Come here." Yuesong pulled Yang Ying aside, "Let's put it this way, does Wuchang Railway Station know about your mission?"


"There are many Japs at the station, and we can't defeat them. But after leaving the station, after the train has walked two or three kilometers, only the Japs on the bus are left. Moreover, there are few Japs on the bus..." Yuesong said so and so

It was explained in this way.

Yang Ying nodded repeatedly, apparently understanding, but then she thought again and asked, "That's right, that's right, how do I know when to take action?"

"Look over there. The highest turret is the enemy's secret stronghold. I will occupy it when the time comes. There happens to be a large cage of pigeons there. As soon as the pigeons fly out with a huff, you take action." Yuesong pointed out.

Talking to the turret in the distance.

Yang Ying looked at it and said, "Oh, I understand." After saying that, she led her group of people to leave Lao Lu's Braised Meat Shop one by one.

"Captain, what should we use as a nickname to start fighting?" Brother Chao asked.

Yuesong looked around at the brothers and said: "Brothers, please listen to me. When the gun fires at the Huichun Teahouse, the fighting will begin. After the fighting is over, we will evacuate according to the route we agreed on. Pay attention to each other between the groups."

Echoing and covering each other, the final concentration point is here, the patch of woods in the northwest corner of Wuchang Railway Station."

"Yes!" the brothers replied in lowered voices.

"Biaozi, when you're full, go squat." Yuesong said.

"Don't worry." Biaozi finished eating the buns in three mouthfuls, took Feiteng and the others out.

Yuesong said a few more words to Lao Lu, and then arranged for the brothers to disperse according to the divided groups and rush to the predetermined location to ambush.

At this time, Lao Lu was still a little confused, so he asked: "Captain Luo, you sent everyone out, how did you know that Wang Daya would go to Huichun Tea House to drink tea this morning?"

"Haha, Lao Lu, you forgot, don't we have a flying eagle?" Yuesong said with a smile.

"Feiying, do you really dare to believe him?" Lao Lu said.

"It's not a matter of belief or disbelief, it's because I noticed that boy's fear of death." Yuesong said firmly.

"Oh, since Captain Luo is so confident, I have nothing to worry about." Lao Lu said.

"Okay, Lao Lu, after we set off today, we won't be back for the time being. There are too many people here for fear of exposing you, so please take care of yourself." After Yuesong finished speaking, he took Lei Hang and the others out.

Lao Lu watched Yuesong and the others go away. There were not many customers in the braised meat shop so early. Lao Lu suddenly felt that the shop was a lot deserted. He would arrange stools and clean the table, but he couldn't take any time. Although Zhu Zhu said a few words

I asked Uncle Lu not to do this again, but he still wandered around the store and couldn't rest peacefully.

Biaozi led Fei Teng and the others into the designated place first. Fei Teng and Biaozi walked up to the second floor and found a corner to sit down. Biaozi looked out the window and saw that Feiyue and Geng Douzi were also in place. Biaozi looked at

Fei Teng glanced at him and ordered food and drink. The two of them started drinking tea and eating melon seeds.

What Biaozi and Feiteng didn't know was that their every move was actually clearly seen by Mishima and Jiulong Shinichi. Mishima picked up the phone and called Inoue to report that there were too many people upstairs today.

There was a new person, and the shoeshine was changed to another person. Such details immediately aroused Inoue's alert. Inoue immediately picked up the phone and called Tojo.

"Hello, Tojo-kun?" Inoue said.

"Hi." Tojo agreed.

"The situation has changed today. It seems that something is going to be done. You should immediately release the teams of Tengu and Kimura. They will be pulled by large trucks and put down the canvas. Those who drive must be disguised and do not wear military uniforms." Inoue ordered.



"Also, you can lead a team yourself and wait at the gendarmerie. Be prepared to go into battle at any time. At least seven or eight motorcycles will be required to respond quickly and arrive in time." Inoue clenched his fists and said.

"Hi!" Tojo came up energetically, agreed loudly, put down the phone, and went to gather the troops.

Minghe remembered Yuesong's instructions and led his team members to disperse near Zhongzheng Avenue. There was an alley three or four hundred meters away from the Huichun Teahouse, which was also the alley closest to the teahouse. There happened to be a Western restaurant at the entrance of the alley.

There is a silk and satin shop opposite the restaurant. Biaozi and Sange took a few people respectively and took control of the western restaurant and satin shop, but the store allowed them to continue operating. Fortunately, there were not many people in the western restaurant in the morning, and the silk and satin shop was originally

There is only one boss and one assistant.

Caogen'er also followed Yuesong's instructions and let the team members disperse and occupy a blacksmith shop at the entrance of the alley on the other side and a grocery store opposite.

Brother Chao, Xizi and Murong are snipers, and they are best at finding hidden places to hide. Brother Chao found a room in a hotel opposite the gendarmerie gate, with the window half open, waiting for the gendarmerie's motorcycle to go out

Woolen cloth.

Xizi found a car repair shop on the road from the gendarmerie to Zhongzheng Avenue. He sat on the side of the road, put on a straw hat, picked up a few stones on the ground, and played backgammon leisurely by himself.

Murong climbed to the roof of the Wanguo Hotel, leaned against the guardrail, and sat there with his sniper rifle in his arms, closing his eyes and concentrating. He waited for the beep of the motorcycle to sound, then immediately picked up the rifle and fucked him condescendingly.


The most difficult thing to do when running away is Yang Ying and the others. Osmanthus followed Yuesong's instructions and followed Yang Ying inseparably. Yang Ying was dressed as a rich lady, and Osmanthus just stood next to Yang Ying no matter how she dressed.

, it must be the maid. Yang Ying and the others made a long journey, walking two or three miles in one breath, before they arrived at Wuchang Railway Station. When Yang Ying took a look, it was indeed as Yuesong said, the railway station was full of Japanese soldiers inside and outside.

Guarding. Yang Ying waved to the team members, and the group walked northwest along the railway for more than two miles, and finally found a patch of woods. So Yang Ying asked the team members to find a place to ambush, and waited for the moon to rise.

Let go of those pigeons.

Inoue had arranged everything, and sat at his desk. It had only been done for less than an hour, but he was still a little impatient, so he paced back and forth in the room. Another ten minutes passed, and still nothing happened.

Hearing any movement, Inoue picked up the phone and called Mishima.

"Mishima-kun, what's going on?" Inoue asked.

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel Inoue, he is still drinking tea and eating melon seeds." Mishima replied.

"Well, you guys, don't blink. Just keep an eye on me. If anything happens, call me immediately."


After making the call, Inoue gritted his teeth, brewed a pot of tea, sat on a chair, and took a sip, but he didn't taste anything, so he sat on the chair with his sword in both hands, motionless.

Ten minutes passed, and a rapid "ding ding ding" phone rang. As if there was a spring under his butt, Inoue jumped up from the stool and grabbed the phone: "Hello."

"Commander Inoue..."

As soon as he heard Tojo's voice, he immediately got angry and shouted into the phone: "Baga, wait patiently." After saying that, he hung up the phone with a "click".

After hanging up the phone, Inoue returned to his chair and sat down. Suddenly he stood up again, picked up the phone, and wanted to call Mishima, but after thinking about it, he put it down.

Just when Inoue put down the phone, Yuesong and Lei Hang had already reached the door of the first floor of the turret. At this time, Lei Hang and Tu Baozi started arguing at the door. After a few words, the two of them started pushing and shoving.

The fight started.

A Japanese agent holding a handle at the door disliked them for being too noisy, opened the door, carried a gun, and shouted at Lei Hang and the others: "Baga, get out!" But as soon as the word "gun" came out, Yuesong stepped out.

Holding twenty rings with his left hand, he waved his right hand, and blood spurted out from the agent's neck, and he fell to the ground with a "boom". As soon as Yuesong walked in, he saw another agent sitting on the stool, Yuesong's right hand

With a flick, a cold light passed by, and the dagger whirred a few times in the air. With a "plop" sound, it pierced into the chest of the agent. The agent had not yet taken out the gun with one hand, and was covering it with the other hand.

After a while, a line of blood flowed from the chest and the corner of the mouth, and the little Japanese agent also fell to the ground, dead.

When Lei Hang and Tu Baozi saw this, they immediately dragged the dead Japanese corpse on the ground and followed the captain into the house. As soon as they entered the house, Lei Hang took out Thompson and closed the door.

Mishima heard the noise below and asked Shinichi Kowloon: "What's going on down there that's so noisy?"

Kowloon Shinichi looked down with a telescope and saw that no one was there, so he shook his head at Mishima.

Mishima shook his head at another agent sitting aside. The agent took out his gun and got out.

Yuesong and Tubaozi were walking up when they heard the sound of "dong dong dong dong" footsteps on the wooden stairs. Yuesong raised his pistol, and Tubaozi hid under the stairs. As soon as the agent came down to the stairs, he

The strong local leopard immediately hugged the agent's neck from behind, and when he squeezed it hard, a "click" sound was heard. The Japanese agent turned off the engine without even humming. He was not even as good as a pig. The pig was slaughtered.

Still moaning and groaning.

Tu Baozi gently placed the dead agent on the ground, took out his pistol, and followed Yuesong up quietly.

Mishima waited for a while, but didn't hear anything, and didn't see any of his subordinates coming back to report. He also took out a **** and glanced at Jiulong Shinichi. Kowloon Shinichi took out a ****, holding a **** in one hand and a **** in the other.

Holding the binoculars, he continued to stare at Biaozi and the others as they drank tea and ate melon seeds.

Mishima took the gun, opened the small door of the turret, stretched out his head, but felt that his head was pressed by something hard.

"Don't move." Yuesong whispered.

"Put down the gun." Tubaozi also whispered.

Just as Mishima was hesitating, the native leopard dragged Mishima out of the small door and kicked the gun off Mishima's hand. Yuesong stepped into the small door with a "boom" sound.

, Yuesong looked up and saw that a Japanese agent shot at him. Unfortunately, the Japanese agent might have been too nervous, and the bullet hit the door frame. Yuesong reacted really quickly. He stepped up and shot the enemy with a flying kick.

The Japs kicked the gun away, and then hit the Japs in the stomach with his elbow. The Japs let out an "ouch", and before he could even bend down, Yuesong hit the Japs on the head with one shot.

As soon as the blood spattered, the devil collapsed to the ground.

Yuesong woke up and picked up the gun on the ground. Fortunately, this kid had installed a gun, otherwise, the gunfire might have ruined everything. Yuesong walked out of the turret,

Seeing that Tubaozi was still controlling Mishima, he put his hand on his neck and gestured towards Tubaozi. Tubao understood, took out his dagger, grabbed Mishima's hair with one hand, and strangled Mishima's neck with the dagger.

, Mishima’s blood spurted out, and a few cherry blossoms were left on the wall.

Yuesong said: "You keep it at the door."


After Yuesong finished speaking, he entered the turret, took off the sniper rifle he was carrying, adjusted the sniper scope, and aimed at the teahouse, waiting for that bitch Wang Daya to show up.

Ten minutes passed, and several plainclothes traitors walked into the Huichun Teahouse. As soon as the plainclothes entered the teahouse, they carefully looked at the people in the teahouse. One plainclothes man saw Biaozi and Fei Teng sitting in the corner, and stared at them with wide eyes.

"Boss, you're thirsty. Here's a bowl of tea. Here's a bowl of tea." Biaozi said with a smile on his face.

The plain-clothes man ignored Biaozi, divided himself into several tables with several other plain-clothes men, and sat down.

After a while, Wang Daya and Feiying, surrounded by a group of plainclothes, appeared on the street in front of Minghe and the others. Minghe was sitting in the corner of the western restaurant, saw Wang Daya through the glass, and couldn't help but touch it.

There is a Browning machine gun hidden under the table. I really want to shoot that piece of shit into a sieve with a bunch of bullets.

Yuesong also saw Wang Daya, but the distance was a bit far away and he was not sure. Yuesong just stared at Wang Daya through the sniper scope, watching him walk toward this side step by step.

With still three hundred meters to go, Feiteng saw a group of traitors approaching, but couldn't see clearly which one was Wang Daya, so he said to Biaozi: "Boss, the guests are almost here."

Biaozi was startled and wanted to stretch his head out to take a look, but stopped again, picked up the tea cup, took a sip and said, "Wait a minute, come and eat melon seeds."

This chapter has been completed!
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