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Twenty-one, the devil is finally here

Luo Yuesong and Hu Biao, who were ordered to fight, led the special forces and rushed to the ambush site Baizhang Cliff. According to the pre-made combat plan, Luo Yuesong led four groups to ambush in the grass on the south slope of Baizhang Cliff, and Hu Biao led two groups to ambush in the grass.

On the top of the northern cliff of Baizhang Cliff.

Yuesong arranged the second group in the grass under a big tree on the middle of the south slope, and equipped the second group with a Czech light machine gun. Niu Peilin, the leader of the sixth group, led the sixth group to ambush in a large camp on the east side of the south slope.

In the grass behind the stone, Ouyang Qiuyue, the leader of the fourth group, led four groups to ambush in the bushes on the west side of the south slope. Luo Yuesong himself led a group to ambush under three tallow trees on the top of the slope in front of the south slope.

Hu Biao arranged for the leader of the third group, sharpshooter Murong He, to lead three groups to ambush in the grass behind some big rocks on the top of Baizhang Cliff. Hu Biao himself led the fifth group to ambush under two camphor trees thirty meters away from the top of the cliff.

And arranged bombardier Du Tiedan by his side.

Winter in the Central Plains is not as cold as the Great Northern Wilderness, but the temperature is close to zero. In addition, there is no warm sunshine on this day. The cold sky is gray and there is no trace of warmth. The stiff northwest wind blows the dead branches, and sometimes there is

The dead leaves that have not yet fallen are falling, and the dry wormwood is swaying thinly and desolately in the cold wind.

However, the special operations team members who have undergone special training are lying motionless in the grass, under the big trees and beside the cold rocks, letting the cold wind blow on their faces and letting the coldness penetrate their bones. The Baizhang Cliff is only a few hundred meters long.

Although more than 30 members of the special operations team were lurking on both sides of the cliff and valley, it was so quiet that only the sound of the wind could be heard. No matter whether looking from a distance or up close, there was no trace of anyone, let alone the black muzzle of the gun.

of aggressiveness.

At about 10:30 in the morning, Luo Yuesong and Hu Biao had led the team to ambush at Baizhang Cliff for nearly two hours, but they never saw the Japanese transport convoy coming. Ouyang Qiuyue, the somewhat anxious team leader of the fourth group, quietly approached Yuesong and said,

Asked: "Captain, it's already this time, why hasn't the Japanese convoy arrived yet?"

Yuesong was holding a sniper rifle, lying down behind a Chinese tallow tree, chewing a big straw straw in his mouth slowly, looking nonchalant.

Seeing that the captain remained silent, Ouyang Qiuyue moved to the captain's side and asked in a low voice: "Captain, you are so patient. If the Japanese convoy didn't come, wouldn't we have been freezing for a long time in vain?"

Yuesong patted Ouyang Qiuyue's shoulder, then touched Ouyang Qiuyue's back with his palm, and said: "My team leader Ouyang, a sniper, has to lie on the ground like a stone, waiting, patiently


"But..." Ouyang Qiuyue hasn't finished speaking yet.

"There are no buts, only waiting. What snipers are waiting for is that one shot. Sometimes, they may have to wait for several days for that one shot." Yuesong said.

"How many days? Oh my god, I won't wait for someone to die." Ouyang Qiuyue said.

"Is there a big rock where you are lying?" Yuesong asked Ouyang Qiuyue.

"Yes." Ouyang Qiuyue replied.

"Okay, then you go back and lie down now, and learn from that big rock." Yuesong said.

"Learn from Shitou? Captain, this..." Ouyang Qiuyue looked at Yuesong reluctantly.

"What? I just learned it from Shitou, and you don't want to?" Yuesong asked, staring into Ouyang Qiuyue's eyes.

"Okay then." Ouyang Qiuyue shook her head and quietly moved towards his sniper position.

Time was staggering in the stiff northwest wind. It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still no sign of the Japanese convoy.

Hu Biao kept raising his binoculars to see the path the Japanese convoy must pass. Although Hu Biao said nothing, his anxiety was written on his face. Sharpshooter Murong He placed his sniper rifle on the stone and sniped through

Jing observed the turning point of the highway in the distance, motionless and calm. Ouyang Qiuyue lay in the grass beside a big stone, looking at the big stone intently, carefully studying the calm indifference of the stone. Luo Yuesong was still chewing

Holding the big-tail straw, savoring the waiting sweetness. Niu Peilin took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Although he couldn't light it, he still smoked it with relish. Du Tiedan held a rag and repeated it again and again.

Wipe the grenade barrel again and again, from the trigger to the barrel body, from the barrel body to the mouth of the barrel, and from the barrel mouth to the handle.

There was not even a bird in the cold sky, not even an ant in the dry grass, and small stones were sleeping on the indifferent big rocks. They were not even covered with quilts, so they were not afraid of freezing.

When Murong He slowly pulled the bolt, Hu Biao slowly raised the telescope; when observer Lei Hang raised his right hand to the captain, Luo Yuesong calmly picked up the sniper rifle; when Du Tiedan loaded the grenade barrel

, Niu Peilin pressed his face against the butt of the sniper rifle.

A group of Japanese cavalry appeared at the turn of the road in the distance. It could be clearly seen from the sniper scope. There were about thirty people in the Japanese cavalry, and the captain of the cavalry was a lieutenant. The Japanese cavalry captain could be seen in the distance.

It is the famous Baizhang Cliff. I rode my horse up a high slope, raised my telescope, and carefully observed the top of the cliff and the south slope.

When Murong He saw the Japanese cavalry captain raising his binoculars, he quickly put away his sniper rifle, bent down and hid behind a big rock. Hu Biao also put away his binoculars and ducked behind a big tree.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry looked over and over again with binoculars at the top and south slope of Baizhang Cliff. If nothing unusual was found, he rode down the high slope and led the cavalry to gallop towards Baizhang Cliff Valley.

Niu Peilin held a sniper rifle and aimed at the Japanese cavalry captain, muttering in a low voice: "Get closer, get closer."

Luo Yuesong took the telescope from Lei Hang and saw the first truck of the Japanese convoy appearing at the turn of the road in the distance. There was a crooked machine gun on the roof of the car. A Japanese man was lying behind the machine gun, holding the gun tightly.

Tuo, constantly aiming at the distance. Standing in the truck compartment were more than twenty Japanese soldiers holding 38 large caps.

Through the sniper scope, Murong He saw a Japanese major sitting in the cab of the first truck. The Japanese major was holding a sword in both hands and looking into the distance with a serious face. Murong He aimed his sniper rifle at the Japanese major, calmly and calmly.

Say nothing.

Hu Biao looked excited, holding up a telescope to observe, and said to Du Tiedan, a team member beside him: "Coming, coming, there are ten trucks, haha, we are here." Du Tiedan did not say a word.

He didn't smile or look, he just lowered his head and played with his grenade.

After a while, the Japanese cavalry captain led the cavalry team to Yagu. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of Yagu, the Japanese cavalry captain suddenly reined in the horse and waved forward. Five Japanese cavalry rushed into Yagu, raised their rifles and pointed towards the cliff.

Ding and Nanpo fired their rifles indiscriminately. The rifle bullets hit the rocks on the top of the cliff and caused sparks, breaking several thin branches on the south slope. Seeing no reaction, the five Japanese cavalrymen rode towards the depths of the cliff valley again.

Go, and after running for a while, he started firing guns and kept testing.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry immediately stood at the entrance of the cliff valley. He raised his binoculars to see from the top of the cliff to the bottom of the cliff, and from the big trees on the south slope to the grass. After reconnaissance in the valley, the five Japanese cavalrymen turned their horses and returned to the entrance of the valley.

, a Japanese cavalryman reported to the captain: "Report to the captain, no abnormality was found."

"Well, continue the reconnaissance." The captain of the Japanese cavalry ordered.

"Hey!" The Japanese cavalryman took the order and rushed into the valley with four other Japanese cavalrymen.

After wandering around the cliff valley for a while, the five Japanese cavalrymen rushed forward on horseback and disappeared from Luo Yuesong's sight in the blink of an eye.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry waved and led the team on horseback into the valley.

This chapter has been completed!
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