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1. Jagged Crusade

In the early spring of 1942, at the invitation of General Du Yuming, deputy commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, the Fifth Theater Commander Li Zongren personally ordered Major Lengren of the special force directly under the commander to lead his troops to support the expeditionary force in jungle operations. At the same time, he dispatched Luo Yuesong, the special force directly under the fifth division of the New Fourth Army, to lead his troops.

Major Qingren cooperated in the battle.

Sitting on the plane flying to the Expeditionary Force Headquarters, Luo Yuesong still couldn't figure it out. When the Expeditionary Force's 100,000-strong army went abroad to fight, it was missing more than 30 people from our New Fourth Army Special Forces Team. Even if Leng Ren was transferred, we still had to be transferred.

, I don’t understand.

On the military transport plane, Leng Ren's troops and Luo Yuesong's troops sat face to face, and everyone was silent.

Lei Hang, who was flying for the first time, felt strange. He looked here and there and asked Yuesong: "Captain, Major Leng's people are all wearing American military uniforms and American equipment. Do we need to change ours too?"

"The equipment of the New Fourth Army has always been snatched by oneself. The little devils brought it to the door, so there is no need for the US military to send it to us." Luo Yuesong half-closed his eyes and said nonchalantly.

Yang Ying, who was sitting opposite, couldn't stand listening anymore and said to Luo Yuesong: "Major Luo, don't forget, you are a major of the national army and a member of the Kuomintang. The United States and Britain are allies in the war of resistance, and mutual support is the overall situation..."

"Oh, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, it's not like you don't know who the mule is. With his mouth, how can you expect him to spit out ivory? Just rest up. After getting off the plane and entering the jungle, everyone will be exhausted." Major Leng said.

Completely close your eyes and continue to seize the rare opportunity to rest.

"Tch, how do you talk?" Lei Hang was a little unconvinced.

"Sleep." Luo Yuesong ordered.

Before leaving the New Fourth Army, Commander Li personally presided over Luo Yuesong's party joining ceremony. Since Luo Yuesong was still a member of the Kuomintang, Luo Yuesong's contribution to the New Fourth Army's anti-war war behind enemy lines was indelible, and his own political qualities were constantly improving. This time, the Chief of Staff of the Fifth War Zone of the National Army recruited Luo Yuesong.

After returning to the National Army series and participating in the expeditionary force, Luo Yuesong was not as angry as the last time, which is proof. In order to firmly capture this combat wizard, the Party Committee of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army studied and decided to secretly hold a party joining ceremony for Luo Yuesong before leaving.

Not only that, the division commander personally ordered Luo Yuesong to lead the entire special forces team directly under the Fifth Division to go abroad to fight, and also sent his precious niece Lan Danfeng to the special forces team to participate in jungle operations as a special team medic.

Luo Yuesong glanced sideways at Hu Biao, who remained calm. It seemed that the old party members were satisfied with the performance of Luo Yuesong, the new party member.

Dan Feng sat next to Luo Yuesong. She was meek and felt happy when she saw Yuesong become much calmer.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang looked at these two people making love to each other and felt uncomfortable. He turned his head and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

At noon, the plane landed, and two American jeeps and two military trucks were already waiting at the airport.

Half an hour later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Major Leng and Luo Yuesong appeared at General Du Yuming's headquarters.

The three of them stood side by side and saluted General Du in unison.

Yang Ying reported loudly: "Lieutenant Colonel Yang Ying, Major Lengren, and Major Luo Yuesong of the Fifth War Zone have been ordered to report to the expeditionary force."

General Du returned the military salute and said: "Welcome, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, why is Major Luo still wearing the uniform of the New Fourth Army?"

"Reporting to the commander, Major Luo has been participating in operations behind enemy lines in the New Fourth Army for a long time. This is an oversight on my part. Please forgive me, general," Yang Ying replied.

"Okay, let me introduce to you, this is the Chief of Staff of the Expeditionary Force, Major General Stilwell of the US Army."

"Hello, General!" The three of them saluted together.

"Hello." Stilwell looked at several energetic young Chinese officers and was very happy.

"The mission of the expeditionary force is to protect the Burma Highway and ensure the continuous transfusion of strategic materials for China's war of resistance. You don't know that some time ago, during the Battle of Changsha, General Xue Yue successfully deceived a Japanese regiment into Changsha. Dozens of people on Yuelu Mountain

When a cannon fired fiercely at the Japanese army, at the critical moment when a Japanese regiment was about to be annihilated, the cannon misfired. Do you know why?" General Du said very seriously.

The three of them shook their heads together.

"Because there are no artillery shells!" General Du said sadly, "A large number of strategic supplies are blocked on the Burma Highway and cannot be transported. Now the Japanese 55th Division, 18th Division, and 33rd Division, with tens of thousands of troops,

They have logged in and are attacking northern Burma and British Indochina. They are so vicious. They want to cut off the Burma Road and China's only strategic artery. Can we agree?"

"No!" the three of them replied in unison.

"Western Yunnan and northern Burma are both dense jungles. I am going on an expedition with 100,000 troops to fight abroad. Whether the enemy's situation is clear or not is a matter of life and death for the 100,000 troops. I ask Commander Li Zongren to send you here to take advantage of your combat advantages behind enemy lines and sneak into the jungle.

Conduct forward reconnaissance and report the Japanese troop movements to the expeditionary force headquarters via radio in a timely manner," General Du said.

"Make sure to complete the mission!" The three of them were excited. Luo Yuesong also understood General Du's good intentions. Yes, the New Fourth Army's operations behind enemy lines can only partially contain the Japanese army. The entire Chinese battlefield to contain large numbers of Japanese armies is the national plan. The War of Resistance

Big plan.

"Now I order." General Du walked to the map, pointed at it and said, "Major Leng's special operations team, as a special operations group directly under the expeditionary force headquarters, will go to the Myitkyina frontier today to reconnoiter the enemy's situation and report back in time."

"Yes!" Qingrenren answered loudly.

"Major Leng led the special forces team to Lashio and reported to the 200th Division of the expeditionary force's main division, Dai Anlan. The 200th Division was a meritorious force during the Anti-Japanese War. It made great achievements in the Battle of Taierzhuang and killed a Japanese major general. However, the 200th Division was

The national army is a rare American-style mechanized force with insufficient experience in jungle warfare, especially special operations forces for reconnaissance behind enemy lines. Major Leng, your trip is of great significance. I hope you will make full use of your talents and be loyal to the party and the country." General Du said these last words.

Luo Yuesong understood the meaning of the advice.

"I will obey the teachings in my humble position, and I will do my best to be loyal to the party and the country." Luo Yuesong's answer was unambiguous.

"Very good." General Du was very satisfied with Yuesong's answer, and ordered Yang Ying, "Lieutenant Colonel Yang, as a weapons expert and telecommunications expert, you will act with Major Luo's special forces team to provide them with technical support and ensure timely intelligence.

Send it back to the headquarters."

"Yes!" Yang Ying replied happily. She originally thought she would fight with Leng Renren, but she didn't expect General Du to order her to fight with Luo Yuesong. This unexpected surprise surprised her.

"I wish you success!" Stilwell came over and shook hands with the three of them one by one, and also hugged Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

After bidding farewell to Leng Renren, Luo Yuesong led his troops in a military vehicle and arrived at the temporary division headquarters of the 200th Division at dusk.

"Major Luo, anti-Japanese sniper, I have heard the name for a long time, and it is like thunder in my ears. Welcome, welcome!" Commander Dai, with the rank of major general, is a meritorious young general of the national army on the front battlefield. He did not expect to be so humble and respect talents so much.

Luo Yuesong quickly saluted: "Report to Master Dai, Luo Yuesong has been ordered to report for duty."

"Okay, okay, our 200 Division is well disciplined and brave in combat, but we are used to frontal combat and reconnaissance and harassment behind enemy lines. You are a top expert in the New Fourth Army, and you are a rare genius here. It would be great if you came here.

, there is a large dense jungle ahead, and my troops are taking risks every step forward. It would be great if you came." Commander Dai was very excited.

"Teacher, thank you very much. Compared with the teacher, I am just making a small fuss. Lu Ban is making a big show of his sword in front of the door, which makes you laugh."

"Hey, how can you say that? Although you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife, a bull's knife can also kill a chicken. Come and see what I have prepared for the team."

Luo Yuesong followed the division commander to a temporary tent set up behind the headquarters.

"Wow, all-American equipment, world-class weapons and equipment today." Luo Yuesong looked at it, his eyes shining brightly.

"Call your brothers over here, you can take your pick."

Luo Yuesong immediately called all the brothers over. The brothers stood in two neat rows, waiting for Master Dai's instructions.

"Well, very good, everyone is in good spirits, everyone is a hero, this is a uniformly strict and tenacious army. I won't mention many more. You can choose any of these American equipment. It's done. Captain Luo is here.

The division headquarters has received orders. Lieutenant Colonel Yang is coming with me now." After finishing speaking, Commander Dai took Yang Ying away.

Lan Danfeng was the first to run up and picked up a backpack. He was so happy that he said: "Oh, it's a special backpack for field rescue. This is much more convenient than my medical kit. It has morphine and penicillin.

Good medicine, now you don’t have to worry about not having emergency medicine."

Yuesong said with a smile: "Look, you have fun. Take it easy, don't be like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden and losing my people."

"Hahaha." The brothers all laughed and began to choose the guy they were good at.

"Biaozi, this Thompson has a fast shooting speed. It is commonly known as a typewriter. It scans a piece of paper with a click. Here it is for you." Yuesong said.

"No need, for a shooter like me, the Garand is good for me. One bullet can kill an enemy without wasting it. What we guys care about is accuracy." Biaozi picked up a Garand and played with it.

"Don't give it to me." Lei Hang took Thompson and couldn't put it down.

"Hey, this is good. It's bigger than my grenade launcher, so it must be more powerful." Tiedan picked up a rocket launcher.

"This is called Bazooka. It can fight the enemy's armored vehicles and blow up bunkers. Feiteng Leap. From now on, you two will follow Tiedan and be responsible for getting him hit by shells. Feiteng will take this Thompson, which has strong firepower and is invincible at close range; Leap Leap.

Use this Garand to provide accurate mid- and long-range coverage." Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Feiteng Feiyue took the gun and fiddled with it with a "click" sound.

"Huineng, come here." Yuesong picked up a machine gun and said, "This is a Thompson portable machine gun, suitable for you. Shihong, come here, you are responsible for providing ammunition for Huineng."

"Whooping Crane, you can come too."

"No need, my Czech machine gun is very handy."

"Okay, brothers, take it all. Each person is equipped with a Colt pistol and four m2 fragmentation grenades. Then everyone puts on American military uniforms, military boots and helmets. Also, compressed biscuits and chocolates are all life-saving things.

Not everyone in the 200th Division has the good stuff. Mr. Dai has given us all the good stuff at the bottom of the box. Brothers, feel free to take it. You're welcome."

"Yes!" Everyone rushed forward, picking up their favorite equipment and arming themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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