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3. Insect carving skills

When cleaning the battlefield, Hu Biao came over with Yang Ying and others. Brother Chao was holding a sniper rifle and sitting aside to rest. This was not the first time he had experienced this scene of annihilating a Japanese squad in one fell swoop. Yuesong sat on a tree

Smoking leisurely.

"Mule, that's good. We won the first battle. We fought against the Japanese 18th Division. They were elite." Biaozi said excitedly.

"What I'm fighting for is the elite. Otherwise, I'd be transported all the way here by plane without wasting aviation fuel. It's so expensive." Yuesong pretended to get the chance.

"Haha, just pretend, you won the battle anyway, pretend, ah, pretend whatever you want." The two of them were fighting each other as hard as ever.

"Yeah!" Yang Ying screamed.

Yuesong stood up and ran over, and Biaozi followed suit.

"What happened? Were you bitten by a snake?" Yuesong asked.

"No, yes, no..." Yang Ying was so excited that she was speechless.

"I said Lieutenant Colonel Yang, you are the biggest official here. Why is this a 'no' and a 'yes' again? Is it a 'yes' or a 'no'? Could it be that you were bitten by a little devil who is not dead?"

?" The third brother's words didn't make sense. In the third brother's eyes, the lieutenant colonel of the national army just narrowed his eyes and was nothing.

"Radio station!" Yang Ying said, holding the radio station in her hand.

"Japanese military radio station?" Yuesong became serious, "Look for the code book quickly."

Biaozi asked: "Which devil did you get the radio station from?"

"That's it." Yang Ying pointed at the Japs lying on the ground in front of her and said.

Without saying a word, Biaozi searched the Japanese guy all over. He became anxious and said, "No, I've searched him up and down."

"No, third brother, go search for the Japanese officer whose neck I cut." Yuesong said.

"Okay." The third brother responded, went over to search it, and ran back and said, "Captain, it's not there. Look at this, I found that the blood of the Japanese is everywhere on my hands. It stinks to death."

Yuesong lit a cigarette and leaned against the tree trunk, thinking: The Japs carrying the radio did not have a code book on them, and the Japs leader did not have a code book on him either. The attack was launched so suddenly, the battle was resolved instantly, and there was no time to destroy the codes.


"Yue Song, could it be that he was burned by the Japanese?" Yang Ying was the most anxious. She knew best what it meant when she got the code book.

"No, I don't even smell anything burning, how could it possibly be burning?" The third brother was full of confidence.

"Third brother, let the brothers search near the Japanese captain and the telegraph operator. Don't miss any nook and cranny. We won't leave until we find them tonight." Yuesong simply sat down on the ground and waited.

"Yes!" The third brother and his brothers began to search around, while Brother Chao and his two brothers were on guard.

Hard work paid off, and when the sky was slightly bright, a dark green codebook was found. Although it was all in Japanese, Yuesong and Yang Ying both attended the Imperial Army School, so it was not difficult for them.

"Yingzi, what should I do now?" Yuesong handed the code book to Yang Ying.

Yang Ying looked through the code book excitedly and said, "Wait."

"Wait? Why don't you take the initiative to generate electricity for the Japanese headquarters?" Yuesong asked.

"Do you know the frequency of the Japanese headquarters?" Yang Ying sat on the ground, adjusting the Japanese radio station.

"Lei Hang, order the brothers to set off in ten minutes, divide into three teams according to the established route, and continue moving forward." Yuesong ordered.

"Yes." Lei Hang conveyed the order.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yang Ying followed the instructions of Commander Dai, turned on the radio, and sent electricity to the division headquarters, "annihilated the Japanese reconnaissance team, arrived at the outskirts of Mandalay, captured a Japanese radio station, and obtained the code book."

The division headquarters called back, "The Japanese military radio station was turned off intermittently, and our military radio station was turned on at the right time."

Yang Ying sent the reply call from the division headquarters to Yuesong. Yuesong said "yes" and continued to move forward with the team.

At noon, Yuesong led his troops to conduct reconnaissance outside Mandalay and found that the British troops stationed in Mandalay began to withdraw. A large number of infantrymen retreated in a panic to the northeast under the cover of tanks.

"The army of the Empire on which the sun never sets is not so good. The Japanese troops have not even arrived yet, so why have they all fled?" Biaozi squatted next to Yuesong and muttered while watching the British army retreat.

Yuesong had a serious look on his face, he was too busy thinking about something and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Hey, mule, why don't you say anything?" Biaozi bumped Yuesong with his elbow.

"Yue Song, I received a telegram from the Japanese army." Yang Ying ran over with the telegram in her hand.

Yuesong glanced at it and saw that it was still a telegraph code, and said, "How can you serve the superior?"

"I am a lieutenant colonel, what kind of authority do you, a major, have in front of me?"

"What's wrong with the lieutenant colonel? I'm the captain of the special operations team. You're a bad lieutenant colonel and you're just a translator. Hurry up and get back to me. I'll give you a divorce letter from Fox."


"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel, hurry up and decode the code. I'm in a hurry." Biaozi lost his temper.

"Humph!" Yang Ying sat on the ground, holding the code book and slowly decoding the code.

A few minutes later, Yang Ying said: "Ah, the Japanese army has surrounded Yangon and is preparing to attack."

"Is it the 18th Division?" Yuesong asked.

"No, it's the 55th Division." Yang Ying replied.

"How can you see it?" Biaozi asked.

"The division commander of the 18th Division is Yamashita Fengfumi, and the general is Tada Shun, and he is from the 55th Division." Yang Ying was quite familiar with the top brass of the Japanese.

"As expected of a military commander," Yuesong took out the picture given to him by Commander Dai from his pocket, "Bah, let you two dance around for a few more days, I will kill Tada Shun first."

"Don't look down on our military commanders, we are the elite of the party-state intelligence community."

"Okay, Elite, Elite Lieutenant Colonel, call back to the Japanese Lieutenant General. The Chinese army is still gathering in Songshan, Yunnan, and the British army is retreating from Mandalay." Yuesong said to Yang Ying.

"The location of the Chinese army is a lie to the Japanese, but the location of the British army is telling the truth. Can it be given to Shun Tada like this?" Yang Ying was a little confused.

"What's true and what's false, what's true is also false when it's false. How about I go and train an instructor for your China-U.S. Cooperation Institute?" Yuesong was teasing the military commander again.

"Go, go, go, how do you call the division headquarters back?" Yang Ying asked.

"Tell the division headquarters that the British troops are retreating. I don't think the British troops in Yangon can hold out for three days. Our reconnaissance team went straight south to reconnoiter the intelligence of Yangon." Yuesong said, looking at the retreating British troops in the distance.

, "A bunch of cowards, they blinded so many aircraft, artillery and tanks in vain. I, the New Fourth Army, could have taken back Wuhan long ago."

"That's right, you're a coward." The third brother also scolded the British army.

Commander Dai received the telegram from the front, stood in front of the map, pointed at Yangon and said to Chief of Staff Lu: "General Alexander, he is in a high position. I am very worried about this general."

"Yes, it can only take three days at most. Fortunately it is not the Japanese 18th Division. Otherwise, I estimate that Yangon can be captured in one day and one night." Chief of Staff Lu said.

"It's hundreds of miles away. Our 200 Division can't even fly there. What kind of roads are these in Myanmar? They're even less reliable than the Yunnan-Burma Highway that the government repaired in nine months. General Long Yun is the last strategic artery of the party and state.

Having made a contribution, the Chairman sent our 100,000 expeditionary troops to fight abroad. I think it is difficult to achieve the strategic intention of preventing the Japanese army from moving north through these three-pronged attacks. The British army is too unreliable. They started to attack before they could take over the defense.

How can we fight this battle if we retreat on a large scale?" Commander Dai was very angry.

"Didi-di-di" the phone rang, and a staff officer came over to report.

"Division Commander, Corps Commander's phone number."

"Yes." Commander Dai walked to the phone and picked up the receiver, "Commander, this is Dai Anlan."

The commander's order came over the phone: "Alexander is unreliable. The speed of the expeditionary forces on the east and west routes is also worrying. I only have your trump card. I order you to lead your troops to Tonggu as soon as possible.

You must hold on to Tonggu for at least 10 days, otherwise our middle road will be penetrated by the Japanese army and the entire front will collapse."

"Yes, Commander, I will lead my troops to Tonggu immediately."

"Division commander, let Captain Luo conduct reconnaissance along the road. We are a mechanized division. Without roads, our mobility will be greatly reduced." Chief of Staff Lu put forward his own suggestion.

"Order the cavalry regiment to rush to Tonggu along the highway. After arriving, they will hold fast to Tonggu and wait for the arrival of the large forces. The engineering battalion will follow closely. After arriving, they will immediately build fortifications and be prepared to guard Tonggu for a long time." Dai

The division commander gave the order and all officers in the division stood up.

"Yes!" As expected of the Chairman's direct troops, their momentum has not diminished since the bloody battle with the Itagaki Division in the Kunlun Mountains.

After Commander Dai finished his order, everyone went about their business.

Commander Dai sat at the table, quickly drafted a telegram, handed it to Adjutant Zhang, and said, "Send it to Captain Luo as soon as possible."


"Chief of Staff Lu, pack up the division and set off immediately." Commander Dai was really resolute.

"Yes!" Chief of Staff Lu agreed and said to the soldiers at the division headquarters, "Quick, quick, hurry up and pack up. The division headquarters will set off in an hour."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed loudly, and then there were various busy figures in the division headquarters.

Lieutenant General Tada Shun of the Japanese 55th Division stood on a hilltop, looking at the Yangon City in the distance with a telescope. On the city wall, British soldiers were shuttled back and forth.

"Have the British commanders also learned "Sun Tzu's Art of War"?" Shun Tada said to the senior staff around him.

"Perhaps, after watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I am learning Zhuge Liang's empty city strategy." the staff member replied in a flattering manner.

"Hahahaha." Tada Shun laughed loudly, and the Imperial Army officers around him also laughed.

"Report, received telegram from Sakuragi team."

Jun Tada took the telegram, glanced at it, and said: "The British army is retreating. This is not much intelligence."


"How is it possible that the Chinese army is still in Songshan? Imperial planes have detected that their large forces have entered Myanmar. This Sakuragi..."

"Report, there seems to be something wrong with the telegram," said the telegraph soldier who sent the telegram.

"What's the problem?"

"Takamasa Takao, the telegraph soldier who followed Second Lieutenant Sakuragi's reconnaissance team, is my compatriot in Osaka. I am very familiar with his reporting techniques. Today I feel different from the past."

"Hmm? Is Sakuragi's team completely destroyed? How could the radio station and code book fall into the hands of the enemy?" Shun Tada asked angrily.

"Reporting to the division leader, I'm just guessing."

"Division commander, just in case, change the password immediately." A senior staff officer suggested.

"Well, no, no, Harada-kun, you continue to contact Sakuragi's radio station and use this password, understand?" Tada Shun smiled strangely.


"Go ahead."

"Here comes someone, go urge Mr. Inoue and ask when his heavy artillery can fire on Yangon City."


At this time, General Alexander in Yangon City was leading a group of British soldiers, busy collecting gold and silver, preparing to escape.

Luo Yuesong received a telegram from Commander Dai, "Reconnaissance along the highway to ensure that the 200 Division's movement towards Tonggu is not threatened by Taijun."

"What did Mr. Dai say in his telegram?" Biaozi was very interested.

"Take it." Yuesong was bored. What kind of reconnaissance was this? It was just a road protection team of the 200 Division Army. It was boring.

This chapter has been completed!
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