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9. Twelve days of bloody battle

The troops of a battalion commanded by Battalion Commander Chang who arrived at the Pew River early in the evening defeated one-third of Lieutenant Colonel Seto's squadron and achieved the first combat victory of the Chinese Expeditionary Force abroad. Of course, Luo Yuesong

The Japanese we fought were not frontal battles, so they could not be counted in the first battle.

After the arrogant and arrogant Seto was hit hard by this head-on attack, he withdrew from the bridge in despair and stationed himself on the south bank of the bridge, waiting for the arrival of the division commander's large force.

However, Colonel Fukuyama received good news. The signal trooper rode a tall horse to report. Four kilometers upstream along the river bank, he found a water area where the cavalry brigade could cross the river on horseback. According to the reconnaissance of the leading team, the enemy on the other side had not yet set up defenses.

When Fukuyama heard this, he immediately got excited and went over with his cavalry brigade.

At this time, the reconnaissance team led by Biaozi had already entered the city. And Commander Dai had already rushed to a place thirty miles outside Tonggu City. He would soon be able to set up the division headquarters in Tonggu City and take command personally.


The cruel second reconnaissance team was sent by the commander of the Sixth Army to conduct reconnaissance on the thin line. At this time, it had arrived near Pyai. Under the coordinated command of the Allied Forces Command, a British armored brigade was defending the city of Pyay.

Luo Yuesong discovered that after attacking the Japanese mule and horse transport team, there was no Japanese small team pursuing the reconnaissance team, so he turned around and followed Takeuchi Hiroshi's large force to conduct reconnaissance and reported the movements of the Japanese large force to the division headquarters.

When Fukuyama led the cavalry brigade to a water area suitable for cavalry to cross the river, he raised his binoculars and carefully observed the other side. He found that the enemy had not built any fortifications, so he ordered the first group of cavalry to cross the river.

Battalion Commander Tong and his motorized infantry battalion had already set up an ambush in the jungle on the other side of the river. In order to prevent the Japanese cavalry brigade from discovering them, no simple fortifications were built.

At this time, an engineer company came over.

The left company commander of the engineering company reported to the child battalion commander.

Battalion Commander Tong raised his binoculars and looked at the Japanese cavalry brigade on the other side. He then handed the binoculars to Company Commander Zuo and said, "Commander Zuo, look, the Japanese cavalry brigade is already on the other side. Look at this situation. We will be there soon."

A squad of cavalry is about to be sent across the river."

The left company commander raised his telescope and looked at it again, and said: "What should we do? Building fortifications now will only expose the position of our army, and we may be bombarded by the Japanese army."

"Yes, your engineering company is ready to build fortifications, but for now, stand back and see how we fight the Japanese."

"Yes!" Captain Zuo led the brothers of the engineering company and retreated dozens of meters, getting ready to build fortifications.

Battalion Commander Tong said to the signal corpsman: "Give me my order. The first company will fight accurately, and the other companies will hide on the spot. Without my order, they are not allowed to fire."


At this time, Fukuyama ordered a small team to start crossing the river.

Battalion Commander Tong was hiding in the jungle, looking into the river with his binoculars, and whispered: "Steady, steady, wait for my order. Horses cannot run fast in water, so there is no need to rush to fire."

All the brothers in the company were hiding in the jungle, holding guns in their hands, and they were sweating.

Colonel Fukuyama held up his binoculars and looked at the cavalry team in the river, and then at the jungle on the other side.

The cavalry squad had already reached the middle of the river. The horses were wading in the river with splashes. The leading cavalry squad leader held a Japanese sword in his hand and stared at the opposite river bank.

Battalion Commander Tong continued to observe and kept saying: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, don't be anxious."

Seeing that all the cavalry squadrons had crossed the middle of the river and quickly approached the river bank, they were still not attacked. Colonel Fukuyama waved his right hand forward, and a cavalry squadron began to descend into the river.

The first company commander watched the cavalry squadron go into the river, and whispered: "Batalion Commander, do you want to fight? If you don't fight, they will rush over in a while. What should I do if I can't withstand it?"

"Hold on, don't worry, prepare the machine gun." Battalion Commander Tong held up his binoculars and looked at the Japanese cavalry in the river. His palms were full of sweat.

At this time, Colonel Fukuyama saw a reflection in the jungle. He quickly held up his telescope and stared at the reflection, and said: "No, there is an ambush. Order the cavalry squadron to retreat quickly."

Battalion Commander Tong saw the Japanese cavalry squadron turning around and immediately ordered: "Machine gun, bring it up and shoot!"

Several machine guns fired at the same time, and the cavalry team that was about to go ashore was instantly felled into the river with both men and horses. The river water was dyed red with the blood of the Japs' men and horses.

"The whole company, shoot at the Japanese cavalry squadron, hit!"

Battalion Commander Tong shouted, and the brothers of the first company stood up together. More than a hundred guns were aimed at the enemy's cavalry squadron. The machine guns fired wildly with "ta da da" and the rifles fired with "pop, bang, bang". In the blink of an eye, several

Ten Japanese cavalrymen were beaten to death in the river.

Unfortunately, old Japanese soldier Fukuyama discovered the reflection of the battalion commander's telescope. If the cavalry squadron had walked further into the river, it would most likely have wiped out a squadron of Japanese soldiers.

After the cavalry squadron landed ashore, they quickly retreated and hid behind the embankment.

"Report battle damage." Fukuyama ordered.

"All the cavalry squadrons were in pieces. Thirty-three of the cavalry squadrons were in pieces. Fifteen were slightly injured and two were seriously injured." The Japanese were still very fast in doing things.

Seeing that the Japanese had been fooled and all of a sudden they retreated, Battalion Commander Tong shouted to Company Commander Zuo: "Captain Zuo, it's up to you, rush to build fortifications and keep a vigil while the others continue to lurk."

After hearing the battle damage, Fukuyama judged based on the opponent's firepower that the enemy force was a company, and felt that it was still possible to fight, so he ordered: "Come here, go and bring over the artillery of the Seto Squadron."

"Hi." The signal soldier received the order and quickly ran towards Seto's squadron on horseback.

Battalion Commander Tong saw the Japanese army sending communications troops heading towards the bridge. He thought to himself that they were sending artillery troops to attack us, so he quickly ordered: "Company Commander Zuo, you still have twenty minutes to repair the fortifications.

It is impossible to defend this place for a long time. Just use bulldozers to quickly roll out an infantry trench for me. Once the repairs are completed, you can quickly withdraw into the city."

"Yes!" Company Commander Zuo responded and immediately arranged for emergency repairs of simple fortifications.

"The messenger ordered the other companies to retreat three hundred meters and continue to lurk. After the first company waited for the emergency repairs of the fortifications to be completed, they immediately entered the fortifications and prepared to avoid the Japanese artillery fire."

"Yes!" The messenger trotted to deliver the order.

Twenty minutes later, the beaten Lieutenant Colonel Seto came over excitedly with four mountain cannons.

"Colonel Fukuyama, Seto has been ordered to arrive."

Colonel Fukuyama pointed to the jungle in the distance and said: "The enemy was hiding in the jungle to prevent the cavalry brigade from crossing the river. The horses lost their attacking speed in the river. Seto-kun quickly prepared for the bombardment. After two rounds of bombardment, the cavalry squadron began

Cross the river."

"Hi!" Seto excitedly led the artillery team to build an artillery position.

Battalion Commander Tong saw through the telescope that the Japanese army was building an artillery position, and immediately ordered: "The engineer company retreated immediately, and the company hid in the fortifications to prepare to avoid artillery fire."

After the child battalion commander finished speaking, he lay down on the edge of the infantry trench, still watching every move of the Japanese army with binoculars. The brothers held their guns and were in the infantry trench. The machine gunners also lifted the heavy machine gun down and hid it in the trench.

This chapter has been completed!
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