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12. Soldiers approaching the city

Listening to the intensive sound of gunfire from Tonggu, Lengrenren quickly conducted reconnaissance near Pyaimai. The Japanese 33rd Division had not yet arrived at Pyaimai, but it was certain that this division was the main force of the Japanese army attacking the Western Front.

Leng Renren wanted to lead the team to grasp the latest trends of this division.

When the main force of Takeuchi Hiroshi's division arrived at the south bank of the Pew River, it was completely dark. Lieutenant Colonel Seto of the vanguard force and Colonel Fukuyama of the cavalry brigade came to report the battle situation to Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi.

After listening to the report of the two men, Takeuchi Hiroshi did not get angry. The general's command post has been set up on the top of a hill on the south bank of the Pew River. The general's residence was built with a military tent, a few logs and some branches and leaves.

It became a pavilion. Under the pavilion, there was a simple table with a large military map placed on the table.

Takeuchi sat on a folding wooden chair and invited two powerful generals of the Imperial Army to drink tea and eat sushi.

The two fierce generals of the imperial army who had just suffered a tragic defeat sat politely on chairs, drinking tea and eating sushi fearfully.

"It is certain that those guarding Tonggu City are the Chinese Expeditionary Force. What you encounter are all their vanguards. Soon, we will know which Chinese army we are facing, Fukuyama-kun and Seto-kun.

, you are too impatient. The battlefield situation is ever-changing. Previously, the opponents we faced were the British and Burmese troops who fled upon hearing the news and had no will to fight. Now..." Takeuchi Hiroshi was analyzing the situation when he saw a soldier coming over and asked: "Say.

Well, what's the situation?"

"Reporting to the general, it has been confirmed that the 200th Division of General Dai Anlan is guarding Tonggu City. They are under the command of General Du Yuming, commander of the Fifth Army and deputy commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force. In addition, there is also Liao Shuxiang's new 22nd Division from the western front.

We are moving towards Tonggu, and there is Yu Shao's 96th Division to the east."

"I know, let's go."


Takeuchi Hiroshi continued his analysis of the two men and said: "The 200 Division defeated General Itagaki at Kunlun Pass. It is an admirable army. To conquer Tonggu City this time, we have to use our brains more and we must not expect to win easily.


"Hi." The two defeated Japanese generals felt very ashamed, got up angrily, and returned to their troops.

Hiroshi Takeuchi held up his telescope and carefully observed the Pew River, the bridge and the ancient city. The old Japanese was thinking about how to conquer the ancient city held by the 200th Division.

At this time, a senior staff officer reported to the general: "General, the troops sent to the upper and lower reaches of the Pew River came back and reported that 20 kilometers downstream, the river channel has become wider and the river is not deep. The troops can cross the river on foot, and heavy equipment can build pontoon bridges.

A pontoon bridge can be set up in one night, and a regiment of men and heavy equipment can be passed through in one morning."

"Yoshi, I just told you that there are always some sections of rivers with gentle flow in rivers without mountains nearby. With the troops of the three divisions, it is impossible to block all roads. Colonel Fukuyama just doesn't understand this.

The truth is, you always want to fight fiercely. The empire's military resources are limited, and the war will be long-term."

"Hey, what the general said is absolutely true."

"How is the preparation of the flying group?"

"According to the forecast, the weather will be very good tomorrow, and the bombing can start at nine o'clock in the morning."

"Then the bombardment will start at ten o'clock. After two rounds of bombardment, the first round of attack will begin. Then we will confirm with the two commanders whether we can reach the gate of Tonggu City at ten o'clock."


Almost at the same time, Commander Dai boarded a watchtower, holding a telescope, observing the mobilization of large Japanese troops on the south bank of the Piyou River, and thinking about how to defend against the massive Japanese attack.

Based on the intelligence from the reconnaissance force, Commander Dai knew that the 55th Division had already arrived at two infantry regiments, a cavalry regiment, and an artillery squadron, and two infantry regiments were coming from the west.

A few kilometers away, on a hilltop, there was a little bit of light. Commander Dai stretched out his hand and gestured like an artilleryman aiming at a target. He thought, based on this distance, it was probably the location of the Japanese military headquarters.

It seems that the Japanese commander is not only very shrewd, but also has a good grasp of our army's equipment. This time he went abroad to fight, the time was tight, the task was heavy, and a lot of heavy equipment was not brought over, and he only had three mountain cannons and a small amount of weapons.

Mortars, just these guys, couldn't reach the Japanese headquarters.

As soon as Commander Dai came down from the watchtower, a messenger came to report.

"Report, 20 miles west of the Piyou River Bridge, overseas Chinese reported that a large number of Japanese troops were crossing the river on foot. The Japanese troops also built a pontoon bridge on the river, probably for heavy equipment to cross the river."

"Twenty miles to the west, which of our troops is where?" Commander Dai turned around and asked Chief of Staff Lu.

"A company of the 1140th Regiment is not far from there."

"How far is not far?"

"About 10 miles."

"It's too late. The common people have discovered it, which means that the Japanese army has already crossed the river. One company can't fill the gap between others' teeth. Let them withdraw."


Commander Dai walked a few steps and then said: "Also, there is no need to hold on to the platoon left on the east side of the bridge. Let them roam outside the city. If they find Japanese troops, report them to the division headquarters immediately.

Fire at will."


Teacher Dai looked up at the sky. The stars were not that bright, but it was not completely dark either.

"We must hold on for two weeks to complete the layout of the entire strategic situation. This is to destroy all our 200 divisions."

Commander Dai's sigh was not without reason. He rushed to defend the main attack point of the Japanese army and collided head-on. Not only did the Japanese army have great momentum, but our army lacked heavy equipment, but the Japanese army had all the aircraft, artillery and tanks.

It’s just an ancient city, and it’s not really a natural hazard. The weather and the right place are really not on our side. Let’s talk about harmony, let alone harmony. This is exactly what Commander Dai is most worried about. Commander-in-Chief Luo is famous

Without power, General Stilwell can only command his two guard squads. General Du probably can only live on the 200 Division, and he obviously holds different strategic ideas from General Stilwell. As for the so-called Allied Forces of Britain and Burma

Army, the two divisions have quite a lot of troops, and they are not short of anything including aircraft, artillery and tanks. The British-Burmese army, from General Alexander to officers and soldiers at all levels, lacks the most courage and bloodiness of the Chinese people.

"Report." Yang Ying came over.


"Two Japanese regiments are stationed at the south end of the bridge outside the city. Because the bridge was blown up, there is no immediate attack."

"You don't need to tell me what you know. Tell me something I don't know."

"Twenty miles west of the bridge, the Japanese army is crossing the river, and 30 miles east of the bridge, the Japanese army is about to cross the river. Each is a regiment of troops."

"To the south, east, and west, there are Japanese troops. We must not lose Xiduanhe, otherwise, we may have no way out at all." Commander Dai said.

"All along the northern highway is still under the control of our army." Chief of Staff Lu reminded the division commander.

"Suppose, I'm talking about what if, the enemy's 33rd Division breaks through Pimai, and the entire west road is opened. Chief of Staff Lu, do you think the road can still be controlled by our army?" Commander Dai turned around and asked.

"Not that much."

"I think it's very serious." After Commander Dai finished speaking, he turned back to the division headquarters.

Luo Yuesong and the others had detected that the Japanese military headquarters had been established on the hilltop during the day, but they couldn't get past it at all. It was difficult to do anything about it.

At this time, under the cover of darkness, maybe we can make a difference.

This chapter has been completed!
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