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16. I'm Iron Egg 1

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Japanese forces in the west began to attack the West City after repeated bombings by planes and artillery.

After a series of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

"How many tanks?" the division commander asked.


"Prepare more cluster grenades and organize death squads. This city cannot be defended unless the tanks are blown up," the division commander ordered.


"Commander Dai, there is a soldier named Tiedan in my detachment who is very good at grenades. You even issued him a pair of bazookas a few days ago. Let's go." Biaozi on the side asked Dai.

Master, please fight.

"Captain Hu, your main tasks are reconnaissance and positional warfare, especially positional warfare where the enemy has heavy firepower and heavy casualties." Commander Dai said sincerely.

"It's okay, our New Fourth Army grew up during the bombings of the Japanese army. We have rough skin and thick flesh, and can withstand the attack." Biaozi said confidently.

"Okay, just knock down as many cars as you can, don't force it, be careful to protect yourself."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Finally receiving the task of fighting on the front line, Biaozi excitedly led Tiedan, Murong, Yang Ying and Lan Danfeng towards the West City defensive position.

When we arrived at the Xicheng position, there was loud gunfire and a fierce battle between the enemy and ourselves. Battalion Commander Zhang was lying near a heavy machine gun, commanding the troops to flexibly attack the attacking Rujun.

Suddenly, there was a "boom" sound, and the heavy machine gun misfired. The tank's shells fell on the front of the heavy machine gun. The heavy machine gun was overturned. Both the machine gunner and the loader were sacrificed. Battalion Commander Zhang was also blown up and was stunned.

Covered in dirt and face covered in blood.

Lan Danfeng was carrying a medical backpack, threw Battalion Commander Zhang to the ground who was standing unsteadily, took out a bandage, and began to apply wounds on Battalion Commander Zhang's head.

"Come on, damn it, Captain Duan, organize a death squad for me and blow up the tanks of the little devil."


In the blink of an eye, a kamikaze soldier was half-crouching in the trench holding a cluster grenade, ready to attack.

"Captain Duan, don't rush to attack now, let me, my brother, try it." Biaozi said.

Captain Duan looked at the bazooka held by Tiedan and said: "This American thing is very rare. The key is that it is far away from Taiyuan and the damage effect is not that good."

"Don't worry, leave it to us. Send a brother from the class to cooperate with us, and we'll go out and fight."

"Okay, brothers of the death squads, bring the cluster grenades with you. Use your rifles to cover these brothers first. If the bazooka can't kill them, you can use cluster grenades to blow up the Japanese tanks. Can you complete the mission?"

"Company Commander, if I can't complete my mission, I won't come back to see you." The squad leader saluted and resolutely jumped out of the trench with his brothers.

"Everyone, cover fire." Captain Duan gave the order, and all kinds of long and short rifles opened fire at the Japanese soldiers who were slowly advancing.

Under the cover of fire, Biaozi jumped out of the trench with Tiedan and his brothers from the suicide squad. Under the cover of the bushes, they quietly waited for a tank to slowly approach.

Tiedan loaded the bazooka with ammunition, carried it on his shoulder, and concentrated on aiming at the tracks of the slowly advancing tank.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." As the tank moved, Biaozi ordered Tiedan in a low voice.

"Ready, launch!" The executioner waved his hand, and the Iron Egg's bazooka flames spurted out. After a moment, an explosion occurred on the left side of the Japanese tank a hundred meters away. After the explosion, the tank stopped, and its tracks were like

It collapsed like a limp dead snake.

"Hehe, I hit it." Tiedan looked at Biaozi and said.

"Brother Tiedan did a great job. If my brother had been holding a cluster grenade, he would never have come back." The squad leader patted Tiedan on the shoulder and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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