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Twenty-three, a big win

The Japanese convoy finally entered Yagu.

There was a long row of Japanese convoys in the narrow valley. There were ten trucks in total. The commander of the transport team was sitting on the first truck, and there were more than 20 Japanese soldiers with live ammunition standing in the truck. On the sixth truck,

There were also more than twenty Japs standing there, and there were six small steel cannons and ten boxes of shells in the carriage. The last truck was also full of Japs, and there were also different numbers of Japs soldiers in the other vehicles.

On guard.

The Japanese convoy was advancing rapidly through the cliff valley and was about to reach the planned ambush area.

Luo Yuesong picked up the binoculars and looked at several of his ambush groups: Hu Biao clenched his fist at Captain Luo and made a gesture to hit the enemy hard; Murong He reached out to his forehead in the direction of Yuesong and said,

gave a military salute; Ouyang Qiuyue nodded to the captain; Niu Peilin's mouth shape told Yuesong that he would wait for the captain's order; Du Tiedan was already aiming at the last Japanese truck with his beloved grenade; Deng Minghe Duan

Holding his gun, he gently pulled the bolt of the gun.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Yuesong put the telescope into the arms of his observer Lei Hang, picked up the sniper rifle, and aimed at the Japs soldier driving the first car of the Japs convoy. He adjusted the sniper scope and opened the

The gun bolt, evened the breathing, stabilized the heartbeat, the muzzle of the gun slowly moved with the truck, calmed down, touched the trigger, pulled, fired, the bullet flew towards the Japanese soldiers in several straight arcs,

Yuesong clearly saw through the sniper scope that less than a second later, the bullet penetrated a small round hole in the car glass, and then shot into the Japs soldier's eyebrows with a sudden sound. The Japs soldier tilted his head and body

Leaning left and pressing on the steering wheel, the truck rushed towards the cliff on the left. With a "boom", it hit the cliff and immediately turned off the engine and lay on the side of the road.

According to the pre-arranged plan, at the moment Yuesong's gun fired, the other five snipers also fired their own bullets.

Niu Peilin finally got what he wanted and shot the bullet into the Japanese Major's chest. Seeing the bright red dog blood coming out of the Japanese Major's chest, Niu Peilin couldn't help but grinned with a big mouth. He laughed so stupidly, but he laughed so happily.

Murong He successfully shot the Japanese soldier driving the last car, and immediately followed the captain's order and pointed the gun in the direction of the Japanese cavalry's retreat, waiting for the Japanese cavalry to return for support.

Chang Chao calmly gathered the Japs soldiers driving the second car. For the first time, he clearly saw the little Japs he had hit dying with blood. Chang Chao, who had always been calm and composed, also felt his own blood.

It was heating up little by little, it was a kind of heartfelt pleasure, it was a kind of joy of revenge. After killing the Japanese auto soldiers, Chang Chao followed the captain's order, pulled the bolt, ejected the egg shell, replaced the bullet, and took aim.

The Japanese soldiers were hurriedly moving the small steel cannon under the car, but they were not in a hurry to shoot.

Sanshui, the sniper method of the fifth group, also aimed at a Japanese car soldier. He originally aimed at the forehead, but accidentally hit the Japanese soldier in the neck. It didn't matter. The Japanese soldier still tilted his head and died.

The truck also stopped on the side of the road smoothly. Hu Biao patted Duan Sanshui on the head and said, "Okay, kid, shoot the next shot more accurately. Don't panic!" Duan Sanshui nodded with a blushing face.

Then he focused his attention on the direction of the Japanese cavalry's return reinforcements.

Ouyang Qiuyue finally waited for the captain's gunfire. Team leader Ouyang, who used a sniper rifle to kill the Japs for the first time, excitedly pulled the trigger, but only hit the Japs car soldier on the shoulder. The incoming attack frightened the Japs.

The car soldiers were in a hurry and mistook the accelerator for the brake. The car roared and the motor crashed into the truck in front of it at full speed. Team leader Ouyang, who had made amends, changed his bullets, adjusted his shooting posture, and finally shot the busy Japanese car with one shot.

The soldier hurriedly changed the third bullet, and according to the captain's order, he aimed at the Japanese who was moving the small steel cannon down on the second car. Then he took a break and glanced at the captain secretly, feeling still panicked.

Worried about the captain's determined eyes.

After Luo Yuesong shot and killed the car soldier in the first car, he immediately changed the bullets, then held up the sniper rifle and checked through the sniper scope whether his special forces members were completing the prescribed actions according to his plan.


The first thing Yuesong inspected was grenadier Du Tiedan. Hey, Tiedan is not very old and grew up eating a lot of sweet potatoes, so he is really alert. When Tiedan heard the sound of the sniper rifle, he immediately stood up

He raised his thumbs to measure the position of the first two Japanese military vehicles leaning on the side of the road. Then he picked up the grenade, aimed, and fired. The grenade drew a beautiful arc in the cliff valley and landed without any deviation.

Under the engine of the first two Japanese military vehicles, there was a "boom" and fire was everywhere. The Japanese truck suddenly burst into flames. Tiedan quickly changed the ammunition and followed the same pattern, shooting the one at the end on fire.

Then he put the grenade on his back, fired the Type 100 rifle, pulled the bolt, and waited for the Japanese soldiers to charge towards the south slope with bayonets in hand.

Yuesong turned his gun again and inspected Murong He, Niu Peilin and other snipers. It was true that a strong general had no weak soldiers. Those boys were all prepared according to their own pre-arrangements.

Although the Japanese soldiers who jumped out of the car did not have the command of a major, they still organized defense and attack step by step according to the usual training tactics. The Japanese soldiers in the first car launched an attack on the south slope with bayonets in hand.

The Japs in the second car quickly moved the small steel cannons, found a piece of flat ground, and quickly arranged six small steel cannons. They opened the ammunition box, took out the shells, adjusted the distance and angle, and the six Japs soldiers held them with both hands.

The shells were aimed at the muzzle, and a Japanese soldier shouted the command, "Ready--"

"Boom boom boom boom boom" six gunshots rang out. Yuesong and five other snipers fired at the same time. All six Japanese soldiers were shot in the chest and fell to the ground dead. They collectively returned to the Kingdom of Heaven to pay homage to their bullshit emperor.


The Japanese on the last truck saw that there was already fighting ahead, and hurriedly came to the front to support them.

The Japanese cavalry captain who heard the gunshots knew that the transport convoy behind him was under attack, and led the cavalry to rush to the rescue. Since the gunshots heard were not intensive, and the Japanese cavalry were all well-trained, and they were all used on the Chinese battlefield.

Although he had never suffered a big loss, the arrogant Japanese cavalry captain charged directly with his cavalry without considering who his opponent was or how energetic and equipped he was.

According to Captain Luo Yuesong's prior order, the Japanese cavalry captain was not killed first, so that he could lead the attack. Four sniper rifles, Ouyang Qiuyue, Niu Peilin, Murong He and Duan Sanshui, took turns to shoot freely at the Japanese cavalry, and one Japanese cavalry was shot.

After falling off their horses, another Japanese cavalryman was shot and hit a rock, and another Japanese cavalryman was shot and fell into the withered grass... In less than two minutes, more than a dozen Japanese cavalrymen fell off their horses and died. The angry Japanese cavalrymen fell off their horses.

Only then did the captain realize that he was encountering an opponent that was not a guerrilla force. But now he was in a dilemma and had no choice but to rush forward. When Yuesong saw that all the Japanese cavalry were within the shooting range of the special forces team, he raised his sniper rifle.

, one shot killed the arrogant Japanese cavalry captain who was short, fat, lips, crooked eyebrows, and had an ugly and smelly mustache.

The Japs on the three liang military vehicles had already merged together, and the Japs cavalry also rushed in front of the infantry, and began to launch a larger-scale attack on Deng Minghe and others who were obviously exposed on the south slope.

Seeing dozens of Japs rushing towards him, Deng Minghe, who had long been unable to bear the loneliness, happily picked up his rifle and fired at the Japs with all his strength. The machine gunner Cao Gener mounted the Czech machine gun on a big rock and said, "Click, click, click."

"Click-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat" firing, happily killing the Japanese who were rushing towards me regardless of life or death. Tiedan lay on the ground, using the rifle as a light machine gun, aiming while "tat-tat"

Shooting the Japs in a clack-tat-tat-tat manner. Chang Chao and Zuo Wuwa focused on shooting at the Japs cavalry rushing at the front.

Luo Yuesong and the Japs all gathered together to attack the second group, so he ordered the team members around him to move closer to the second group, outflank and shoot at the Japs. Niu Peilin and Ouyang Qiuyue shot the Japs cavalry with their sniper rifles, while also asking the team members around them to attack the Japs.

Outflank him.

At this moment, the first battalion commander Ai Shichang came over with the first battalion. The remaining thirty or forty Japs persisted for less than ten minutes before they were all wiped out. The battle was over, Yuesong and the special forces team members

Responsible for guarding, the soldiers of the first battalion quickly cleaned the battlefield and used dozens of oxen carts to pull the rich loot one cart at a time into the mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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