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29. Tug-of-war

Luo Yuesong is a strong and competitive person. If he defeats the enemy, he will have a strong sense of accomplishment. If he loses his brother, he will have a strong sense of guilt.

After withdrawing from the battle, in confusion and self-blame, the team was led by Brother Chao and came to a small river. Brother Chao ordered the brothers to rest where they were. Mengzi quickly treated the injuries of Wu Wa and Ming He, and the others had minor injuries.

My brothers also did basic bandaging.

Yuesong suddenly made a move that surprised everyone but not unexpectedly. He walked slowly to the river and plunged into the river with a sudden movement. After a long time, Yuesong's head appeared in the middle of the river, and Yuesong sprayed out.

I took a sip of water and took a deep breath.

The brothers standing on the river bank breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the captain emerging from the water. When the captain was angry, especially when he was angry because of self-blame, many brothers did not dare to approach him.

Brother Chao held his sniper rifle and sat by the river, quietly looking at Captain Yuesong in the river. He knew that he didn't need to say anything, just look at the captain, and he would adjust himself.

Yuesong flopped around in the river for a long time, washed himself clean, and then returned to the shore.

Lei Hang handed the captain a cigarette, and Yuesong held it in the corner of his mouth. Lei Hang helped the captain light the cigarette, and Yuesong took a puff. He pulled the soil on the ground with both hands, made a small mound, and stood the cigarette on the mound.

in front of me, and then quietly watched the cigarette burn slowly.

"Leopard, it's all my fault. I was greedy for credit, rushed forward, had poor planning, and forced my way into the heavy artillery position. I was the one who killed him and caused so many brothers to be injured..." Yuesong finally spoke, all he said was blaming himself.

When I said that, my eyes were filled with tears and my heart was sour.

Douzi was the youngest. He walked over, squatted next to Yuesong, and said cautiously: "Captain, I used the method you taught me to snipe and kill a Japanese sergeant, and snipe and wound a Japanese soldier. The hateful Japanese, with forced

The artillery shells blasted me, causing me to roll dozens of times down the hillside. Fortunately, I hid behind a rock and the shrapnel didn't hit me. But, captain, look, my arms and thighs were all scratched.


Douzi was so smart that he didn't say anything to comfort the captain, but instead complained in front of the captain and acted like a good boy.

Yuesong held Douzi's head and held Douzi in his arms without saying anything, no need to say anything.

Brother Chao felt relieved after seeing this. He took his sniper rifle and went to see the injured Whooping Crane and the others.

Suddenly, gunshots erupted almost simultaneously on the east and west sides of the ancient city. The sound of explosions and gunshots drove the quiet moment of the afternoon out of the sky.

"Captain, the enemy has begun to attack the city." Douzi raised his head.

"Don't worry, Commander Dai and his brothers from the 200th Division are guarding the area, and Captain Biaozi is also in the city." Yuesong said.

"We have to do something, help them, and fight the Japanese together," Douzi said.

"Let the brothers rest for a while. Let's go see Wuwa and Whooping Crane."

When Commander Dai heard the sound of gunfire, he immediately led several staff officers and guards to the temple's pagoda and observed the enemy's situation with his binoculars.

In front of the defensive position of the 1139th Regiment in the west, a squadron of Japs launched a charge. Battalion Commander Zhang was directing the light and heavy machine guns to fire at random. Some Japs were knocked down by the machine guns.

"Send the order, artillery battalion, shoot a mortar platoon over and blow it up first." Commander Dai ordered.

"Yes." The messenger quickly conveyed the order.

Commander Dai turned to the east again, and another Japanese squadron was attacking. Battalion Commander Tong's command was very calm. Commander Dai watched and sent a mortar platoon to help.

"Report to the division commander." Yang Ying came over panting.


"Teacher, Luo Yuesong is still alive and not seriously injured."

"Really, brat, when he comes back, I have to scold him." Mr. Dai turned around, with a happy smile on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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