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32. Tug-of-war 4

Commander Dai took out his pocket watch, checked the time, and said, "The Japanese army has been attacking for three or four hours."

"Yes, the Japanese army has launched four attacks, and the corpses of little Japanese are everywhere in front of the position." Chief of Staff Lu said.

"What are the casualties of our army?" the division commander asked.

"The 1139th Regiment lost 49 people and killed more than 300 Japanese troops. The 1140th Regiment lost 82 people and killed more than 300 Japanese troops." A staff officer replied.

"Takeuchi Hiroshi couldn't sit still and ordered the troops to closely monitor the movements of the Japanese artillery and aircraft. During the pauses in the Japanese attack, the troops had to quickly retreat to cover. If nothing else, Takeuchi Hiroshi bombed wildly." Commander Dai.

Walking around the headquarters.

"Yes." A staff officer was about to deliver the order.

"Come back, and let the division health center prepare more white cloth strips, find more iron pipes at each position, and send more water. We can no longer let the soldiers be suffocated by the smell of their own urine.

Yes." Mr. Dai said.

"Commander, are the Japanese troops going to throw poison gas bombs again?" the staff officer asked.

"Little Japan's so-called imperial army only has a few tricks: bomb first, charge after the bombing, charge again after the charge, if you can't take the position after charging several times, bomb again, bomb again and charge again, if it doesn't work after the charge, then bombard it wildly

Indiscriminate bombings, including incendiary bombs and poison gas bombs, are used in all possible ways. Damn it, one day those old devils with chrysanthemum sabers will be tried by the International Military Tribunal." Commander Dai said bitterly.

"Yes." The staff officer ran out of the headquarters with a few messengers and prepared to go separately.

After the Japanese's fifth attack was repelled by the brothers of the 200th Division, the phone at the division headquarters rang rapidly.

"Division Commander, Corps Commander's phone number."

Commander Dai walked over and picked up the phone: "Commander, this is Dai Anlan."

"An Lan, how is the situation with Tonggu? No gap has been opened, right?" Commander Du asked with concern.

"Report to the commander, everything is under control."

"Okay, very good, but you have to be careful. We just received a report from the Western Front Reconnaissance Force and found that a large number of Japanese aircraft were flying towards Tonggu. You must monitor the sky and avoid Japanese bombings in time."


"Okay, with you Dai Anlan here, I have confidence in Tonggu's defense."

"Commander, I would like to take the liberty to ask, how is the situation on the Western Front? If the Western Front is torn open by the Japanese army, it will be difficult to hold on to Tonggu."

"Well, I will notify you as soon as there is news."

"Also, although the eastern front has high mountains and dense forests and no decent roads, which is not conducive to the attack of the Japanese mechanized troops, we cannot take it lightly."

"What does your reconnaissance team do? Doesn't Captain Luo have a lot of experience in fighting behind enemy lines?"

"Commander, this Captain Luo, in order to assist the guards of Tonggu City and reduce the damage caused by the Japanese heavy artillery to our army, he led a team to attack the Japanese heavy artillery position and almost brought the entire reconnaissance team in. I think it is time to

Let them rest for a while."

"I've got a man for you. How to use it is your business. The only thing I can ask is if there is a large Japanese army on the Eastern Front and they are not discovered and reported in time."


After hanging up the phone, Commander Dai walked back and forth in the headquarters. He couldn't bear it. If he wanted to conduct reconnaissance in the jungle on the eastern front, he would have to march a long distance. Luo Yuesong had been conducting reconnaissance at the front since he led the team into the battlefield of Yunnan and Burma.

During the battle, not only did they grasp the movements of the main force of the Japanese 55th Division in a timely manner, but they also annihilated many Japs and attacked the transport team. Now they suffered losses while harassing the heavy artillery positions.

"Commander, the fierce fighting is going on, and the reconnaissance cannot stop for a moment," Chief of Staff Lu said.

Commander Dai gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "After this battle is over, I will treat all Luo Yuesong's reconnaissance team to a feast, send a report to Captain Luo, and order them to go deep into the jungle from the east. The reconnaissance Japanese have disappeared for a long time.

The movements of the 56th Division, if convenient, kill some of the executioners who massacred my compatriots in Nanjing."


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