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50. Jungle Pursuit 4

After observing for a while, Utsunomiya didn't find any big movement, and he understood a little bit in his mind, so he called a sergeant named Kubota to his side and muttered a few words. After Kubota said "Hi", he took the

Two Japanese soldiers came towards Cao Gen'er and the others.

"Big wolf dog." Cao Gener almost screamed. Three devils were coming this way. It was not difficult to hide without being discovered, but these three devils brought a big wolf dog with them. Now

It's hard, I can't hide it.

Niu Peilin also saw the big wolf dog. He raised his rifle, aimed at the big wolf dog, and said, "If it doesn't work, I'll kill this big dog first."

Huineng grabbed Niu Peilin and whispered: "The captain has told me that it cannot be exposed without his order."

"What should we do? Hide? Can you hide from a dog's nose?" Niu Peilin asked confused.

The grassroots are scratching their heads and scratching their heads, with sad faces on their faces: retreat, because we can’t retreat without getting an order; fight, we can’t fight without getting an order, and besides, we can’t win.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and the gunshot was nearby. The grass roots popped up. I looked around and saw no one. I only saw the big wolf dog rolled to the ground, its legs still twitching.

"Hey, the big dog is dead." Cao Gen'er said.

Hui Neng and Niu Peilin quickly looked up and saw that he was really dead.

Suddenly, a person came out from behind. The three of them immediately turned around and aimed their three guns at the person at the same time.

"Come on, the captain asked you to evacuate." The person who came was none other than Ouyang, who evacuated here with Luo Yuesong.

"Ouyang, where is the captain? Where to evacuate?" Cao Gen'er asked.

"Stop nagging and come with me. If the captain fires a gun or kills the Japanese military dog, he will be chased by the Japanese wherever he goes." Ouyang waved his hand and got into the forest first.

"Go, retreat." Cao Gen'er picked up the gun and followed Ouyang into the forest.

Huineng pulled Niu Peilin and said, "Why are you so stunned? Let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Japs' rifles and machine guns opened fire together, and bullets flew into the forest twenty meters to the left of Huineng and the others, breaking a large section of leaves and branches.

After running for only two or three minutes, I saw the captain holding a sniper rifle and leaning against a tree, smoking.

"Captain, were you the one who fired both shots?" Grassroots asked immediately when he saw the captain.

"There's no need to ask, you can't hide anymore, just fight. If you can't win, just run away. I don't need to teach you these anymore." Yuesong tilted his head and looked at the treetops, "Throwing attacks in the east and west, just take a look.

, the enemy’s bullets are having trouble hitting the branches and leaves, haha.”

"Where to retreat, captain?" Huineng asked.

"I don't care here, let's go to Lei Hang first, let's go." After Yuesong finished speaking, he threw the half-finished cigarette butt on the ground.

When Niu Peilin saw that the cigarette butt was still smoking, he quickly reminded the captain: "Captain, the cigarette butt is still smoking, which exposes the position."

"Let's go, the captain didn't say that just now, he is making an attack in the east and attacking in the west." Cao Gen'er pushed Niu Peilin.

Kubota and the other two Japanese soldiers lay on the ground, looking at the military dog ​​in front of them. They had already died and no more gunshots were heard, so they got up.

The team led by Utsunomiya had already arrived, and Kubota quickly stepped forward, stood at attention, lowered his head, and waited for a big slap in the ear.

"Continue to search and move forward. It is obvious that it is just a small group of enemy troops. I will not shoot you, but shoot the military dogs. This is to hit and run, reducing the possibility of being tracked." Utsunomiya said.

"Hi." Kubota agreed, took a few soldiers, took the first step, and continued the search.

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