Turn off the lights
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Twenty-six, the storm in the city

Early the next morning, Luo Yuesong yawned loudly and raised his head from the warm bed. The light shining into the room through the window paper was blindingly white. Yuesong squinted his eyes and reluctantly got up from the bed and put on his clothes.

I had already prepared the clothes of a Japanese ronin. I inserted the Japanese sword with the Japanese royal symbol that I had taken from Sekawa in my waist. I also inserted my Duanjian dagger and put the six flying swords in my waist.

He hid the knife in the waistband of his underwear, washed his face hastily, opened the door and left the house.

Wow, there was a heavy snowfall all night, leaving only a vast expanse of white as far as the eye can see. The ancient Chinese honey locust tree in front of the door has been crushed by the thick snow and has broken several dead branches. The dead branches are lying weakly at the door, covered with snow.

Covered. Yuesong took a few steps, and immediately left several deep footprints on the snow. The cold wind hit the face, scraping people's faces like a knife. Yuesong took difficult steps,

I walked around. There was nothing but white snow everywhere. There was no one in the village in the early morning. The leisurely people were all lazing in their beds as warm as spring, but Yuesong could no longer sleep in the bed.

After a long time, in the Japanese prison a hundred miles away, there were still his comrades suffering in dire straits.

Yuesong saw that there was nothing unusual outside the house, so he returned to the house. As soon as he stepped into the house, the scene in front of him was a bit unexpected. The special operations team members who arrived here on a snowy night, a

The brothers, who were young and strong, tired and sleepy, had already prepared themselves according to Yuesong's arrangements yesterday, and were just waiting for the captain's order.

In an instant, Yuesong felt a little warm in his eye sockets. The chill of the wind and snow was instantly blown away by the overflowing enthusiasm of the brothers in front of him. Yuesong walked up to the brothers and reached out to pat Murong.

He's broad shoulders touched Tiedan's round head, pulled Chang Chao's wrinkled clothes, beat his big and strong chest, tugged Deng Minghe's broad ears, and jumped up to pretend again.

He kicked Tang Si's butt hard with his foot, then waved his hand vigorously towards the door and said loudly: "Brothers, let's go!"

The old man watched the group of young men off, dragging the wooden cart arduously toward the southeast in the white snow. It wasn't until the seven black spots completely disappeared that the old man reached out and wiped the tears that overflowed from his eye sockets, and slowly

He walked into the house and closed the door.

The journey of nearly a hundred miles was not a long one, but Yuesong and the others walked for more than four hours. It was at noon that Yuesong and the others saw the city gate of Wuhan appear in front of them.

Yuesong stood at a distance and observed the Japanese guards at the city gate. Although there were not many Japanese guards guarding the city gate, due to the sudden heavy snowfall, the number of people entering and leaving the city gate was greatly reduced compared to before. This gave Yuesong and the others

Sneaking into the city with weapons increased the difficulty. According to the pre-plan, when the seven people entered the city, they were not far apart from each other, just in case something unexpected happened, so that they could respond to each other. But now there are very few people entering the city.

, seven young guys entered the city all at once, and it was inevitable that they would not attract the attention of the Japanese. Yuesong lowered his head and thought for a while, then said to the brothers: "Come on, let's see. Deng Minghe walked in the front carrying this load of charcoal."

Ten minutes later, Chang Chao and Tang Si dragged the wooden cart into the city, and I followed you. Da Zhuang followed behind with the load of radishes, keeping a distance of about ten meters from us. Tiedan and Murong He were waiting for us to enter.

We entered again in ten minutes. Tiedan picked up the book box and followed Murong He. After entering the city, they all waited at the entrance of Fangxian Yellow Tavern. After I connected the head, they entered Fangxian Yellow Tavern in batches. Any questions?


"No problem." The brothers replied in unison.

"Okay, Deng Minghe, you go first. We will wait under this slope. If there is any situation, we will respond immediately." After Yuesong finished speaking, he took several brothers to hide under the slope and observe. Deng Minghe was carrying a load of charcoal.

Walk towards the city gate.

As soon as Deng Minghe arrived at the city gate, he was stopped by several puppet soldiers. A puppet soldier who looked like an official looked at Minghe's good citizen certificate, then at Minghe's two large baskets of charcoal, and then pointed at a puppet soldier behind him.

Jun waved and Da Zhuang immediately stood up, fearing that something had gone wrong. Yuesong pressed Da Zhuang's shoulders and said, "Hold on!"

Looking again, the puppet soldier behind the puppet officer ran into the house, took out a wooden basin, grabbed a lot of charcoal from the whooping crane's basket into the wooden basin, grabbed the basket, and then

Go and grab the basket. Tang Si stared at it while cursing: "You damn traitors and bastards, you all know how cold it is. If you grab it again, it will be gone."

Murong He said casually: "Catch them, arrest them. It seems that those traitors still have a bit of a mother's heart, and they don't have the shame to take them all away."

"Just calm down. It doesn't matter if you take them all away. As long as everyone is fine, that's all." Yuesong said.

Sure enough, after grabbing a large tub of charcoal, the puppet army let Deng Minghe enter the city. Minghe bowed to the puppet army and the Japanese, and went in carrying a load.

About ten minutes later, Chang Chao and Tang Si dragged the wooden cart to the city gate. The puppet army officer stopped them and said, "Stop, check."

Tang Si walked up to the puppet army officer, handed over the good citizen certificates of the two of them, and handed over a cigarette. He bowed and said, "Boss, a distant relative in the city has passed away. Please send me a coffin so that he can be buried as soon as possible."

An, I would like to ask the boss to make it easier for me."

The puppet army officer then rolled a cigarette, held it in the corner of his mouth, slowly approached the coffin, walked around the coffin, and said, "Open it!"

Chang Chao and Tang Si quickly removed the lid of the thick coffin. The puppet army officer looked inside and out and found an empty coffin. He didn't see anything behind it, but he reached out to knock on the coffin board. This

Chang Chao and Tang Si suddenly felt a little nervous. You know, two sniper rifles, two 38-guns and four 100-type rifles, as well as ten cantaloupe grenades and seven box cannons were hidden in

There is a mezzanine under the coffin. If the traitor knocks on the bottom of the coffin and the sound is wrong, it will be a big deal. Seven or eight puppet troops came out of the city gate, as well as four or five Japanese soldiers with two crooked handles.

If this were discovered, I'm afraid I would suffer a big loss.

The alert Tang Si quickly took out his match, ran to the puppet officer, lit a match, and said: "Boss, boss, come on, come on, smoke." While lighting the cigarette for the puppet officer, he also lit the match on the traitor's head.

There were several cash piles stuffed in his pockets. The puppet army officer touched his pockets and smoked a cigarette happily while walking back.

Seeing the traitor walking back, Yuesong's anxious heart calmed down a little.

While Tang Si thanked the puppet army officer, he took Chang Chao to drag the cart. Just as he was about to drag the cart into the city, the traitor suddenly touched his head, as if something was wrong, he suddenly turned around and said: "

Wait, stop!" As he said this, he walked up to the coffin and reached out to knock on the bottom of the coffin. He felt something was wrong with the sound, so he looked around and knocked here and there.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yuesong quickly took three steps and two steps. As soon as he reached the puppet army officer, the traitor looked up and saw that it was a Japanese ronin. He then nodded and bowed to Yuesong and stretched out his hand to ask Yuesong to show his ID.

Yuesong raised his leg and kicked the traitor hard on the stomach. The traitor fell to the ground with a "ouch", clutching his stomach and shouting "ouch, ouch". Yuesong pulled out his waist again.

He used his Japanese sword and pretended to kill the puppet army officer with one strike.

"Wait a minute!" a Japanese lieutenant came from the city and shouted in standard Japanese.

Yuesong quickly said in Japanese: "China Pig, how dare you want to see my ID!"

The Japanese lieutenant ran up to Yuesong, glanced at the scimitar held high by Yuesong, and knew that this man was a member of the Japanese royal family. He immediately bowed deeply to Yuesong and said in Japanese: "Please calm down, Chinese people."

It’s untrustworthy, but now he is serving the Japanese Imperial Army, so please show mercy.”

Yuesong pretended to still be angry, raised his leg and kicked the traitor on the shoulder, saying in Japanese: "Get out! Don't let me see you again!"

The Japanese lieutenant shouted to the puppet officer in Chinese: "Get out of here!" The traitor covered his stomach, got up in a hurry, and ran into the room next to him.

The Japanese lieutenant bowed to Yuesong again, then stretched out his hand and said politely: "Please show me your ID. It's just a formality. Please forgive me!"

Yuesong inserted the machete into his waist, took out the fake ID he had prepared, and handed it to the Japanese Lieutenant. The Japanese Lieutenant carefully checked the ID, checked the photo and Yuesong's face, and then handed it to the Japanese Lieutenant.

The certificate was returned to Yuesong, and he bowed again and said, "Please forgive me, Mr. Kawasaki!" Then he stretched out his hand and lightly Yuesong entered the city. Yuesong also bowed to the Japanese lieutenant and said, "Please take care of me!"

"Then he got up and walked towards the city.

The Japanese lieutenant took another look at the coffin and saw that there was only an empty coffin, so he waved his hand and let Chang Chao and Tang Si in. Yuesong turned around and saw Chang Chao and the others entering the city, so he walked straight to Fang County Yellow Tavern.

This chapter has been completed!
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