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57. Mutation 2

Leng Ren suddenly stood up and said to Adjutant Li: "A main division of the British-Burmese Army is retreating to British India. The main division in front of me is retreating to Ren'anqiang, and will eventually withdraw to British India. The Japanese army will not

We will easily let them go. If nothing happens, we will divide them into encirclement and annihilation, annihilate the effective forces of the British and Burmese troops, and prepare for an all-out march to the Burma Road, completely occupy the Burma Road, and completely cut off China's last foreign aid channel. How much can we do?

Just how much."

"But we only have a reconnaissance team with more than 30 brothers and only one radio station. The Japanese 33rd Division has nearly 30,000 people. It is impossible to line up along the road. How can we detect the real-time locations of various Japanese troops?"

Adjutant Li said with some embarrassment.

"Split the troops. You lead a group of people to reconnoiter along the woods west of the highway. You will bring the radio with you. If you find the situation, immediately send a message to the headquarters."

"Battal Commander, you are leading the team to the east, but you have discovered the enemy and there is no radio to send a report."

"Don't worry about me here. That kid Luo Yuesong has to snatch even the guns and ammunition from the enemy. I have to find a way to seize a radio station from the Japanese."

"Batalion Commander, but there is only one translation book."

"Go to the organization right away, break the translation copy into multiple copies, divide it into several groups, and copy it quickly."

"Yes." Adjutant Li quickly organized his brothers to quickly make a copy of the translation.

"Master, a large group of Japanese troops appeared on the highway." Leng Feng came over to report.

"Let's go and take a look."

Under the guidance of Leng Feng, Leng Ren quickly found a hilltop and observed the movements of the Japanese troops from a high position.

"Another squadron, this is an artillery squadron. The artillerymen are here. It is estimated that there are at least two squadrons of infantry ahead. We have to reconnoiter along the east side of the road to the north to find out more about the details of this Japanese regiment.

position, and then report to the division headquarters immediately."

"This is easy to handle. We can sneak into the forest, catch up quietly, and send a telegram to the commander, and that's it." Leng Feng said.

"It's easy to say, we have to build a radio station. In the current situation, the radio station can only be obtained from the Japanese army."

"What's going on? The Japanese army now marches quickly in a squadron or even a regiment. Last time we harassed us, and the Japanese even pursued us symbolically. We can't have more than a dozen people rushing into the enemy to rob them. Even if

Even if I grab it, I won’t have my life to report it.”

Leng Renren knocked on the steel helmet on Leng Feng's head: "You grew up with me, and even if I asked you to study, you wouldn't study."

"Master, you study, I have to herd cows and sheep."

"Do you want the cows and sheep to be held by you to eat grass or fed into your mouth? Looking at the cows and sheep will tell you how to read."

"Hey, Master, I'm not good at studying."

"Don't bullshit me."

"Report, battalion commander, the translation copy, this is the original, take it." Adjutant Li was really neat in his work.

Leng Renren took the translation book, held it in his arms, and said: "Adjutant Li, take half of your brothers and set off quickly. The military situation is urgent. If necessary, you can make your own decisions."

"Yes." Adjutant Li took a few steps, then turned back to Leng Feng and said, "Leng Feng, I'm not with the battalion commander. Don't just rush forward on your own and protect the battalion commander. Otherwise, I will only ask you."

"Don't worry, Adjutant Li. If the young master makes a mistake, my master will chop off my head and feed it to the dogs."

"Go ahead, Adjutant Li. With Leng Feng here, my safety is guaranteed."

"Take care, battalion commander." Adjutant Li saluted with a military salute, turned around and ran away.

"Leng Feng, call the brothers and follow me."

"Yes, Master."

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