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59. Robbery Radio 2

After the master and the servant finished talking, they started to act separately. Leng Feng picked three brothers who were quick in movement and good in psychology, and explained to them. Under the leadership of Leng Feng, the three brothers quietly went to the Japanese car with the radio on it.

A motorcycle approaches.

Leng Ren called machine gunner Qian Shoufu and rifle shooter Shi Er to his side, assigned them positions, and asked them to follow his instructions and shoot in order to attract the attention of the Japanese.

The two brothers received the order and quietly took their positions under the cover of the forest.

Lengrenren held up the binoculars and looked at Duan Er. Duan Er held his rifle and leaned against a big tree, waiting for the battalion commander's gunfire.

Looking at Qian Shoufu again, Shoufu was also in position. He set up a light machine gun on a hilltop, pulled the bolt, and waited for the sound of Duan Er's gunshot, and then started counting.

Lengren held up the telescope and saw Leng Feng and the four of them slowly crawling forward in the grass, crawling for a while and stopping for a while. In this way, they could sneak in secretly and make no sound in front of the Japanese army who were at the first level of combat readiness. Otherwise,

Life is not guaranteed.

"Attention, the remaining brothers, I will shoot later, but don't show your heads. No matter how the Japanese attack them, just one, lie down and don't move. Wait for me to shoot again, and all of you will show your heads. It's so exciting."

We have to shoot at the Japanese, it is suppressive shooting, and we will withdraw immediately after covering Leng Feng and others' withdrawal." Lengren said.

The brothers all nodded in agreement, then spread out, lying on the ground, waiting.

Leng Renren raised the telescope again. In the mirror, Leng Feng was already only ten meters away from the Japanese convoy. To his left and right were two brothers more than ten meters away. They already had grenades in their hands. The ones beside Leng Feng were those who were good at

Huwa'er was shooting while running. Huwa'er gently opened Thompson's safety and was ready to attack at any time.

At this time, the Japs' lieutenant colonel was waving his hands. He was more than 300 meters away. Lengrenren couldn't hear what he was saying, but when he saw the Japs resting on the same spot, they got up one after another. It seemed that they were going to continue marching.

Leng Renren took a rifle from a brother next to him, raised the scale, and aimed at the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel. He held steady, breathed evenly, and kept his hands from shaking. There was a "pop" sound and the bullet flew past.

Lengrenren dropped his rifle and quickly picked up the binoculars. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the Japanese soldier Zhongzuo, and then he realized that his leg had been hit by a bullet.

"I'll go, the mule's sniper rifle is reliable, brothers, stay down."

As soon as Lengrenren finished speaking, "bah bah bah" "dah da da" "dud beep" the little Japs reacted so quickly. The Japs Lieutenant Colonel dragged his injured leg, hid behind the motorcycle, and directed a large number of Japs to fire their guns.

Shooting wildly from the top of the mountain.

Leng Feng and others were lying in the grass, listening to the sound of gunshots just a few feet away. No one moved, and no one dared to move easily.

After a while of fighting, no counterattack was seen. The Japanese Lieutenant Colonel gave an order and the Japanese stopped shooting.

After waiting for a while, there was a gunshot. This time the gunshot appeared at the end of the Japanese convoy. As expected of a rifle shooter, Duan Er killed a Japanese machine gunner with one shot from 300 meters away.

Seeing that the machine gunner beside him was killed, a Japanese second lieutenant waved his command knife: "Shoot."

Another rifle and machine gun fired hard at the branches and leaves in the Burmese jungle. The flying branches and leaves were a little annoyed. We had offended whomever. These little Japanese were always attacking us.

After fighting for a while, the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel felt that something was wrong. It was a small group of troops harassing them and they could be ignored. So he ordered the troops to get on the car and prepare to drive forward quickly, but ignored it.

At this time, there was a burst of rapid fire from light machine guns. The front end of the Japanese convoy was attacked. Countless holes were punched out in the cab of the first truck, and the Japanese driver was killed.

The first car blocked the way forward, and the convoy could not move forward for the time being.

"Baga." The furious Japanese lieutenant colonel simply ordered a sergeant to lead a small group of Japanese soldiers to rush towards Shoufu.

This chapter has been completed!
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