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Twenty-nine, an accident within an accident

As the saying goes, "If you keep cutting off, you will suffer." Yuesong thought to himself, instead of being in a dilemma and worrying, why not take the initiative by attacking decisively. Thinking of this, Yuesong opened his mouth and said to Tang Si, but he could only open and close his mouth, but

There is no sound.

But this was not a problem for the clever Tang Si. Looking at Yuesong's lips and teeth, Tang Si immediately understood that the captain was saying "do it!". Tang Si immediately took out the bamboo flute hidden in his arms,

He aimed at the old devil who was walking quickly forward.

"Your Excellency, please stay!" Yuesong immediately cooperated with Tang Si and called out to the old devil, then walked a few steps quickly, and the moment he got close to the old devil, he suddenly dodged.

The poisonous needle in Tang Si's bamboo flute, who was following Yuesong, shot the old devil's neck at that moment. When the old devil reached out to touch his neck, his body had already begun to fall backwards. Yuesong supported the old devil with both hands,

Deng Minghe took the opportunity to drive the motorcycle to the captain's side. Yuesong put the old Japanese's body in the truck bed and sat down. Tang Si jumped on the back seat of the motorcycle, holding the old Japanese's body with one hand and covering it with his military cap.

He looked at the old devil's eyes, pulled out the poisonous needle from the old devil's neck, and wiped the blood.

"Beep, beep, beep," the two motorcycles drove towards the prison gate one after the other.

The motorcycle drove all the way to the gate without any Japanese blocking it. Just as it was about to drive out of the prison gate smoothly, a sudden gust of wind blew the old Japanese's military cap to the ground.

"Major, hat!" the Japanese warrant officer guarding the gate shouted as he ran forward to pick up the old Japanese soldier's cap. But at this moment, the Japanese warrant officer suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the warden sitting on the motorcycle.

Immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The warrant officer's shout immediately attracted the attention of the other Japs. The Japs who had been holding on to the crooked handle of the machine gun immediately turned the muzzle of the machine gun, and the other Japs also removed the 38-gauge caps they were carrying.

Yuesong and the special forces team members, who were well prepared, took a pre-emptive strike as agreed upon in advance. Yuesong waved his hands and fired two "bah bang" shots, killing the Japanese machine gunner. Tang Si raised the Type 100 gunner.

* "Ta-da-da" knocked down three Japs. Although Li Dazhuang was a machine gunner, the Type 100 rifle in his hand was unambiguous. "Ta-da-da" also shot down a few. There was only one Japs Warrant Officer left.

Before **** could even pop out of the holster, he was killed by Yuesong with two more "bah bang" shots. Poor those Japs who were caught off guard, they didn't even have time to pull the bolt of the gun.

Under the leadership of their warrant officer, the collective soul returned to the small island they had longed for.

The guards at the door are relatively easy to deal with, but the more difficult ones are the Japanese machine guns on the four watchtowers and the hidden machine guns on the roof of the prison cell.

After taking care of the guards at the gate, Yuesong and the others did not rush to dodge them, but quickly hid in the bunker of the Japs guarding the gate. Li Dazhuang took advantage of the situation and picked up the Japs' crooked handle, preparing to shoot wildly.

The Japs on the two watchtowers on the left and right of the gate noticed gunshots at the gate, and pulled the crooked machine gun bolt with a bang. But before they had time to shoot out the bullets, they heard two "pop bang" shots, and the two watchtowers

The Japs machine gunner on board was shot through the head by two sniper bullets. Not much blood flowed from the head, but the dog's brain suddenly failed.

It turns out that the Japanese defense is basically a fixed-point defense. Although there are high and low gatherings, and there are movements and movements, the only ones moving are the patrols, and the patrols are still two to three hundred meters away from the gate. Even if they arrive quickly, they will be captured.

Li Dazhuang's crooked weapon blocked the fire, making it difficult to get close for a while.

Therefore, the difficulty Yuesong has to solve is how to quickly kill the powerful firepower hidden on the four watchtowers and on the roof. It is difficult to take advantage of such vitality points at close range, so it can only be solved from a long distance. How to do it from a long distance?

How to solve it? Then there is no need to think about it, the sniper can take advantage of it now.

Captain Yuesong, who is calm and resourceful, has already made arrangements. The bell tower more than 200 meters outside the prison is a good sniper spot. Yuesong arranged his best sniper Murong He there. It is more than 100 meters away from the bell tower.

There is another sniper point on the roof of the Wanguo Hotel, which is more than 100 meters away from the prison. Yuesong placed Chang Chao, his calmest sniper, there, and also equipped Chang Chao with a grenade.

Brother Tiedan is very good at playing. With these three brothers responding from a distance, the few higher firepower points in the prison will not be a big problem.

Sure enough, what Murong He and Chang Chao did at the same time was to shoot, reload, shoot again, reload, and shoot again... Several of the Japanese's powerful firepower points at high places were eliminated by two snipers in less than a minute.

What's especially pitiful is that the four Japs on the watchtower didn't even have a place to hide. The machine gunner hidden on the roof did have a place to hide, but as soon as he fired, he was shot down by Murong He.


Judging from the sound of gunfire, Yuesong knew that the enemy's firepower point at a high place was taken away, so he immediately led his team members to jump on the motorcycle and drove out of the way.

The sky is full of unforeseen circumstances. Although Yuesong thought hard and came up with such a plan that was almost airtight and flawless, surprises kept coming.

Finally, he brought up Secretary Wang, but unexpectedly met the arrogant old devil. He finally managed to kill the old devil without anyone noticing, but unexpectedly the wind blew off the old devil's hat. After much difficulty, he finally got rid of the old devil.

There are many powerful firepower points, but there are new surprises.

Unfortunately, Nakamura really sent a major officer to interrogate the person. Although the interrogator was not Secretary Wang, it happened to be a gunfight between Yuesong and the others and the Japanese guarding the prison. Yuesong unintentionally became the target of the interrogation.

The Japanese reinforcements outside. Two motorcycles and a large truck rushed towards Yuesong and the others. The crooked machine gun on the roof of the truck fired at Yuesong and the others with great force.

Two motorcycles were shot at.

At this time, the Japanese patrol team in the prison compound had already rushed to the gate, and a dozen Japanese soldiers fired at Yuesong and the others with 38-gauge bullets.

Although Murong He and Chang Chao stood on the commanding heights, two sniper rifles shot down more than ten Japs one by one; although Li Dazhuang mounted a crooked machine gun on the side of his motorcycle and "click, click, click" at the Japanese behind him.

"They fired wildly, killing several Japs with a sputtering sound, but more than twenty Japs got off the big truck with a crash, and the bullets of many Japs kept hitting Yuesong and Caogen's motorcycles."

"Dang ding ding" kept ringing.

Li Dazhuang's arm was shot through by a 38-gauge bullet. The bullet entered the upper arm of his left arm and flew out with blood. It fell to the ground and rubbed a long way. No matter how clever Tang Si was, he could not avoid the bullet.

Flying horizontally, a machine gun bullet passed by his shoulder. Although it only scratched the skin, blood flowed down his arm without hesitation, and it was still painful.

Although Yuesong and his two motorcycles were still rushing forward with "beep--, beep--", the two Japanese motorcycles were chasing Yuesong and the others at full speed. The Japanese soldiers on the motorcycles were raised.

He fired his rifle at Yuesong and the others one after another.

At the critical moment, the iron egg placed on the roof of the Wanguo Hotel by Yuesong, who eats a lot of sweet potatoes, finally worked. Iron egg set up the grenade and measured the distance and angle with his thumb. "Boom"

With a loud sound, a cannonball fell into the pile of Japs chasing Yuesong and the others, and three or four Japs were immediately knocked to the ground.

Murong He saw that the two chasing motorcycles were the biggest threat to the captain and the others. He immediately turned his gun and aimed at the Japanese driving the first motorcycle. After moving with the motorcycle for two seconds, Murong He fired a button.

After triggering the trigger, the Japs driving the motorcycle were hit by bullets from the sniper rifle and fell to the ground. The front wheel of the motorcycle deflected and hit the wall. Chang Chao also used the same technique to deflect another pursuing Japs motorcycle. Iron

The egg fired the second and third cannonballs.

The Japanese patrols on the street rushed towards the prison desperately, and the support squadron sent by the Japanese Military Police Headquarters also drove towards the prison.

According to the predetermined plan, Yuesong ordered Deng Minghe to ride a motorcycle and turn into a small alley, followed by Caogen'er on a motorcycle. When they reached a corner, Yuesong and Deng Minghe got off the car to stop the pursuers, and Caogen'er continued.

Riding a motorcycle, he turned around and headed toward the backstreet of the Yellow Tavern.

Seeing that there were no Japanese on the street, Murong He did not dare to fight. He took off the rope from his body, put it on the pillar of the building, swung the rope down, and slid down the bell tower along the rope. He carried the sniper rifle on his back and held it in his hand.

The shell gun retreated according to the predetermined route.

Chang Chao and Tiedan put away their weapons, hurriedly ran up the stairs from the roof and went downstairs. They turned into the alley that had been scouted for hiding people, and retreated in twists and turns.

Deng Minghe swung his motorcycle into the alley, set up Li Dazhuang's crooked machine gun and shot at the chasing Japanese. Yuesong took Deng Minghe's rifle and fired point-blank to help. After blocking the fight for a few minutes, it is estimated that the grassroots and the others were

After running far away, he followed the planned route, passing through several shops and crossing several streets, and ran towards the back street of the Yellow Tavern.

It soon became dark. The pursuing Japanese and supporting Japanese were running around in the streets of Wuhan, but there was no trace of the enemy.

Caogen'er and the others rode their motorcycles to the backstreet of the Yellow Tavern. Taking advantage of the night, they lifted up a sewer cover, helped Secretary Wang and quietly slipped into the smelly sewer, and walked along the sewer for a long time.

After walking for a while, he knocked on the secret door in the sewer of the porn tavern and sneaked back into the secret room of the porn tavern.

After a meal, Yuesong and the others also returned to the dark room of the Yellow Tavern through the secret door of the sewer.

This chapter has been completed!
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