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104. Tonggu Street Fighting 7

In order to humiliate the Chinese army, they organized two to three hundred officers and soldiers to dance the Awa dance, but they were attacked by mortars from the Chinese army. Dozens of people were killed and injured. The captain of the Miura regiment of the Japanese army was so angry that he almost lost his breath. In anger, he ordered

After a burst of heavy bombardment at the Chinese army's artillery positions, the artillery brigade was preparing to command a large-scale attack by tanks and armored vehicles.

"Reporting to the commander, Captain Abe's troops suffered heavy losses during the attack. A large number of Chinese soldiers tied grenades to their bodies and destroyed most of the tanks and armored vehicles." A soldier reported.

"Nari?" When Captain Miura heard the news, he immediately aroused his high alert. Tanks and armored vehicles are the most powerful offensive weapons of the regiment. They suffered heavy losses in the First World War. Even if they broke through the city, they would be defeated by the division commander.

Scolding severely, Miura was a little hesitant now.

"Captain, Captain Abe's side has captured the city, the infantry has entered the city, and the street fighting will begin soon." The soldier's second sentence made Miura even more dilemma. He should launch a fierce attack immediately, but he was worried about following him.

Like Abe, he suffered heavy losses; he attacked symbolically, but he was worried that the attack would not be violent enough and he would be punished by the division commander.

While Miura was scratching his head, another messenger came to report: "Report to the regiment commander, the division commander ordered, please Miura regiment to suspend the attack, maintain the encirclement posture of the Chinese troops in the city, and wait for new orders."

"Yo Xi." Miura finally breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand to the messenger, and sat down in the military tent to drink tea.

Commander Dai observed the movements of the Miura Regiment through the lookout mirror in the 1140th Regiment command post, turned to Commander Zheng and said: "The Japanese tanks and armored vehicles have all retreated!"

"Retreating?" Commander Zheng came over in confusion and looked through the lookout mirror, "Really retreating? What the hell?"

"What else can you do? It hurts from being beaten by the 1139th Regiment. You have to keep an eye on this place. If there is any new movement in the Miura Regiment, please report it to me immediately." After finishing speaking, Commander Dai hurriedly walked out of the command post.


"Yes." Commander Zheng chased after Commander Dai and asked, "Commander, where are you in a hurry?"

"I have to go see the 1139th Regiment. The street fighting is about to start."

"Ah? Hold it up while letting it in and beating it at the same time?" Captain Zheng asked.

"You kid, use your brain more. Don't just ask and ask. Arrange two companies that can fight and be ready for street fighting at any time." After Master Dai finished speaking, he turned around and left.


Commander Xu was well prepared. Although a large number of Japanese tanks and armored vehicles were blown up, the scene of the brothers' bloodshed made the brothers of the 1139th regiment hold back their energy and must eliminate as many as possible in the street fighting.

Japs, let the Japs have a taste of the power of the Chinese army.

Although the Chinese army's tenacious defense was finally broken through and the troops officially entered the city, the massive losses of tanks and armored vehicles made Captain Abe heartbroken. He did not dare to be too aggressive, so he only sent two tanks, one at Etodo Major and the other at Abe's.

Under the command of Major Takewa Ichi, each led 300 infantrymen into the city. He also specifically instructed the two officers of the Shaozhuang faction to conduct a tentative attack and not to go too deep alone. Beware of being lured by the Chinese army to penetrate deeper, which would cause heavy losses in equipment.

, combatants cannot suffer any more heavy losses.

The two young commanders took off their military caps and put on white turbans with little suns printed on them. They looked like kamikazes. They held sabers in both hands and swore in front of Captain Abe that they would display the majesty of the imperial army in street fighting.

"Go." Abe waved his hand.

"Hi." The two majors howled. After leaving, I don't know if they can come back to meet with Captain Abe who is in urgent need of military exploits to give an explanation to the division commander, Watanabe Division Commander.??

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