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107. Street Fighting with the Ancients 10

Biaozi, Wan Meng and Cheng Shihong poked their heads out of the alley, only to find a squad of soldiers ambushing them next to them.

"Brother, which part is it? Why are you so unfamiliar?" the monitor asked.

"From the divisional reconnaissance team, which part do you belong to?" Biaozi asked.

"Oh, I heard about it, legend. I heard that your Captain Luo is frightening the Japanese. We are the subordinates of Company Commander Sun, and we were ordered to ambush the Japanese squad here."

"Hey, you're talking about Luo Yuesong. That kid, if I hadn't saved him, grass would have grown on his grave long ago. I've seen Captain Sun, a fierce general like Zhang Fei, and I admire him."

"We are all brothers. How about we cooperate? The three of you go and lure the Japanese over, and we can destroy them together."

"That's okay, just wait."

"Thank you, brother. We brothers are afraid that the Japanese will not pass through our alley, hahaha."

"Captain Hu, stop talking, the Japs are coming." Wan Meng reminded Biaozi.

Biaozi quickly stretched out his head and retracted his neck: "Brother, the Japs are coming by themselves. Let's change our tactics. The three of us will lead the Japs to the alley in front. Don't move yet. If you hear me, Garland

If there is a sound of virtue, you all go out together and spank the Japanese."

"I think, brothers, hide." The squad leader gave the order, and his brothers hid behind the doorways and broken walls.

"Mengzi, Shihong, you two go to the alley over there first, separate to the left and right, and wait."

"Yes." The two of them ran together into the alley that was more than thirty meters deep. At the end of the alley, they hid on the left and the other on the right. They unbolted the two Thompson's guns and waited quietly.

The second time Biaozi showed his head at the entrance of the alley to observe, the sound of "bang bang bang" gunshots rang out immediately, and the bullets hit the wall with a "ding, clang, clang" sound, which startled Biaozi.

He cursed: "You bastard, your dog's eyes are so wide open, I noticed it in a flash."

The footsteps of leather shoes came one after another. Biaozi was hiding at the corner of the alley, and suddenly half of his body was exposed. The "pound pound" of Garand in his hand was two guns. The alley was straight and he was running.

One of the Japanese fell down, but the sergeant leading the team was alert and leaned against the wall. Unfortunately, he dodged the bullet himself, but the bullet hit the soldier behind him, the Japanese soldier who died unjustly.

He glanced at his brother and fell to the ground without saying anything.

"Fight back!" The sergeant heard that the enemy's guns were single-shot and immediately ordered to fight back.

"Bang bang bang" bullets flew towards Biaozi. Biaozi was a veteran who had been dealing with the Japs for several years. After taking two shots, he already ran towards Mengzi and Shihong with his rifle in hand.

The alley is straight. If you don't run now, the Kung Fu Japs will rush over in the blink of an eye at a distance of thirty meters. If the Japs chase you before you reach the corner of the alley, there will be no place to hide.

After sprinting for more than thirty meters in one breath, Biaozi reached the corner, pressed his body against the wall, took a few breaths in succession, and asked Shihong: "Shihong, look, have the Japs come?"

Shihong looked up and said, "Here we are, just at the entrance of the alley."

"Wait, wait, wait until I can breathe again." Biaozi said and took a few more deep breaths.

"Fight Captain." Mengzi heard the footsteps of the Japanese getting closer and closer.

"I'll count one, two, three, you two fire at the same time. Here's the idea, three seconds at most. Once the shooting is over, get out of the way." Biaozi said.


"One, two, three, fight!"

"Dududu" "Dududu" This was the first time for Mengzi and Shihong to shoot at the Japs with their Thompson assault rifles. The two Thompsons fired at the same time at this distance. There is no need to explain the nickname of the typewriter.

In just three seconds, six or seven Japs fell down. Even the Japs' sergeant was shot in the abdomen. He lay on the ground and shouted in pain: "Take cover, fight back."

The other Japanese soldiers lay on the ground, and a machine gun and several rifles opened fire at the enemy at the entrance of the alley.

"Brothers, the brothers of the reconnaissance team have blocked the Japs in the alley. It's our turn to take action. Let's go!" The squad leader gave the order, and the brothers appeared one after another and quickly rushed behind the Japs.??

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