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Thirty-two, raking grass to beat rabbits

After a while, Lao Ding came over with a funeral procession.

Yuesong led the funeral procession to the grove. As soon as they arrived at the grove, Tang Si quickly opened the coffin and took Secretary Wang out of the coffin.

As soon as Secretary Wang climbed out of the coffin, he took several deep breaths of fresh air and sighed: "Good guys, if Tang Si hadn't dug a hole under the coffin, you wouldn't have to bother and just bury it."

Lao Ding smiled and said: "Don't be dissatisfied. If it weren't for the brothers in the special operations team, no one would know where you are buried, right?"

"That's true, it doesn't matter where I am buried. The key is that the mission has not been completed, which is related to the precious lives of hundreds of New Fourth Army soldiers." Secretary Wang said and walked up to Yuesong, holding hands tightly.

Holding Yuesong's hand, he said, "Captain Luo, thank you very much. You not only saved me, but also saved many New Fourth Army soldiers. Thank you!"

"Secretary Wang, why are you thanking me? It's all our own business to fight against the Japanese." After Yuesong finished speaking, he turned to everyone and said, "Take out the weapons and equipment from under the coffin, dig a hole, bury the empty coffin, and finish the work."

Prepare to retreat."

"Yes!" the members of the special operations team replied in unison.

While the special forces team members were digging a hole, the old man from Daijiachong led two young men and led Yuesong and their seven horses. Yuesong thanked the old man and the young men on behalf of the special team and arranged for them to go back first.


When the empty coffin was lowered into the ground, Deng Minghe and Tiedan completed their cover mission, withdrew from the city and returned to the woods.

After the empty coffin was put into the ground, everyone filled it with soil to make a high tomb. Old Ding also had some whips placed on the ground, and then he brought the women who had paid money to help with the mourning and the people in his shop.

Guys, we went into town and went back to the store.

Yuesong led the special forces to cover Lao Ding and his party on the high slope outside the city gate. Lao Ding and his party entered the city smoothly.

Yuesong took out cigarettes and gave one to everyone. Everyone lit a fire and smoked beautifully together.

"After finishing smoking, the five of you led by Deng Minghe, Li Dazhuang, Tang Si, Cao Gen and Chang Chao will escort Secretary Wang back first, and then wait for us under the old locust tree in Talc Chong." Yuesongbian said.

Giving orders while smoking.

"No, I will lead the team back. What are you doing here?" Deng Minghe asked sensitively.

Yuesong glanced at Deng Minghe and said, "Have you never heard of hunting rabbits with grass?"

"Oh, you've been doing this for a long time, and you just throw me back?" Unable to follow the captain to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the little devil, Deng Minghe certainly felt a little unbalanced.

"You also said that when we were pretending to be grandsons in front of little Japan just now, weren't you and Tiedan going around with grenades to blow up Japanese soldiers? We haven't said anything yet, and you are still aggrieved?" Tang Si was even more unconvinced.


"That's right." Li Dazhuang also agreed.

"Want to kill a few Japs for fun?" Yuesong looked around at the five brothers and said with a strange smile, "Okay, Secretary Wang, come over here."

Secretary Wang walked over with her body hunched over.

"Come on, Minghe, go to the city gate and speak to the Imperial Army. Just say, 'Taijun, please help us send Secretary Wang, the confidential secretary of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army with important documents, back to the division headquarters."

, I am very grateful, and I would like to invite you to the Fangxian Yellow Tavern to drink mutton soup." Yuesong said to Deng Minghe seriously.

The other brothers were all snickering on the sidelines. Deng Minghe touched his head and muttered in a low voice: "The Imperial Army is not my dog."

Yuesong pushed the cigarette butt to the ground and said, "You have finished smoking. Let's take action!"

Deng Minghe took Tang Si and a few others and ran into the woods with his back bent.

After a while, Yuesong saw Deng Minghe and his party of five people, each riding five horses, galloping away in the northwest direction kicking up the billowing dust.

"Captain, what do you think we should do?" Murong He was a little anxious.

"Come on, everyone, watch." Yuesong picked up a small branch and rowed it on the ground for everyone while talking about the battle plan. Murong He and Tiedan nodded frequently.

After hearing the battle plan, Murong He ducked into the woods. Tiedan hid under a big tree and prepared grenades and grenades.

Yuesong lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and placed it on a stone. Then he prepared the sniper rifle leisurely and relaxedly, adjusted the sniper scope, and pointed it at the Japanese soldier who was walking leisurely at the gate of the city. He also admired it through the sniper scope.

He glanced at the soldier's cap and the rank on his collar, and said to himself: "Squint your eyes, I know you are not celebrating the Chinese New Year, but we Chinese are celebrating the Chinese New Year, why don't I give you a ride first?

Why don't you go home early and take a rest? Oh, do you think I'm going to hit you on your bowed legs or your body? Well, neither is good. I'd rather hit you on the head. A headshot is better. I'll put a beauty mark on your forehead. Enter.

You don’t even need to decorate the coffin, it saves trouble, doesn’t it?”

After saying that, Yuesong held the sniper rifle steady, and the muzzle of the gun slowly moved with the Japs Sergeant. After calming down, he pulled the trigger with his index finger, and "pop", the Japs Sergeant's forehead really had a beauty mark.

Hahaha, so cool!

Hearing the gunshots, the people at the city gate fled one after another. The puppet soldiers at the city gate were holding guns and panicked and didn't know where to go. The Japs at the city gate immediately held rifles and shouted toward the city gate.

Running outside, the Japanese on the tower heard the sound of gunshots coming from the grove, and fired machine guns and rifles at the grove. The bullets came like a downpour, "swish", and the dead branches were beaten in random directions.

Yuesong took the cigarette off the stone, lay down on the high slope and smoked slowly, listening to the high-pitched accompaniment of gunshots.

At this time, only a "bang" sound was heard. Yuesong raised his head and looked at the city gate. Three or four of the Japanese who had just rushed out of the city gate were knocked down by Tiedan's shot. The surviving ones were still writhing on the ground.

Ugly arms and legs. Several other desperate little devils were still rushing forward, which gave Murong He an advantage. Murong He hid on the thick branch of an old crooked neck tree in the grove, shooting one after another.

They knocked down three of the Japs, leaving one lying on the ground and not daring to get up.

The Japanese machine guns on the tower just fired into the woods mindlessly, as if the bullets were free of charge. Tiedan hid behind a big tree, and the bullets hit the tree trunk next to him with a "boom boom" sound and hit the ground.

The dead leaves were dancing wildly, but Tiedan was not afraid. He was holding the grenade so leisurely that he almost squinted.

"Da da da" there was a sound of horse hoofbeats. Yuesong held a cigarette in one hand and raised his head to take a look. Sure enough, the Japs Major who was patrolling around the city came with twenty or thirty little Japs. The Japs Major rushed

When I arrived at the city gate, I didn't even notice who was attacking, so I pulled out my command knife and shouted "Quack, Didi!". The patrolling Japs joined those who came down from the city wall. At once there were dozens of Japs coming from the city.

Rush out the door.

Yuesong took a puff of cigarette, pressed the cigarette butt into the soil, picked up the sniper rifle, aimed at the hand of the Japanese major holding the sword high, and pulled the trigger, hitting the Japanese major's wrist. The Japanese major was covering his right wrist with his left hand.

, clamping the horse's belly with his legs, he followed the Japanese soldiers and rushed out of the city gate, shouting crazily: "Quack, Didi!" This was a bit unexpected for Yuesong. He didn't expect this Japanese officer to be so unnecessary.

Life is so crazy. No wonder the Japanese army wants to occupy the whole of China. Damn toads want to eat swan meat, and they don’t even urinate to show it. They only have a small land and a few little men.

, want to conquer tens of millions of Chinese big men, huh! Want to get rid of him after he peed?

Yuesong thought as he changed the bullets, but at this time, the Japanese on the tower discovered Yuesong's position, and the bullets from the machine guns and rifles hit Gaopo desperately. Yuesong couldn't lift his head for a while, and the soil on his head was messed up by the bullets.


"Captain, retreat quickly!" Tiedan saw that the Japanese had discovered the captain's position, and for fear that the captain would be injured, Tiedan quickly advised the captain to retreat.

There was a "pop" sound, and the machine gun on the tower misfired. It was Murong He who was hiding in the old locust tree.

The machine gun on the city tower misfired, but a machine gun appeared at the city gate and started firing into the woods. What was even more unexpected was that a Japanese small steel cannon suddenly appeared on the city tower. Murong He braved the rain of bullets and fired at the gunman who was loading it.

The gunners fired, killing one gunner, but the other three small steel cannons fired shells, one exploded on the high slope in front of Yuesong, and two landed in the woods behind Yuesong, shocking

De Yuesong couldn't lift his head.

At this time, the Japanese who were rushing out of the city gate were getting closer and closer to Yuesong, only about 200 meters away.

Tiedan Mao changed his position, then braved the rain of bullets, gave a thumbs up, measured the height and distance of the tower, loaded and fired, just in time to catch the enemy's small steel cannon loading and firing.

Four cannonballs exploded at the same time, and the city wall suddenly burst into flames.

Murong He took the opportunity to aim at the machine gunner at the gate of the city and fired decisively. The Japanese machine gunner fell to the ground. Seeing the opportunity coming again, Yuesong got up and raised his gun and shot at the Japanese major. With a "bang" sound, the Japanese major was shot in the chest.

, fell under the horse.

The machine gun at the city gate rang again, and two more machine guns were added to the city tower. The bullets came like a heavy rain, and the soil in front of him was beaten into dust. Tiedan fired another shot at the Japanese who were charging forward.

Then he shouted to Yuesong: "Quickly retreat, captain, there are no more grenades!"

Murong He once again braved the hail of bullets and shot a machine gunner on the tower.

Yuesong then took the opportunity and quickly retreated into the woods with a sniper rifle in hand.

The three of them ran wildly in the woods, not caring about the chasing bullets behind them and letting the bullets shuttle through the woods. The three of them ran to the horse in one breath, jumped on the horse and prepared to run away.

At this time, Tiedan shouted: "Ah, Murong, have you been shot?"|

"Let's go, I'm kidding, it doesn't matter!" Murong He put his sniper rifle on his back, clamped his legs under the horse's belly, and ran forward.

Yuesong said to Tiedan: "Get out first and bandage him later."

"Yes!" Tiedan responded, and the two of them rode after Murong He.

When the Japanese chased them into the woods, they found that no one was there. The leading lieutenant led them back to the city angrily to report.

This chapter has been completed!
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