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113. Roof Double Sniper 5

A person's life may really be destined. When Luo Yuesong was carrying out his mole plan, he was targeted by a Japanese sniper. He was almost certain to shoot him, but he escaped because Luo Yuesong reached out and hit the mosquito on his face.

At this moment, Yang Ying saw from the sniper scope that the Japanese who had swarmed up to attack Luo Feiyue were suddenly attracted by the attack from behind. Luo Feiyue was temporarily safe. Yang Ying was happy and turned the gun, thinking

I was going to pick up a Japanese soldier and practice shooting. Who would have thought that just by turning around, the bullet from the mountain did not hit Yang Ying's beautiful face, but hit her shoulder.

The impact of the bullet pushed Yang Ying staggering. Yang Ying fell down in the pagoda. She stretched out her hand to touch her shoulder. Her hands were covered with blood. Yang Ying, who was shot for the first time, almost cried out.

Yang Ying endured the pain, shed tears, hid in the pagoda, tore off a corner of her military uniform, and hurriedly pressed her wound, not daring to move any more.

Murong saw Yang Ying being shot and falling to the ground, but he didn't know whether the bullet hit Yang Ying's vitals. Murong wanted to rescue Yang Ying, but he thought that if the Japanese snipers were not eliminated, it would definitely be a big disaster.

It directly threatens the safety of heavy machine gunners, and may also snipe and kill important commanders who are in command of the expeditionary force.

From the ballistic analysis, Murong concluded that the Japanese sniper should be in the bushes on the south bank of the river, but the trees were dense and he could not see him at all. For the moment, he had no other choice but to keep an eye on his position and wait for him to shoot again.


"What the hell, what the hell is going on? Why didn't the Japanese Major move forward and hit him back?" Commander Xu asked Company Commander Hu to drive the duck away, but he didn't expect the duck to stop running forward and persist.

My scalp is swelling back.

"Captain, the Japanese troops have changed from the front to the rear. They are trying to escape," said Staff Officer Yu.

"If you want to run away, there is no way. Give me the order. I will pull out Maxim on the roof and in the teahouse, and massacre the little devils from a high position." Captain Xu's blood boiled.

"Captain, the Japs' rear guard Maxim is a bit out of reach."

"That's ridiculous, can I not know? Send the order quickly, Maxim fires."


Without the direct threat of tanks, two Maxim heavy machine guns were carried out by the brothers of the machine gun squad. "Dong dong dong" "Dong dong dong" Maxim heavy bullets poured from top to bottom. On the street and on the small bridge

On the ground, the Japs had nowhere to hide. Just like when the Japs mounted heavy machine guns and fired at the unarmed Chinese soldiers and civilians in Nanjing, this time it was the brothers of the Chinese Expeditionary Force who slaughtered them. Without tank protection, they had no time to call in aircraft and artillery.

All they had in their hands were the Japanese who instantly turned into fire sticks. Some of the Japanese were hit in the head by machine gun bullets, and their heads were smashed like watermelons, and the red flesh spilled all over the floor.

The Japanese were hit in the chest by machine gun bullets. The bullets penetrated the Japanese's chests, bursting in their muscles, breaking their bones, and crushing their hearts and livers, just like a disemboweled wild boar. Some Japanese were hit in the thighs by machine gun bullets.

In the blink of an eye, the thigh was broken. The skin was still connected to the flesh, the flesh was still connected to the tendons, and the bones were still connected after the tendons were broken. I wanted to tear it off but it was unbearable and the pain was unbearable. I still haven’t decided whether I should throw away the broken leg.

The second bullet came, and I was completely relieved. I was dead, I was dead, and I went back to Mount Fuji to plant cherry blossoms.

Commander Xu's decision to order Maxim to open fire in advance was indeed correct. An officer who is truly good at command will never advance the combat process step-by-step in full accordance with the combat plan. Maxim's firepower not only killed many people in about five minutes, but also killed many people.

After injuring more than a hundred Japanese soldiers and seriously damaging the morale of the Japanese army, the Japanese soldiers who desperately returned to attack Company Commander Hu saw that they were being attacked again from behind, and it was a massacre-style attack. They stopped their attacks one after another and switched to covert defense on the spot.?


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