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130. Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger 6

When the two returned to the temporary resting place of the team, the sun had already set, it was getting late, and Luo Yuesong's forehead was wrinkled again. It was not as good as God, and they used mortars to accurately attack the Japanese division commander in the middle of the night.

I haven't heard of it. I originally planned to implement the plan in the evening, but now I'm running out of time. What should I do? I definitely won't give up. I've been planning for so long, and if I don't do Watanabe all at once, it's not Luo Yuesong's life.


"Captain, come here, eat some of the captured canned Japanese meat." Lei Hang saw that the captain was worried again.

Luo Yuesong took the can, held it in his hand, and asked Lei Hang: "Have all the other brothers eaten it?"

"We've all eaten. We've rested for a long time. Only you and Brother Xizi haven't eaten."

"Mr. Dai is urging us to return to the city. There must be an urgent task for us to complete. I originally wanted to finish this task and enter the city at night, but now it seems that the time is unlucky." Yuesong slowly scooped up.

Take a spoonful and put it in your mouth.

"How about sending a telegram to the division commander and telling him that we are just outside the city and can enter the city tomorrow."

"Lei Hang, as a telegraph operator, don't you know the disadvantages of sending telegrams at this time?"

"Oh, if your position is exposed, it will ruin your big event, so don't post it."

"Of course you can't send it. It will not only affect the completion of the mission. Remember, as the commander of the army, you must always put the lives of soldiers first and never let soldiers make unnecessary sacrifices." Yuesong educated.

Lei Hang, Lei Hang is Yuesong's most valued future commander and fighter. This guy is young, loves to use his brain, and can learn whatever he wants. He is a good material.

"Yes, I understand." Lei Hang replied thoughtfully.

"Go and call Huineng, Cao Gener, Xizi and Hanba over. I have something to explain to them."


After a while, the brothers all came to Luo Yuesong, and Luo Yuesong began to assign tasks to everyone: "I originally planned to bombard the Watanabe headquarters at dusk, but I didn't expect that after I found the bombardment point, it got dark, and my vision was limited at night. I fired a few random shots.

The artillery failed to achieve the desired effect, so I decided to launch the attack early tomorrow morning. Of course, it depends on the weather. If it is foggy, it will have to be postponed."

"We will follow the captain's arrangements," Cao Gen'er said.

"When the time is right and the light conditions permit, we immediately start taking action. I am responsible for adjusting the mortars, Douzi is responsible for firing the shells, and Xizi is responsible for observing the effects of the bombardment. Let me explain here, the viewing point and the running point are more than 200 meters apart.

Someone needs to send a message. After Xizi observes the effect of the bombardment, he immediately reports to adjust the position. The middle-class idiots and grassroots people are responsible for passing the message. In order to ensure timely, we can only shout loudly. Shouting will inevitably expose our position, so brothers must pay special attention.

Be safe, support each other and cover each other. After the three shells are fired, no matter what the effect is, everyone must retreat immediately. Be sure to remember this." Yuesong waited for everyone's answers.

"Yes." The brothers replied in a low voice.

"Hanba is responsible for covering Xizi on the tree. Don't get too close to Xizi and keep a distance of about 80 meters from him. If Xizi doesn't retreat, you can't change your position casually."


"After Han Ba ​​heard Xizi reporting the position, he immediately loudly told Cao Gen'er. After Cao Gen'er heard it, he also shouted loudly so that I could adjust the muzzle elevation in time. Cao Gen'er was responsible for covering Han Ba ​​and keeping a distance of about 80 meters from Han Ba.

, your cover at this point must be flexible, and at the same time, you must pay attention to supporting each other with me and Douzi."

"Okay, Captain."

"Huineng is about 50 meters southeast of me and Douzi. Your main task is to keep an eye on the Japs who have heard the sound of shelling on the top of the hill and come down to search. Shoot in bursts to attract the Japs' attention. If the Japs come down from that way, they need to get closer to me and Douzi."

, the distance is still relatively far, but we are going to fire three shells, it will take time, just hold on, save ammunition, and use that crooked machine gun."


"Lei Hang leads the people to the rear. When we retreat, you are responsible for the last line of cover. After everyone hears my third shell fired, they immediately retreat in the direction of Lei Hang. Especially Xizi, it does not necessarily have to be completed.

The third cannonball is placed, remember?"

"Yes." Xizi replied seriously.

"After rendezvous, don't be reluctant to fight. Let's retreat together to the century-old banyan tree by the Pew River and then make plans."

"Yes." The brothers replied in unison.??

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