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Thirty-four, beheading operations

At around seven o'clock in the evening, the regiment leader's guard ran over and said to Luo Yuesong: "Captain Luo, the regiment leader's political commissar sent me to invite you and Captain Hu to the regiment headquarters for dinner."

Before Yue could let go, Biaozi jumped up from the bed and said, "Eat! Leader, please? Let's go for a walk. Why are you dawdling?" Before he could finish his words, Biaozi pulled Yuesong and ran to the regiment headquarters.

Before entering the regiment headquarters, Yuesong saw a large wooden basin of meat and two bottles of Zhijiang Shaochun placed on the command table. Yuesong was about to shout a report, but Biaozi looked like a stubborn donkey when he saw the wine and meat.

Drilling in, Yuesong grabbed Biaozi, stretched out his hand and lightly hit Biaozi on the back of the head, and said, "Why are you so anxious? You have never eaten pork, and you have never seen a pig running away?"

Biaozi smiled at the captain, the two adjusted their military uniforms and shouted in unison: "Report!"

"Come in!" was the leader's voice.

Yuesong and Biaozi strode into the regiment headquarters and saluted the regiment leader, political commissar and three battalion commanders.

The leader pointed to the seat and said: "Come on, sit down!"

Just as Biaozi was about to sit down, Yuesong grabbed Biaozi again and said to the political commissar of the regiment: "Commissar of the regiment, please sit down first!"

"Haha, Captain Luo, I'm treating you to dinner today to celebrate your achievements. You guys sit down first," the political commissar said with a smile.

"Now, sirs, please take a seat first!" Yuesong is from the National Army and is used to the behavior of the National Army.

"Why are there so many polite words for you to sit down? Our New Fourth Army officers and soldiers are equal and we don't want to be called officers. Come on, everyone, sit down." said the regiment leader.

So everyone took their seats.

The third battalion commander poured wine for everyone. The regiment leader raised his glass and said: "Today is the third day of the first lunar month, and it is also the Chinese New Year. Captain Luo was not able to have the New Year's Eve dinner with the regiment due to an important mission. Today is for the special operations team.

To celebrate, the second is to make up for Captain Luo’s New Year’s Eve dinner…”

"Captain, I have something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not!" Yuesong suddenly stood up and said.

"Tell me, if there is anything inappropriate to say, we in the New Fourth Army have freedom of speech," the regimental leader said.

"Commander of the regiment, political commissar, I want to officially join the New Fourth Army!" Upon hearing the words of the regiment leader, Yuesong decisively expressed what he had already thought in his mind.

"This," the regimental leader said, looking at the political commissar, "political commissar, this needs your approval."

The political commissar walked up to Yuesong, stretched out his hand to hold Yuesong's hand and said: "Our New Fourth Army welcomes anti-Japanese heroes like you. The regiment leader and I also like tiger generals like you very much, but..."

Yuesong looked at the political commissar nervously, and the political commissar said "just". Yuesong felt that his heart was so high.

"It's just nothing. An anti-Japanese general like our captain can't be found anywhere even with a lantern. Don't you want a political commissar?" Biaozi said bluntly.

"Captain Hu doesn't know something. Captain Luo is a major of the National Army. Our New Fourth Army cannot just accept officers from the National Army." The political commissar said thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I have long been on the death list of the national army." Yuesong explained quickly.

The regiment leader took the words and said: "Captain Luo, you are a major in the national army, at least a battalion-level cadre. If you are a special operations team captain here, you are at most a company-level cadre. You have to think carefully."

"I'm willing to be a soldier at any battalion or company level. As long as I can fight the Japanese, I'll do it!" Yuesong hurriedly expressed his stance without thinking.

"That's right, it's great to fight Japanese with Captain Luo. Wouldn't I just become the company deputy? Who cares about this? Do you think so, Captain?" Biaozi said.

"Yes, oh, no, you are the reconnaissance company commander, why did you become the company deputy?" Yuesong looked at Biaozi and said.

"Why not? In the special operations team, am I not your company deputy? However, if we are willing, we can fight the Japanese. That'll be fun!" Biaozi said.

As soon as Yuesong heard what Biaozi said, he hurriedly said: "Regiment leader, political commissar, Biaozi is right. Fighting the Japanese with the New Fourth Army is just 'fun'. I apply to join the New Fourth Army and ask the regiment leader and political commissar for approval!"

The political commissar stood up, raised his glass and said: "Commander Song, come and raise your glasses together, we welcome Comrade Luo Yuesong to join the New Fourth Army!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it together.

The political commissar wiped his mouth and said: "Yuesong, please go back and write a written application to voluntarily give up the rank of major in the National Army and join the New Fourth Army. The regimental commander and I will go to the division headquarters to resolve the rest."

"Yes!" Yuesong stood up happily and replied loudly.

Everyone sitting there applauded excitedly.

Before the applause stopped, I suddenly heard Dan Feng’s voice: “It’s time to eat dumplings!” Following Dan Feng’s voice, Dan Feng walked in with a stack of bowls, followed by the cooking squad leader and the security guard holding two large pots of dumplings.

Came in.

After Dan Feng finished serving dumplings to the regimental leader and political commissar, he ran to Yuesong and served Yuesong a large bowl of dumplings. He also said: "Captain Luo, eat more. They eat a lot when you are not in the regiment."

Today, you have to make up for it and eat it all."

Yuesong looked at Danfeng and said, "Thank you, Nurse Lan, you should eat more."

"Yo yo yo, we are all rubbing our hair together, hahaha." Biaozi started talking in a weird way again. Everyone laughed along with him.

Dan Feng ran to the political commissar and said: "Political commissar, please take care of them, they always bully me!"

The political commissar stood up and pretended to be angry and said: "Biaozi!..."

Before he finished speaking, fierce gunshots and explosions were heard from the northwest. Everyone stood up like springs.

The guard cleverly brought the map.

The regimental leader pointed to the map and said: "No, it's in the direction of the division headquarters. There are no national troops in that area. The division headquarters must be at war with the Japanese."

"It's Chinese New Year. Where did the Japanese troops suddenly appear and attack the division headquarters directly?" the political commissar said with some confusion.

"Leader and Political Commissar, don't worry about it for now. Biaozi and I will rush over with the special force first and then we'll do it behind the scenes. You guys, see, okay?" Yuesong said.

"Okay, there is only one guard battalion at the division headquarters, and there are not many troops nearby. The closest ones are our second regiment. Captain Luo and Captain Hu will gather their teams immediately and rush to support." The regiment leader said.

"Yes!" Yuesong and Biaozi stood at attention and replied.

"In addition, the second battalion commander also immediately led his men and quickly moved to the division headquarters. As a backup, the first battalion will pay attention to the Japanese squadron in the county. Let's go!" the regiment leader added.

Yuesong, Biaozi, the second battalion commander and the first battalion commander went to take orders.

After Biaozi assembled the team, Yuesong didn't say anything, so he and Biaozi led the special team and all rode quickly to Baiguoshu Village, where the division headquarters was located.

The headquarters of the Second Regiment is more than thirty miles away from the division headquarters. Even if you are riding a horse on this rugged mountain road and it is night, it will take at least twenty or thirty minutes to get there.

Yuesong was on horseback, leading the team on the road, thinking in his mind. The Japanese attacked the division headquarters without any warning. This must be because the Japanese had obtained accurate information, and their purpose was to target those who were most active in the Hubei-Henan border area.

The headquarters of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army, which dealt the greatest blow to the Japanese, carried out a beheading operation. It is estimated that the troops that penetrated into the hinterland of the base to carry out the beheading operation were not large units, but they were definitely ordinary people who should not be underestimated. They were probably the same as the special forces led by them.

The same special forces.

Yes, when I was rescuing Secretary Wang, I heard the prison warden ask about the special force with the 100-type gun. It seemed that either the division headquarters would be over before he arrived, or the Japanese would run away after he arrived.

Far away. Thinking this, Yuesong couldn't help but feel the seriousness of the situation and the urgency of time.

Yuesong turned around and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, time is the key to victory or defeat!" After saying that, he whipped the horse's butt, and Yuesong and the horse, like arrows from the string, galloped towards the division headquarters.

Go, the special forces team members behind him are following behind like wind and lightning.

But before running far, Yuesong suddenly stopped hearing the fierce gunshots and explosions. Yuesong couldn't help but was shocked, could it be... Yuesong didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he rode his horse and ran to a hill, took out his hand and raised it.

Sniper rifle, looking in the direction of the division headquarters.

There was no firelight in the direction of the division headquarters, it was pitch black, and only sporadic gunfire could be heard occasionally. After a few minutes, even the sporadic gunfire disappeared, and in addition to darkness, there was dead silence in the direction of the division headquarters.

"Far water cannot quench near thirst" suddenly appeared in Yuesong's mind, but the more he thought about it, the more annoyed Yuesong felt. Yuesong, who had always been relatively calm, suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability. Yuesong

He took out the shell gun from his waist and fired many shots into the sky. The flames from the muzzle were particularly dazzling in the darkness, just like the nameless anger in Yuesong's heart, which filled the night sky.

He was gushing and gushing. But Yuesong still didn't understand his hatred and shouted angrily in the direction of Wuhan: "You stupid Japanese who dare to play dirty tricks with me and even behead you, I will accompany you to have fun with your stupid devil!"


What I said unintentionally, but I suddenly reminded myself, yes, if the Japs' beheading operation against our division headquarters is successful, then we will lead the special forces to carry out the beheading operation against the Japs headquarters in Wuhan overnight. That's right.

The so-called "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Thinking of this, Yuesong suddenly regained his former calmness. The first priority was to go to the division headquarters to have a look. Maybe the situation was not as bad as he thought. Besides, our New Fourth Army Division

The guard camp of the Ministry is not a fake, so how can you say that you will be beheaded by the Japanese?

Yuesong put the shell gun in his belt, waved to the special forces team members, and said: "Let's go, continue to the division headquarters!" After saying that, he took the lead and led the special forces team towards the division headquarters like a gust of wind and lightning.

This chapter has been completed!
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