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148. Flat Wall River Gunshots 3

Duan Er waited for a long time, but the Japanese still didn't follow him, so he took brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu back to the original shooting point.

"You two, don't show your heads for now. I'll take a look before we talk." Duan Er told the two brothers, and he slowly showed his head, but he didn't see a single Japanese.

Duan Er placed his rifle on the slope, aiming accurately while observing. He only heard a gunshot. Duan Er subconsciously shrank his head. Fortunately, he had a helmet, otherwise Duan Er would have been left here today.

The bullet hit Duan Er's helmet with a bang. Since it did not hit the front, the bullet left a mark on the helmet and ricocheted away.

Duan Er felt dizzy, retracted his body, and lay still on the ground.

"Brother Duan, Brother Duan." Zhang Long realized something was wrong and crawled over.

"Stop shouting, I'm not dead yet." Duan Er was a little angry. He always blamed the Japanese, but this time he was betrayed by the Japanese and almost lost his life.

"Brother Duan, are you okay?" Zhang Hu also came over.

Duan Er took off his helmet, and when he saw the hair on his body stood up, there were deep marks, and the bullet almost hit his head. Duan Er shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Damn it, if you dare to shoot me, I will kill you." Duan Er said and crawled forward, trying to find the Japanese who shot at him.

"Brother Duan, withdraw." Zhang Long pulled Duan Er.

"Retreat for whatever reason, I have to kill him." Duan Er said angrily, his face turned red, he was really angry because he had lost face in front of his apprentice.

"Brother Duan, the battalion commander has sent a signal for us to withdraw." Zhang Hu lied wittily.

Duan Er looked back at the high ground where the battalion commander was. He could not see this position at all. He knew that Zhang Hu was giving him steps, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope and said, "Well, if it weren't for the military orders, I would

We will definitely kill Gouri today. Let’s retreat. Before we leave, we have to fire a few shots. Don’t aim, just shoot freely.”

"Yes." The two brothers cooperated very well with the master's guidance.

Duan Er lowered his body, raised his rifle high with both hands, and fired a shot at random. Zhang Long and Zhang Hu also fired a shot at the Japanese, and then the three of them broke through the cover and ran away.

"Don't just run around blindly, don't you know, alternate cover?" Duan Er turned around and said to the two brothers.

"I know, I'll take cover first." After Zhang Long finished speaking, he crouched down and aimed his rifle at the slope.

Kosaka heard three gunshots but didn't see much of the enemy, so he let his imperial soldiers search and advance steadily, not being in a hurry to pursue them.

After climbing the slope, Kosaka exposed his head. Under a tree thirty meters away, a shot was suddenly fired. Kosaka lowered his head. There was a "ding" sound on the helmet on his head, which scared Kosaka and crawled back again and again.

I touched my head and found a mark on the helmet. Fortunately, there was no blood on my head and I was still alive.

Kosaka lay on the ground, taking a breath, and suddenly became angry. He drew out his sword and shouted: "Go forward."

When the little devils heard the order to attack and advance, they did not dare to be careless and ran forward. After running a few steps, they immediately formed a jungle attack formation that had been trained for a long time. The machine gunners lay in front of the breakthrough, regardless of the three directions.

Seventy-twenty-one, "Da Da Da" fired a round first. Other Japs, some knelt down on one leg to cover the advancing soldiers; some leaned sideways and took advantage of the cover of tree trunks to aim straight ahead; some carried rifles and quickly

Curve running.

Sure enough, the enemy in the forest fired, and there was only one gunshot. The Japs immediately fired seven or eight bullets at the place where the gunshot was heard.

Zhang Hu had just finished firing. He didn't have time to check whether the bullet hit the running Japanese. He heard several gunshots and quickly ducked behind a tree trunk. He felt his arm was a little warm. He reached out and touched it. Damn, he was shot.

, bloody.

"Stop waiting, run." Duan Er shouted, raised his rifle, aimed at a Japs, and fired a shot. The Japs fell down and missed.

"Run quickly, Zhang Hu." Zhang Long was worried about his younger brother, so he raised his gun and fired twice to cover his younger brother's retreat.

Zhang Hu couldn't care so much anymore, he held the rifle in one hand and ran away.??

This chapter has been completed!
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