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151. The two heroes join forces

Yoshida Shoichi heard the fierce gunfire and explosions at the Pingqiang River Ferry, and knew that the motorcycle brigade had arrived at the Pingqiang River Ferry and was capturing the ferry. Everything was going according to plan. Soon, the gunfire and explosions stopped.

Yoshida Shoichi showed his black teeth and smiled sinisterly. The British and Burmese troops were indeed vulnerable.

Luo Yuesong also heard about the brief battle at the Pingqiang River Ferry. Collapse was the adjective he heard most recently about the British and Burmese troops. Luo Yuesong did not feel any surprise and continued to lead the reconnaissance team to advance. He wanted the Japanese to know that China's

How does the old saying "The mantis stalks the cicada before the oriole leaves behind" embody the great wisdom of the Chinese nation.

Second Lieutenant Hirakawa was very proud of himself. The smooth march of the large forces was a great victory for the Imperial Japanese Army. He had led the troops to work hard in the hot mountains and forests for so long, and now he could reach out and pick the fruits of victory. How could he not be overjoyed?

Woolen cloth.

Kosaka led his team and did not go on the rampage as usual. Instead, they bypassed Shanchong and took a detour to the right. Kosaka guessed that if the Chinese reconnaissance team ambushed his team again, there would be a lot of fire on the hills on both sides of Shanchong.

There are soldiers in ambush. According to the clues obtained through tracking, the number of Chinese reconnaissance team is similar to that of my own team. If we can secretly sneak into a hilltop, kill some of the Chinese reconnaissance team soldiers, and then deal with the enemy on the opposite hilltop.

, Hehe, in that case, it would be difficult for Major Yoshida not to praise me.

While Kosaka was making his own wishful thinking, the soldier who was shot in the abdomen squatted on the ground, his face almost twisted in pain.

Kosaka went over to take a look and asked the soldier in a low voice: "Hold on, all Imperial Army soldiers are persevering warriors."

The soldier held his bandaged belly with both hands, and blood leaked from the bandage. It seemed that the soldier couldn't bear it anymore.

"Baga." Kosaka saw that this soldier would hinder the team's attack on the enemy on the mountain. It seemed that it was impossible to climb the mountain quickly and covertly.

Several other Imperial Army soldiers looked at Second Lieutenant Kosaka. They were all panting, with tired faces and stinking sweat all over their bodies.

Kosaka pulled out his sword. The bright sword was pulled sideways by Kosaka. The sharp blade scratched the injured soldier's neck. The injured soldier looked at Second Lieutenant Kosaka in shock. He covered his neck with both hands and blood flowed from between his fingers.

After falling down, dozens of seconds later, the soldier fell to the ground. I don't know whether he was loyal to Tianhuang or not.

The other soldiers looked at this scene with chills and fear, and did not dare to say anything. They just lowered their heads. They did not know whether they were mourning the wounded soldiers killed by their commanders in front of them, or secretly praying for their orders.


After Kosaka wiped the blood on the wounded soldier's sword, he waved his hand forward, signaling the team to continue moving forward.

Lengrenren finally thought of a way. Since the ambush failed and Adjutant Li and the others might still be attacked by the Japanese, it would be better to expose their position directly and wake up Adjutant Li who was still waiting for the gunshot to sound.

Leng Renren took a rifle from a soldier beside him, aimed it at the top of the hill where Adjutant Li was, fired two shots, and then held up his binoculars to observe Adjutant Li's reaction.

When Adjutant Li heard the gunfire, he thought it was the battalion commander's signal. He immediately raised his head to observe the mountain, but found no Japanese. Only Duan Er and the three of them were hiding in the mountain. Adjutant Li looked at the hilltop opposite, but

The distance was too far, and I didn't have a telescope, so I couldn't see clearly what the battalion commander and the others were doing.

Lengren saw through the telescope that Adjutant Li was looking around. Apparently he didn't understand what he was thinking, so he raised his rifle and fired two more shots at Adjutant Li from the top of the mountain.

Adjutant Li discovered that the battalion commander was not shooting into Shanchong, but at his own side. He finally understood that the Japanese did not enter Shanchong and obviously did not go to the battalion commander's side. It seemed that the battalion commander was reminding him.

You and the Japanese may have touched your side.

"Brothers, the Japanese may be behind us. Look for cover immediately, turn around and prepare to fight." Adjutant Li quickly reminded the brothers.

The brothers immediately turned around, each found a bunker, and pointed their guns at the bottom of the hillside.??

This chapter has been completed!
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