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159. The two heroes meet 9

The sudden crazy behavior of the Japanese soldiers shocked Luo Yuesong. Actually, some Japanese dared to stand up and shoot wildly. The bullets hit the branches. Yuesong had to avoid the sharp attack temporarily, turned around and hid behind the thick branches, and changed bullets conveniently.

, found that the Japanese soldier was not very clear about his position, and the shooting position had moved to the left. He immediately turned sideways and raised his gun, aimed quickly, and fired. The bullet hit the Japanese soldier's chest. The Japanese soldier fell to the ground, his finger still holding the trigger of the machine gun.

Loosen until the bullets in the magazine are empty and the Japanese is dead.

"Captain, it's time to change positions." Xizi stood under the tree and reminded the captain.

"I got it." Luo Yuesong put away his rifle, slipped down from the tree, and quickly changed positions with Xizi.

Kosaka and the other Japs watched their teammates die in battle, and now no one dared to show their faces.

Duan Er saw that the Japanese on the mountainside were not shooting at the top of the mountain, but at the bottom of the mountain. He felt that it was time to attack, so he said to Zhang Long and Zhang Hu: "It's our turn, I'll take the lead, and you guys will follow up from the left and right flanks."



Duan Er held his rifle and advanced steadily while searching for the Japanese.

Seeing that the Japs on the mountainside had no time to care for themselves, Adjutant Li picked up his Thompson assault rifle, stood up, and said to the brothers beside him: "It's our turn to fight down. Brothers, follow me."


Adjutant Li led his brothers to crush the Japanese on the mountainside.

Lengrenren saw all this through the telescope and couldn't help but said happily: "Okay, now, the Japs' team has been outflanked. We have to work faster. If we don't kill this team of Japs quickly, we might be outflanked again."


"How about we help shoot a few shots?" Leng Feng couldn't wait any longer.

"Beat me and beat me. Give me a good rest. When the Japanese army comes, you can beat them hard again," Lengren scolded.

"Okay, just fight if you have to. It won't matter if it's earlier or later." Leng Feng had no choice but to save himself.

Pingchuan is not far away from Luo Yuesong and the others, only about 400 meters away, and machine guns and rifles can be reached. However, the opponent seems to be a sniper, and there is no one visible at all. There is no way to help, so we have to lead the team to continue searching.

Yoshida Shoichi was happy in his heart. Anyway, although he could not see the enemy yet and could not accurately know the number and equipment of the enemy, they were all together, like a wolf dog that had been eager for a decisive battle for a long time and finally saw the enemy.

When there were signs that the opponent was running in the grass, Yoshida Shoichi commanded his soldiers to spread out and surround the place where the gunshots were fired.

"It's so lively, why don't we have anything to do?" Third Brother complained.

"The mouth of my machine gun is thirsty. I have long wanted to drink the blood of the Japanese." Whooping Crane also muttered.

"Follow, don't talk, stay hidden." Brother Chao's simple and clear words silenced both of them.

Seeing that the Japanese were approaching the mountainside, Adjutant Li shouted: "Brothers, rush -"

"Come on -" Although there are not many in number, most of the brothers have assault rifles in their hands. In addition, they charge from top to bottom, giving them an advantageous position and strong momentum.

Kosaka heard the sound of enemies rushing down the hill, and quickly ordered the soldiers around him to get up and fight back.

"Dudududu" Thompson's beautiful voice sounded. The devils couldn't raise their heads at all. Those who dared to show their heads were immediately killed. Those who dared not show their heads were still hiding and waiting to die.

At this time, Duan Er also went up from the flank and saw a Japs lying on the ground, with the side of his body exposed in front of Duan Er. Duan Er did not shout for kill or hit, but shot a bullet directly over and hit the Japs in the waist.

Up. The Japs struggled to turn over, and Duan Er's second bullet hit the Japs in the head, knocking out all the brains.

Zhang Long and Zhang Hu also each found their targets. Three rifles attacked from the flanks, completely disrupting Kosaka's formation. Kosaka didn't know how to direct. He held a king bar box in his hand, "Ba

"Bah!" and fired randomly.

When Luo Yuesong raised his sniper rifle, more than half of the Japs' team of more than a dozen people had been wiped out. Sure enough, the Japs commander was a second lieutenant. Yuesong said cheerfully: "Even though you are charging so close, the Japs' second lieutenant is still

my type."

After saying that, he aimed at the Japanese second lieutenant and fired a bullet.

This chapter has been completed!
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