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Thirty-eight, can advance or retreat

"Waiting for the rabbit", this word kept recurring in Yuesong's mind. After waiting for a day and a night, the rabbit came, but...

Yuesong lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. His special operations team members were already familiar with the captain's expression. They all knew that the captain was thinking about something, and they all learned the lesson. No one dared to provoke him at this time.

Yuesong still smoked one cigarette after another. Yuesong stared at the distant mountain peaks, holding the cigarette in his mouth, and did not smoke for a while. The cigarette burned slowly by itself, changing little by little.


Waiting for the rabbit, I don’t believe it. It’s better to wait for the rabbit, so I will wait for the rabbit. Yuesong was concentrating on his own problem. Unexpectedly, the cigarette in his mouth had burned out, and it directly burned Yuesong’s lips. “Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.”

, Yuesong knocked the cigarette butt from his mouth and kept spitting in his mouth.

"Hehe, hehe." Tiedan looked at the captain's embarrassment and smiled innocently.

Yuesong stepped forward, pushed Tiedan's head down, and shouted: "Biaozi, come here!"

Biaozi ran over quickly and asked puzzledly: "What's wrong? Do you want to kill the meat?"

Yuesong pushed Tiedan away, pointed at the straight mountain peak a few hundred meters away, the Immortal Finger, and said, "Do you see it? It's that mountain peak, the Immortal Finger. Can you go up there?"

"Oh my god, it's so hard to go straight up and down!" Biaozi said, touching the back of his head.

"It's difficult to get up there, so let me get up there!" Yuesong said.

"It's okay. You're full. Can you hold on? Besides, the few pieces of dry biscuits in your arms can't hold on? What are you doing up there?" Biaozi asked.

"Listen to me," Yuesong said, holding Biaozi's arm. "Aren't the Japs raiding the base? There are only a few roads to enter the mountains. No matter what kind of Japs they are, they have to pass through this area, right? As long as they

We have set up a lookout post on the Immortal Finger, so that we can have a panoramic view of the Japanese soldiers passing by. It’s okay if the Japanese special forces don’t come. As long as they come, we will outflank them.”

"Ah? Or just wait and see?" Biaozi asked in surprise.

"What? No?" Yuesong asked.

"The Japanese are not that stupid, right? They attacked once and failed, so they will go to the division headquarters that has been alerted again?" Biaozi didn't believe it.

"Don't you know that the Japs are all stubborn donkeys and mad dogs? Last time, we were discovered by the second secret sentry. What if we don't know yet? Besides, the Japs are always overconfident, let alone their so-called special forces.

?" Yuesong explained.

"That's true, but this area is a place where the Japs often hang out. We all went up to the Fairy's Finger. A Japs small steel cannon was placed in the shop. With a few rounds of shells, our special team was completely wiped out. This is appropriate.

"?" Biaozi was a little worried.

"You are stupid, what are you doing up there? You take two people up, bring enough water and dry food, and the others will ambush below with me. Besides, we can't hang ourselves on a tree. The Japanese are doing a big sweep. We are special

The team cannot sit idle with such good equipment. You can just observe from above. We can steal some food from time to time down below, kill a few of his Japs, and get some ammunition and supplies, right? Haha."

The more Yuesong talked, the clearer his thinking became, and the more he talked, the more beautiful he felt.

"That's right, but why don't you go up? Wouldn't it be more beautiful for me to lead the team and steal food below?" Biaozi said with eyes wide open.

"Biaozi, you are the vice-captain. It's a hard job up there. One of us has to go up. However, there are so many Japs down there. We can't get too close to the Japs when we steal food, otherwise we won't be able to escape.

It's not going to be good." Yuesong weighed the sniper rifle in his hand and said, "You can't do anything about this guy, what should you do? Hehe, you go up, I'll take the guy down and steal the food."

"What, you give me that thing, if I don't believe it I won't be able to play with it!" Biaozi said and started to grab the sniper rifle from Yuesong's hand.

Yuesong hid the sniper rifle behind his back and said: "Go, go, who is the captain? Vice Captain Hu obeys the order. Now I order you to take Chang Chao and Zheng Hai with you and board the Immortal Finger for me immediately. If there is any situation,

, just throw a branch down to the edge of the old pine tree below, and carve the enemy's path number on the branch."

"Yes!" Biaozi replied with a salute. But just after taking two steps, Biaozi turned around again and said, "We have agreed that if we seize the sniper rifle next time, it will be mine!"

"Okay, okay, go ahead, go ahead." Yuesong agreed and waved his hand to Biaozi.

Biaozi called Chang Chao and Zheng Hai, took a long rope, a telescope, enough water and dry food, and headed for the immortal.

Yuesong also gathered his team and led everyone to follow.

It took more than an hour for Biaozi to climb up to the top of the Immortal Finger Peak, which is more than 150 meters high. Biaozi stood on the top and looked down. Oh my god, it’s really scary. It’s straight, like using an axe.

It looks like it has been chopped down. If it weren't for a few crooked-neck pine trees growing on the cliff, it would really be impossible to climb up.

The area on the top of the peak is not large, but the wind is quite strong. Standing straight up on the top of the peak, I feel that if I am not careful, I will be blown down by the wind. Fortunately, there are several pine trees and pine trees growing on the top of the peak.

There are some small shrubs, and what makes Biaozi even more surprised is that there is a small cave between a few big rocks. With a hiding place, if you stick here for a long time, you will have logistical support, and you will not be blown by the northwest wind.

They would freeze to death; with pine trees and bushes, they would have a hiding place, and they would not be discovered by the Japanese soon.

Biaozi broke off a branch, pulled out his bayonet, carved a crooked word "up" on the branch, and then threw down the long rope.

Yuesong stood by the old pine tree at the foot of Xianrenzhi Mountain. He picked up the branch that Biaozi had thrown down. He took a look and said, "This word is really ugly! Chang Chao, Zheng Hai, come on!"

Chang Chao put the sniper rifle on his back and climbed up along the rope. Ten minutes later, Chang Chao finally climbed up. Zheng Hai spit on his hands, rubbed them, grabbed the rope and climbed up.

Climb, and after a while, I also went up.

Yuesong arranged the positions of the remaining team members, and asked Murong He to carry the gun up the old pine tree. He also set up a lookout point on the pine tree, and then began the lonely waiting.

At noon, the greedy Tiedan was nibbling hard cold pancakes in the cold mountain spring water. While nibbling, he said: "Captain, I heard that when you were a mysterious sniper, you could shoot yourself.

Hare, you want to improve your life. How about you bring us a few more and we can improve our life too?"

"That's right, Captain. Anyway, if you use your small crossbow to shoot rabbits, there will be no sound and the target will not be exposed." Da Zhuang also echoed.

"Pig brain, what should I do if I get beaten back? Why don't you just hold the rabbit's legs and chew them alive?" Tang Si said warmly.

Yuesong remained silent, playing his little trick of throwing cigarettes.

"Hey, Captain, why don't you tell us your story about the mysterious sniper." Deng Minghe approached Yuesong and said.

"What a mysterious sniper," Yuesong glanced at Deng Minghe and said, "They were all hit by mistake."

"How is this possible? If you challenge a veteran Japanese sniper with a knife, you are not fooling people, right?" Da Zhuang also became more enthusiastic.

"Awesome!" Tang Si gave a thumbs up and said, "Captain, you are awesome!"

"Qiu Mao, that Japanese sniper is an idiot. He aimed his sniper rifle at my head. Guess what, he insisted on not shooting." Yuesong said.

"Then why are you fighting with swords again?" Tiedan asked with his eyes widened.

"Come on, it's too much. I just said, 'Come on, let's play with the knife, what, you don't dare?', then the old devil was not convinced, put down the sniper rifle, and started playing with the knife.

." Yuesong became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke.

"How can that old devil be your opponent when playing with knives? Our captain is a master of ancestral kung fu!" Deng Minghe said proudly.

"Tch, I know you're good with the broadsword, but don't underestimate the Japanese swordsmanship of the Imperial Japanese samurai. I'll take this dagger," Yuesong pulled out the dagger from his waist and said, "Play with that old Japanese."

It was really hard to get up, but I relied on this to defeat him." Yuesong took out two more willow leaf flying knives from his waist and played with them in his hands.

"Captain, you have a lot of treasures on your body, but unlike me, once the machine gun bullets run out, I can only lift rocks to hit them, haha." Da Zhuang also looks silly sometimes.

"Then, just like you, I am still a major, don't you think so?" Young Yuesong was also a little unsure.

"Yes, yes, of course." Everyone agreed and started laughing together.

"What? You don't believe it?" Yuesong stood up and said.

"Believe it! How can you disbelieve the captain?" Tang Si said in a weird voice.

When Yuesong heard this, he was extremely embarrassed. He jumped up and pushed the thin Tang Si to the ground. There was laughter on the battlefield.

While everyone was having fun, a branch dropped from the peak. Deng Minghe picked it up and brought it to the captain.

Yuesong looked at it and saw, "Eleven or two hundred." Yuesong understood that at eleven o'clock, more than two hundred Japs appeared. Yuesong lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and said: "Deng Minghe, Murong He, Tie

Dan and Lei Hang, the four of you come with me, bring enough ammunition, and leave everything else behind."

Deng Minghe and the others were preparing in a hurry. Yuesong took a few puffs of cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, took out his dagger, dug a small hole in the ground, and buried the cigarette butt in the hole. He grabbed the sniper rifle,

After walking a few steps, he turned back to Da Zhuang and said, "Pass this on. The others will hide on the spot. No shots are allowed unless absolutely necessary."

Da Zhuang responded, crouched down and went to deliver the message.

"You four, follow me!" Yuesong said and led the four of them to run in the direction of the Japanese.

This chapter has been completed!
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