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171. Airtight 5

In order to obtain the specific situation of the Japanese army's siege of Ren'an Qiang as quickly as possible, Leng Renren led the team to fly all the way, and soon reached a hill directly west of Ren'an Qiang.

Leng Renren took a look with the binoculars. He really didn't know what he was seeing. He was shocked when he saw that a regiment of Japanese troops had formed a partial siege to the west of Ren'an Qiang. In the distance, the heroes of Ren'an Qiang were

The troops of the First Division of the Burmese Army did not have a solid city defense, so they had to use the tanks and armored vehicles of the Armored Brigade to form a defensive circle on the outside. Except for a few sentries, the British and Burmese troops in the circle could not see their faces.

"Damn it, the British and Burmese troops knew that the Pingqiang River Ferry was occupied by the Japs. There was even a regiment of Japs to the west, and there seemed to be a lot of Japs to the east. The distance was too far to see clearly. There was no way.

If you guessed wrong, the north side should also be surrounded by Japanese soldiers. Didn't these pigs think of finding a place to break out of the encirclement, so they just planned to stay in the circle and become sheep to be slaughtered?" Lengren couldn't help but count.


Adjutant Li also held up the telescope and looked around for a few times. The nerves on his face were tense, and he said with concern: "I just can't figure it out. The 113th Regiment is coming one after another. Where to start the rescue?"

"It is not impossible to rescue a regiment. The key is that the surrounded pigs cannot sit still and wait for death. They must rise up and launch a counterattack. Think about it, if they are surrounded by a pack of wolves, even if a few wolves come to stir things up, the pack of wolves will be destroyed."

Those who can break through the encirclement, but what are being surrounded now are a group of sheep, not even goats." Leng Ren put down the telescope and didn't even bother to look at it.

"Master, these sheep are all for a purpose. If they are fucked by the Japanese once, the number may increase, hahaha." Leng Feng looked down on those who were courageous.

"What time has it been? You're still making sarcastic remarks there." Leng Renren sat on the ground, lit a cigarette, and took two puffs, "Commander, send a report to Commander Du."


After a while, the communications troop came over.

"Report to the battalion commander, Commander Liu of the 113th Regiment of the 66th Army's New 38th Division sent a telegram."

"What? The 113th Regiment sent a telegram directly?"


"What content?"

"Let us find out the distribution of the Japanese troops surrounding Ren'anqiang as soon as possible and report directly to the 113th Regiment immediately."

"Okay now, it seems that no other troops will come for reinforcements. The 113th Regiment has communicated with us directly." Lengrenren took a sip, "Send a report to the 113th Regiment first. Ren'an Qiang has been captured by the Japanese army.

We have surrounded them airtight, and currently we have detected a Japanese brigade at Pingqiang River Ferry with no heavy weapons, and a regiment to the west with less than ten tanks and an unknown number of artillery pieces."

"Yes." The signal soldier immediately went to send the report.

"Order the troops to rest where they are for ten minutes, then take a detour over the mountains and head due north for reconnaissance."

"Yes." Leng Feng lazily agreed and asked a private next to him to pass on the order.

Just when Leng Ren was indignant, Luo Yuesong and the others had arrived at a bend in the Pingqiang River. The water flow became very gentle in the bend, and there were many fish swimming in the clear river water.

Luo Yuesong raised his head and looked around, and said to Lei Hang: "Let Brother Chao arrange the security, and the others should quickly go to the river to take a bath and rest for a while."

"Yes." Lei Hang carried the radio on his back and went to find Brother Chao.

Whooping Crane put down the machine gun and untied the bandage wrapped around his waist. The wound had healed, but he could not touch the water yet, so he had to walk to the river and wipe his body with the clear river water to relieve his fatigue.

Shaoqiu and Jiduo were the youngest and had not received formal military training. Although they both grew up in the mountains, they were tired after all the running and fighting.

The two boys took off their clothes and jumped into the river. The two of them were playing and playing in the river, and in a blink of an eye they dived into the water.

Yuesong just drank some water, washed his face, and took two puffs of cigarette. He couldn't see the two boys anymore. He hurriedly asked Cao Gen'er: "Cao Gen'er, where are those two kids?"

"I'm diving, look over there, I'm about to float." Cao Gen'er agreed while washing his body.

"I caught a fish, I caught a fish." It was Guido, who was shouting when his head emerged from the water, holding a big grass carp with both hands.

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