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Forty, a dilemma

The three of them took a closer look. Fortunately, they were all wearing New Fourth Army uniforms. Those people ignored the three of them and directly occupied the top of the hill. They set up heavy machine guns and light machine guns, and they all fell to the top of the hill with a "crash".

Yuesong turned his head and glanced at the hilltop opposite. It was like magic soldiers descending from the sky. A long line of the New Fourth Army was already lying on the hilltop, and machine guns were also set up.

At this time, a leader with a pistol on his belt walked up to Yuesong and said: "Captain Luo, Captain Luo, what can I tell you about you? It's just a little bit close, just a little bit close, you can just arrange it for us."

An ambush battle was spoiled." After the leader finished speaking, he lay down on the top of the hill and saw that the Japanese had already chased him halfway up the mountain.

"Fire!" the leader gave the order, and the heavy machine gun began to fire with a beep beep, the light machine gun also fired without mercy, and even more rifles continued to fire with a beep beep.

, the Japs on the hillside were beaten so suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, a large number fell down.

Yuesong looked around and saw that there seemed to be a full regiment of troops. Hey, he wanted to take some time off from his busy schedule to kill a few Japanese so as to help the retreating division, but was he doing a disservice?

The Japanese commander then realized that he had been ambushed, but a squadron of people had already rushed up the hillside. If they retreated, they would not be able to get far, so he commanded his small steel cannon team and immediately set up the small steel cannon.

With a "Boom, Boom, Boom" volley, the shells landed accurately on the hilltop, and seven or eight New Fourth Army soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

"Bulller." The leader shouted loudly, apparently preparing to charge.

Yuesong hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Chief, don't be busy charging. Leave the Japanese cannon positions to us."

The commander looked at the sniper rifles in the hands of Yuesong and Murong He and said, "Okay, let's see how capable these treasures in your eyes are."

Yuesong didn't answer a word. He and Murong He lay down on the hilltop and aimed their guns at the Japanese artillery. Yuesong saw from the sniper scope that there were six Japanese small steel cannons, so he shouted to Murong He: "

The three on the left are yours."

Murong He didn't answer and killed one of them with a shot. Yuesong didn't hesitate and killed another one.

However, the Japanese's other four cannon shells had already fired four shells at this moment. The shells accurately hit the top of the mountain again, and several more soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

Yuesong and Murong He reloaded and fired as quickly as possible, and several other Japanese artillery units also turned off. Just when the Japanese were about to continue to replenish the artillery, the leader saw through the telescope that the Japanese on the hillside had been beaten.

In a state of disarray, with most of the Japs already suffering casualties, they decisively ordered the bugler to blow the charge horn.

"Dudu da da dudu", as soon as the charge horn sounded, the New Fourth Army soldiers on the hills on both sides were like hungry tigers pouncing on food, holding guns and firing as they rushed down the hill.

Seeing that the situation was over, the Japanese Major turned his horse around and prepared to run. Yuesong got up from the ground, took the sniper rifle and rushed down the hill. Yuesong didn't care about the other Japanese, and after running for more than a hundred meters quickly, he jumped on one leg.

Kneeling down, he raised his gun and fired. The Japs Major fell off his horse and died. Yuesong stood up and looked at the other Japs. They had all been killed by the New Fourth Army soldiers who rushed down the hillside.

Yuesong happily ran to the chief and said, "Chief, how about it? Is it worth the money?"

"Okay, I really answered that sentence, 'If you don't have the diamond, you won't get the porcelain job.' Well done, it's well-deserved, hahaha." The chief said with a smile, and then turned to the person behind him.

The person who looked like a staff officer said, "Order, clean the battlefield quickly and evacuate immediately!"

The man who looked like a staff officer took the order.

Yuesong saw that this battle had gained a lot, so he immediately got close to the leader and said: "Chief, if you know me, then you should know our leader."

"Hey, so you don't recognize me?" the chief said in surprise.

"Haha, I think I've seen it before, but..." Yuesong said embarrassedly.

"It's no wonder, ah, you are a famous person in our fifth division. I am just a soldier in the car, not worthy of being recognized by Captain Luo." The leader said something.

Yuesong had an idea, this must be a regiment leader. The fifth division only has three main regiments and a new regiment. Why not try your luck? Even Meng Dai guessed and said: "Oh oh oh, I remembered, you are a regiment."

Commander, I saw you at the division headquarters."

"Why, I remembered, okay, get close to me, tell me what you want." As expected, it was Huang Tao, the regiment leader.

Although Yuesong was very proud of having guessed correctly, he did not dare to show joy. Besides, he wanted to ask for ammunition supplies from others, so he had to be more careful, so he smiled and said to Captain Huang: "Captain Huang,

Our special forces team is performing tasks in this area, but we have already fought two battles, and this ammunition - he - is not too much." Yuesong said while observing Captain Huang's face, and saw that Captain Huang was looking at

He was happy with the victory in front of him, and immediately said: "In addition, we have been on a mission alone for several days, and we don't know how many days it will take to complete the mission. This supply - haha, it's not enough, haha."

"Okay, okay, your little Jiujiu, I knew it a long time ago. Don't say that you hit me by mistake. You helped us lead the Japs into the ambush circle, and also helped us shoot down the Japs' small steel cannons, but they didn't help us at all."

, I will still give you this thing, otherwise you idiot Song Er will say that I am stingy again. Just tell me, you can take whatever ammunition and supplies you want." Captain Huang was quite generous.

Upon hearing this, Yuesong thanked Captain Huang and followed a soldier to get ammunition and supplies while the iron was hot.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Captain Huang led his troops withdrew into the mountains. After Yuesong said goodbye to Captain Huang, he quickly took the people and equipment and slipped back to the old saponaria tree under the fairy's finger.


Biaozi was on the top of the peak and saw all this. With such a good opportunity, he couldn't kill a few Japs. He was so angry that he was so angry that when he saw the captain coming back, he immediately threw him from the top of the peak.

A branch fell down.

Yuesong was relying on the old honey locust tree to have a good time. When he saw a branch dropped from it, he thought there was another Japanese movement. He excitedly picked up the branch and saw that there was a "card" carved on it. Yuesong

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t know what it meant, and I didn’t dare to ask Biaozi loudly, so I kept thinking about it.

Biaozi asked Chang Chao to use a sniper scope to observe the surroundings, while he used a telescope to look at the captain's puzzled look, secretly enjoying himself.

Yuesong thought about it for a long time, but still didn't know what it meant, and was afraid of losing time, so he took a sniper scope to look at Biaozi on the top of the peak. Seeing that Biaozi was looking at him with the telescope, he looked like he was getting carried away.

Only then did he realize that Biaozi was playing tricks on him. Yuesong looked at the "stuck" boy again, suddenly realized, and thought to himself, this kid is still being petty because he can't come down to fight the Japanese. However, Yuesong still smiled to himself.

Okay, this little brat is quite smart. The word "stuck" means "up" and "down". The top wants to come down, but the bottom doesn't want to go up, so it can't go up or down. Haha, ghost.

There are quite a lot of thoughts.

At this time, Deng Minghe and Lei Hang also came back. Seeing the depressed looks on their faces, Yuesong asked: "What's wrong? Frost? Why do you look like a wilted eggplant?"

Deng Minghe thrust the big knife on his back into the ground and said listlessly: "Yes, after running for a long time, I didn't pick up a bullet, and I didn't even touch the Japanese hair. Where did you get the energy? It's not like you, one shot."

One, it’s so cool!”

Yuesong was about to comfort Deng Minghe, but unexpectedly another branch dropped from the peak. Yuesong picked it up and saw that "eleven thousand" was engraved on it. Yuesong immediately became serious and ordered: "Ouyang Qiuyue,

Niu Peilin, you two, go up to the tree to be on guard. Deng Minghe, immediately distribute the ammunition and supplies. Under the hilltop where a group of Japs were ambushing the Japs just now, more than a thousand Japs appeared. It is estimated that the Japs’ large force has followed. Everyone,

Pay attention to confidentiality, and never shoot without my order!"

Ouyang Qiuyue and Niu Peilin cheered, each climbed up a big tree, raised their sniper rifles, and guarded the surroundings. As soon as Deng Minghe heard that the Japanese were coming, he immediately became energetic and went to distribute ammunition and supplies to everyone.

After all the work was done, the special forces members under the immortal's command each found their own secrets and put on disguises on their faces and bodies. Biaozi and the others on the top of the peak also hid in the bushes and watched closely.

The movements of the devils.

About half an hour later, Niu Peilin, who was on alert in the northeast, signaled to Yuesong, meaning that the Japanese army had sent a search team of more than a dozen people to the northeast and was coming in this direction.

Yuesong ordered everyone with gestures to pay attention to secrecy, and to use a knife as a last resort to solve the problem. Moreover, Biaozi and the others on the peak must not be exposed. Yuesong also ordered Niu Peilin and Murong He to quickly come down from the tree and find them.

Be secretive and disguise yourself.

About ten minutes later, the Japanese search team was only nearly fifty meters away from Yuesong. The Japanese search team was still carrying their guns and searching here cautiously.

At this time, Yuesong's head was racing rapidly. If the Japs discovered it, how should he direct these young men to fight? Once the gunshots were fired, the Japs' army would probably quickly surround this place. Being surrounded meant that special forces would

The entire team will be wiped out, let alone any important tasks.

Quietly evacuate? No, you must not move now. Moving means being exposed. Besides, why leave Biaozi and the others alone? Tease the tiger away from the mountain? No, whoever tries to lure the enemy may never come back.

I have lost enough brothers, I cannot lose another brother easily from my side.

Yuesong was lying in the grass, his eyes fixed on the Japanese search team that was only more than thirty meters away. His head was still racing, but he still couldn't think of any good ideas. He could only lower his body as much as possible and hold his breath.

As a last resort, use the camera again.

This chapter has been completed!
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