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199. Lure and destroy Yoshida 2

After Brother Chao and Xizi withdrew from the forest, they ran along the river beach and along the edge of the forest to the south for two to three hundred meters before quickly crossing the river while covering each other.

"Captain, we are back." Xizi reported to Luo Yuesong.

"Have the Japanese followed?" Yuesong asked.

"I'm following, but not so closely. It must have hurt too much from the previous beating." Brother Chao sat on the ground, leaning his back against the tree trunk, and rested for a while.

"Huineng, give the Japs some hints, otherwise you won't be able to follow us, and you don't know where the Japs will slip away," Yuesong said to Hui Neng.

"Yes." Huineng picked up the machine gun, placed it on a big rock, and stared at the woods on the other side.

The sound of Yano's gunshots chasing Brother Chao caught Kishida's attention. Kishida and his men had already arrived at the Pingqiang River, but his position was upstream of Luo Yuesong, just on the top of a hill, so Kishida was safe and secure.

You can also use a telescope to observe the coordinates of Luo Yuesong.

"Hehe." Yano suddenly felt a little triumphant, because he saw two fast-running Chinese soldiers running along the river beach for a while, then crossed the river through the shallow water channel and hid in the woods on the east bank.

When Yano led the soldiers to the edge of the forest, they discovered that the forest was the river beach. There were only large and small pebbles on the river beach. When more people went to the river beach, they would not be able to find hiding spots, which would easily expose the team to the enemy.

under fire.

Yano took a telescope and looked at the woods on the other side three or four times, but found no trace of the enemy.

Hui Neng saw a flash of light on the edge of the forest in the distance on the opposite bank. He estimated that it was probably a Japanese officer observing with a telescope. Alas, it was just to give the Japanese a hint and shoot a few random shots.

Huineng pulled the bolt of his gun and aimed at the distant woods. After firing two short bursts of "ta da" and "ta da", he put away the machine gun and hid behind a big rock, waiting for the Japanese's reaction.

Yano held up the binoculars and followed the sound of gunshots. Oh, it was on the other side of the lower river. Yano turned around and looked at the soldiers around him. They were all fine and had no hair loss. Yano understood that the enemy was deliberately exposing themselves.

Is it possible that he wants to lure him over to his position and then ambush him?

Yano thought in his heart, I am not that stupid. I go out of the forest, go to the beach, or even walk into the river, and become your target. I, Yano, will become the successor of the famous general of the Imperial Army in the future. How could this happen?

I've been fooled by you, and I'm just trying to do what I know best.

Yano directed his soldiers to follow the edge of the forest and down the river without leaving the forest, and continued to track.

Yoshida was behind Yano, watching Yano's command, and felt that this kid was quite reliable, so he went down parallel to Yano deeper into the forest.

"Captain, the Japs must know our location, but they haven't left the forest yet. We are probably walking inside the forest. We are going to find a suitable place to cross the river." Huineng reported to Luo Yuesong.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. Monkey Sun can't jump out of the palm of Tathagata Buddha. What's more, those devils on the opposite side can't compare with our Sun Dasheng." Luo Yuesong picked up the sniper rifle and planned to take a look at it, but it didn't work.

Thinking about it, a whistling sound that he once hated so much suddenly sounded in the sky.

Luo Yuesong put away his rifle, concentrated his energy, listened carefully, and shouted loudly: "Hide - cover -, the shells are coming -"

Fortunately, the brothers had often fought against the Japanese and were already accustomed to being bombarded by Japanese aircraft and artillery. In the blink of an eye, the brothers had found a place to hide from the bombs.

"Shaoqiu, you are looking for death." When the third brother looked up, he found that Shaoqiu was still squatting there stupidly, looking up at the sky. He quickly ran over, pulled Shaoqiu behind a big rock, and pushed Shaoqiu down.

On the ground.

When Luo Yuesong heard the shouts of his third brother, he turned around and saw that Guido was actually holding a rifle, aiming at the sky. He had heard of people using rifles to masturbate, but he had never heard of people using rifles to shoot cannonballs.

"Guido——" Luo Yuesong judged from the whistle of the shell that it was a heavy artillery and it was about to fall next to the brothers, so he ran a few steps and flew to throw Guido to the ground. Almost at the same time,

, a cannonball fell, and the huge explosion, accompanied by burning air waves, knocked Luo Yuesong and Guido tumbling.

"Boom boom boom" "boom boom boom" one after another the shells fell around the brothers, two tall kapok trees were blown down, and a camphor tree ignited a raging fire.??

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