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206. Sidu Pingqiang River 6

When Brother Chao and the others rushed to the team, Yuesong was resting in place with his brothers.

"Captain, after a lot of trouble, we hit a Japanese soldier. From a distance, he didn't seem to be beaten to death, but the beating was quite lively. In this sultry weather, it's so cool to be able to beat a Japanese soldier until he's sweating. If we do it again,

It will be even better if you take a bath in the river." Whooping Crane carried the machine gun and walked to the captain's side.

"Come on, we're waiting for you here. We're just going to go down to the river. But don't even think about taking a bath. It's no problem to cross the water." Yuesong held the deflated cigarette case and did not smoke during the rare break.

"Captain, you can't rest for too long, the Japs are not far behind," Brother Chao said.

"It's okay, those little devils can only jump a few times. Even if they are chasing after them, if they catch up, it's not their time to die." Yuesong smelled the cigarette box and saw that there were two more cigarettes.

You have to save money on cigarettes, and you have to kill a smoking Japanese. Alas, the supply will be cut off soon. I have no food in my hand and I feel panicked.

Shaoqiu stared at the river for a long time, then came over and said to the captain: "Captain, the deepest part of the river here is at least up to my neck. Do the brothers in our team know how to swim? Otherwise, it will be difficult."


"Well, good job. You know how to observe and think." Yuesong took out a small piece of biscuit from his pocket and stuffed it into Shaoqiu's hand. "This is a reward for you. You and Guido can eat it together."

"Oh, biscuits, I saw them in Tonggu City, but my father couldn't bear to buy them for me." Shaoqiu happily took the biscuits and went to find Guido.

"Brothers." Yuesong stood up, "The river here is relatively deep, but the Japs wouldn't have thought that we would cross the river from here, so I just want to cross the river from here. Do you think we should do it?"

"Do it." The brothers agreed as a matter of course. It doesn't matter if a team has limited equipment or lack of food and clothing. What matters is that it must have morale. The team led by Luo Yuesong can lack everything.

It's exactly morale.

"When crossing the river, try not to touch the water with your gun." Yuesong said to Shaoqiu and Jiduo.

"I understand." Shaoqiu replied, imitating Yuesong's accent.

"Let's go--" Yuesong shouted and was the first to enter the water.

After arriving on the other side, Yuesong took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It took five minutes in total. It was a bit risky, but it was also quite exciting.

"Whooping Crane, have you cut down the trees?" Yuesong shouted.

"Chopped, chopped off a frangipani branch." Whooping Crane looked at the captain, waiting for judgment.

"Okay, with your big knife, if you cut it in one stroke, the edge should be very smooth."

"That's necessary. Don't just chop off a branch, even if you chop off the devil's head, the knife edge on the neck will still be smooth."

"Okay." Yuesong put away his pocket watch, "Third brother will take the lead, and Xizichao will take the rear. Let's set off."

"Yes." The brothers shouted in unison, fearing that the Japanese in the distance wouldn't hear them.

Not long after Tsukimatsu and the others crossed the river, Yano arrived at the plumeria branch. Looking at the smooth blade, Yano knew that this was another mark deliberately left by the enemy. But looking at the river water here, it should not be that shallow. Could the enemy

Ambush on the other side?

Yano thought for a while, and the Chinese said, "We know that there are tigers in the mountains, but we prefer to go to the tiger mountains." They still followed Major Yoshida's method and crossed the river in batches.

What Yano didn't expect was that this time when he crossed the river, he didn't see an enemy on the other side. What Yano didn't expect even more was that as soon as he entered the forest after crossing the river, he saw Major Yoshida standing in a daze in front of a hibiscus tree.

"Major." Yano saluted Yoshida.

Yoshida slowly turned around and looked at the Pingqiang River in front of him. After a long time, he spoke: "We're here again. It won't be because of the hot weather. The enemy can go down to the river to take a bath."

"Major, maybe the enemy is trying to make us confused about their intentions. The Chinese call this a 'deception'."

"'Eye trick', well, just dig out his eyes and it will be fine." Yoshida said a little self-deprecatingly.

"Major, what should we do now?" Yano did not dare to make a rash guess.

"Yano-kun, take your people and continue the pursuit." Yoshida was very calm, playing with a camphor tree branch in his hand.

"Hi." After Yano bowed, he led the team to continue tracking.??

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