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217. Ferry escape 4

Luo Yuesong heard the gunshots at the ferry, raised his sniper rifle and saw, holy shit, Comrade Toothpick was actually at the forefront of the Japanese position, and he was the most prominent one.

"This damn Toothpick thinks he is my Lao Luo. He is trying to lead the way, but he can't go to the forefront." Yuesong put away his rifle, turned to Brother Chao and said, "Brother Chao, follow me. You must do it."

Rescue Lengren Ren, and the others, led by Minghe, will go over to meet Adjutant Li and the others."

"Captain, I'll go too. One more machine gun can do a lot of work." Ming He actively asked for a fight.

"Damn it, in an emergency, if I give an order, there are no conditions. Lead the team to rendezvous." Luo Yuesong cursed and ran quickly towards the bushes with a sniper rifle. Brother Chao also knew in his heart that this

At that time, the power of the sniper was definitely much greater than that of the machine gun. Without saying anything, he followed closely behind the captain and rushed to the rescue of Comrade Toothpick.

Mr. Jiro was not someone to be trifled with. Seeing that there were machine guns and rifles covering up behind the major of the national army, and that one of the ten people who passed by Iwai was dead and one injured, he simply said to the two Japanese soldiers around him: "You two, bring the heavy machine gun over here."

Come and put it on the low wall."

"Hi." The two soldiers ran over and took the time to move the heavy machine gun.

As Leng Feng ran forward, he kept shouting loudly to Leng Renren: "Master, don't stay there, run, run."

Leng Ren turned around and saw Leng Feng running toward him with a machine gun in his arms, shooting at the Japanese from time to time as he ran.

"You put one dead thing back, and another one comes. Isn't this the gourd baby saving grandpa?" Leng Renren said to himself, feeling both distressed and filled with hatred.

"Leng Feng, Leng Feng -" Leng Renren was worried that Leng Feng, who was holding a machine gun, would have a harder time getting away from the Japanese, so he shouted loudly, "Don't come over, don't come over, just cover me there."

"What? Master, don't worry, I'm coming right now." Leng Feng didn't hear clearly what the master was saying, or maybe he didn't want to hear clearly, so he continued to fire the gun, fired twice, and then continued to run forward.


It seems that I can't do anything if I don't retreat. These dead things will give up their lives for me. After Lengren fired "dudududu" at the Japanese, he bent over, tried to keep his body close to the ground, and ran quickly


Leng Feng saw the young master running back again, so he simply stood on the spot, holding the machine gun and firing at the Japs, trying his best to suppress the Japs' firepower.

"Want to run? It's not that easy." Mr. Jiro's heavy machine gun has been moved over. He didn't even bother to install the bracket. He directly asked two soldiers to start operating. One soldier started feeding bullets, and the other soldier put the heavy machine gun in the hand.

The machine gun was mounted directly on the low wall, flames spurted out, and bullets poured into the distance.

The bullets followed Lengren, and when they hit the grass, they were destroying the innocent young grass. The grass stems and leaves were flying all over the sky like a lawnmower cutting grass.

Fortunately, Lengrenren reacted quickly, and the heavy machine gun was not that flexible after all. Lengrenren swooped down and fell into a low-lying pit, and the heavy machine gun could not hit him for the time being.

Leng Feng saw the Japanese beating the young master with a heavy machine gun, and the inexplicable anger shot up from his forehead.

"You bastard, if you dare to hit my young master, you will die -" Leng Feng changed a magazine with a full magazine, and the light machine gun and the heavy machine gun clicked together.

Mr. Jiro saw that the national army major was nowhere to be seen, so he directed two Japanese soldiers to shoot at the machine gunner standing there.

"Shoot—" Mr. Jiro drew out his katana and pointed forward.

"Click, click, click, click." The two Japs moved their guns, and bullets began to pour towards Leng Feng.

A heavy machine gun bullet grazed Leng Feng's left arm. Although it only grazed it, the bullet took away a piece of flesh on Leng Feng's left arm.

Leng Feng's left arm immediately lost strength, so he held the machine gun with one hand and continued shooting. However, the recoil of the machine gun was too great and he couldn't hit it accurately.

"Leng Feng - get down - get down -" Leng Feng shouted loudly as he saw his brother was still fighting with the Japanese's heavy machine gun after being shot.

Leng Feng, who had always refused to admit defeat, heard the young master's loud shouting and thought that if he died, no one would be able to protect the young master. So he gritted his teeth, suppressed his hot temper, and lay on the ground to avoid heavy machine gun bullets.


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