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225. Tigers down the mountain 7

Luo Yuesongbai was overjoyed. He originally thought that the heavy firepower of the Japanese army would fire back. While the two sides were fighting, he picked up a few big fish and sniped down a few Japanese machine gunners for fun. Who knew that a precise round of artillery fire came down?

Several firepower points on the surface were almost eliminated. When machine guns were killing everyone, the Japanese did not show up to fight back in order to guard the key passes.

After the gunfire stopped, there was silence all around, and the sky got dark just right. The mosquitoes began to become active. Now, not only could they not catch the Japanese in the bushes, but they also fed the mosquitoes.

"Hey, all your work has been in vain, Brother Chao, Duan Er, let's go back." Yuesong said bitterly.

"Yes." The two buddies were also a little disappointed, so they had no choice but to follow Luo Yuesong and retreat in the dark.

The three of them were silent along the way, because Yuesong was not in a happy mood, Brother Chao didn't talk much, and Duan Er had to remain silent.

Back at the station, Yuesong sat down on the ground, silently blocking the flame of the cigarette butt with a banana leaf, secretly feeling depressed.

"Mule, you're back. How many Japanese have you killed?" Leng Renren brought some food over.

"Duck eggs." Yuesong replied angrily.

"Oh, you didn't go to the 113th Regiment's forward position just now to see more than a hundred machine guns firing at the same time. That was quite shocking. If you ask me, the New 38th Division is the main force, and it shouldn't have so many machine guns.

"Leng Lengren was tearing apart pancakes and eating them.

Yuesong was speechless and continued to smoke.

"Eat, you've been busy all day, aren't you hungry? I'm almost starving to death. Hey, I'll feel quite comfortable after eating some pancakes and drinking some spring water."

Yuesong moved his body and turned his back to Qingrenren.

"However, I still don't fully understand why Commander Liu, who only has a thousand men under his command, secretly marched to rescue the emergency, didn't attack suddenly, but set up such a formation, making it look like a division was about to open a frontal battle.

The attack is the same, is this a conspiracy or a conspiracy?" Lengrenren took a sip of water, took the cigarette from Yuesong's hand, took two puffs, and stuffed it into Yuesong's hand.

Yuesong took two puffs, pressed the butt of the cigarette into the soil, turned over some soil and covered it.

"I think it would be good to attack the ferry at night and capture it in one fell swoop. However, Captain Liu said that with such a disturbance, the Japanese would definitely be prepared for night attacks, and the national army is not good at night attacks. I think so. Captain Liu's analysis is correct.


"Why the hell are you right and right? Are you filled with shit?" Yuesong raised his voice and cursed coldly at Leng Renren.

Lengrenren was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Mule, have you eaten gunpowder? It's okay, why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm just yelling at you. Why don't you accept it?" Yuesong suddenly stood up and grabbed Lengren's collar.

"Luo Yuesong, let go of the young master and kick your nose in the face, right?" Leng Feng rushed over at once.

"What's the matter with you? You're not injured. I'll take care of you now." Luo Yuesong went towards Leng Feng.

"You——" Leng Feng was about to lose his temper.

"What's the matter with you? If you're injured, just stay here and recuperate. When will it be your turn to get involved in our brothers' affairs? Just wait and see."

After Leng Renren yelled, Leng Feng didn't dare to say anything anymore. With an unconvinced look on his face, he tilted his head, covered his arms, and sat aside.

"The mule is like Leng Feng. He belongs to the donkey, and he just needs me to take care of him. Come on, eat the pancakes. People are like iron, and rice is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry."

"Don't eat."

"Really don't want to eat? Let me tell you, Captain Liu's war is real and fake. Who knows if he will send us a mission tonight?"

"Assign a mission? Didn't your reconnaissance be flawless? What other missions are you going to send?"

"Instead of a large-scale night attack, maybe a small-scale night attack?" Lengrenren said with a mysterious face.

"That's called harassment, a tactic to mislead soldiers."

"That's right, for the suspicious tactics, of course it's best for a special force like you to do it."

Yuesong took out a cigarette, but his head was spinning rapidly.

"Stop smoking, make your stomach full first." Lengrenren stuffed the pancake into Yuesong's hand and snatched the cigarette away.

Yuesong stuffed the pancake into his mouth, chewed it in big mouthfuls, turned to Lei Hang and said, "Lei Hang, water."

"Here we come." Lei Hang handed the kettle to Yuesong.

Yuesong took a big sip, feeling extremely refreshed.

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