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236. The war is imminent 7

What Lengrenren didn't expect, but Ishiheijiro thought of, was the same trench that was extended separately. During Lengrenren's reconnaissance during the day, there were indeed no machine gun fire points in the trench, and there were no Japanese soldiers guarding it. However, at night, after Lengrenren and Luo Yuesong passed by like this

After the lively commotion, Ishiheijiro sent three soldiers over, carrying a machine gun, two 38-type rifles, and 10 30-round machine gun magazines to prevent the Chinese army from condescending from the woods in the southwest corner.

A sneak attack.

Captain Liu Fangwu was not idle this evening either. He had been observing the Japanese defensive position at the ferry from a distance through a lookout. He watched the Japanese troops commotion on the position from time to time, with light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and searchlights illuminating the night sky.

, and then the sniper rifle accurately sniped, and the Japanese were blinded. I felt so beautiful in my heart that I kept praising the two reconnaissance captains to the deputy commander around me. Of course, in addition to the sentries and a small number of patrols,

In addition, Commander Liu confidently and boldly ordered many brothers who have traveled hundreds of miles for several days in a row that no matter how fat the mosquitoes are or how hot the weather is, they must have a good sleep tonight, because Commander Liu has already

The plan was made, at dawn tomorrow, when the Japanese troops were exhausted and sleepy, they would launch a full-line attack on the Japanese army at the ferry, seize the ferry in one fell swoop, and open the way for the first division of the British and Burmese troops to break through.

After the two reconnaissance captains made such a fuss, Commander Liu felt it was time to talk to Scott: "Signal Corps, send a report to Commander Scott of the British and Burmese Army. At 5:30 this morning, our army will respond on time.

The Japanese army launched a full-line attack at Pingqiang River Ferry, please Division Commander Scott to be fully prepared to lead a team to break out."

"Yes." The communications soldier received the order and immediately sent the report.

It's now past one o'clock in the morning, and the weather has become cooler. In the woods, it's very hot during the day, but it's quite cool late at night.

Yuesong was lying on the ground, with no intention of changing his position at all. Instead, he was enjoying the cool air while waiting for a new opportunity to harass.

"Lei Hang, go get a big banana leaf." Yuesong still couldn't help but want to smoke.

"Again," Lei Hang complained. He went not far away and picked a large banana leaf for the captain. He held the banana leaf in both hands and stood between the captain and the Japanese position.

Yuesong lit the lighter with a "pop" sound, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath. With this puff, one-third of the cigarette turned into ashes.

"Captain, are you still waiting here?" Ming He felt bored.

"If you're bored, just take a nap. It's getting cooler now." Yuesong puffed out the smoke and said.

"Oh, just sleep, no one is afraid of you." Whooping Crane hugged the machine gun and fell asleep.

Everything went according to the pre-arrangement. Lengren led his brothers to work together and sneak into the front of the separate trench. Perhaps the Chinese army continued to harass but did not attack, which made the three Japanese soldiers a little paralyzed and did not dare to show their heads casually.

They were driven back to their hometown by sniper rifles from a long distance, so the three Japanese soldiers were nestled at the end of the trench, holding rifles and machine guns in their arms, recharging their energy with peace of mind, but they did not dare to sleep.

When Old Yantai was the first to jump into the trench, he was dumbfounded. The battalion commander said that there were no Japanese in the trenches. There were no Japanese. Suddenly, three pairs of eyes looked at him in surprise. Old Yantai pulled the gun.

He was about to use Thompson's melee advantage to shoot three Japs.

Leng Renren and Liu Jun jumped in next, but the battalion commander reacted quickly. As soon as he saw the Japs, he immediately pulled out the bayonet from his waist. Before the Japs machine gunner could react, the knife pierced the Japs' heart. Demoman Liu

Jun was also a veteran. When the little Japanese holding the rifle pulled the bolt, he threw the Japanese to the ground with a flying swoop, pressed his head, pulled out his bayonet, and stabbed the Japanese through the back of his neck.

Only then did Lao Yandian react. Instead of firing, he hit the remaining Japs on the cheek with the butt of his rifle. This Japs must have been a new soldier, and he was so stupidly hit to the ground by Lao Yandian with the butt of his gun.

, Lao Yandian rushed forward and strangled the Japanese recruit's neck until the recruit's tongue was sticking out and he could no longer eat his mother's caviar sushi.

When Fugui and Shoufu jumped in with machine guns, the three Japs had already been dealt with. However, these two veterans were not surprised. They occasionally came into close combat with the enemy, not just once or twice.

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