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6. Anti-beheading operation

At dusk, the dim sun gradually sets between the two peaks. People say that "the setting sun is like blood." In this war-torn era, in this blood-spattered land, the pair of kingfishers on the branches

, but still rubbing each other’s ears and temples together, kissing me.

Yuesong looked at the pair of happy birds and suddenly thought of Dan Feng who was hiding from the Japanese raids in the mountains. There were Japanese soldiers everywhere, and Dan Feng also gave herself the Browning that her second uncle had given her for self-defense.

I don’t know how she is doing now. She used to have Biaozi by her side, and Biaozi took care of her like she was her own sister. Later, she could often accompany her, even though there was still a small distance between them.

, but it can also give her a sense of security. But now, the two handsome guys are not with her. What if something unexpected happens...

I don’t know why, but recently Yuesong always likes to think about the worst. The ancients said that “it’s unfounded to worry about the sky.” It’s not unreasonable, but seeing brothers fall one by one, everyone is in this turbulent situation.

How could Yuesong not think too much about the age?

Dan Feng's every word and deed, every smile and every frown made Yuesong feel so in love. However, he lived a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife. He couldn't control his own life. He was still alive and kicking just a second ago.

, maybe he will become a hero in the next second, so Yuesong does not dare to get closer to Dan Feng. The sacrifice of his comrades and brothers makes people miserable. If his lover suddenly disappears, how can Dan Feng accept such a cruel reality?

Woolen cloth?

Yuesong didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he lit up a cigarette and took a few puffs angrily. But he couldn't help but take out the Browning hidden in his arms with body temperature, while admiring the small and beautiful Browning.

, while recalling the beautiful afternoon that I briefly spent with Dan Feng...

After finishing the cigarette, Yuesong pushed the cigarette butt to the ground, stamped it hard, and said to the brothers: "One group will follow me, the second group and the third group will follow, and the fourth group of Biaozi will lead the rear. Pay attention.

We are still in the area where the Japanese are sweeping out, and we are ready for battle at any time." After saying that, he took the lead and walked southeast with the sniper rifle.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Yuesong and twenty brothers rushed to Daijiachong and met Old Man Dai. According to the instructions of his superiors, Old Man Dai informed that there were three ancient cypress trees and a Qing Dynasty cypress tree in Dacheng Bay in Sanhuali outside the north gate of Wuhan City.

During the old tomb, there was a house next to the old tomb. This house was the underground transportation station.

After saying goodbye to Old Man Dai, Yuesong led the team to Dacheng Bay overnight and found three ancient cypress trees and the old tomb. Sure enough, there was a family just a hundred meters away from the old tomb.

"Biaozi, you lead the team and take cover next to the grave. Deng Minghe, Tang Si, you two come with me and have a look." Yuesong ordered.

Deng Minghe and Tang Si took cover, and Yuesong walked in front. After arriving at the house, Yuesong knocked on the door as agreed, three long, three short, and two long.

After a while, a middle-aged man opened the door a crack, glanced at the visitor, and asked, "Borrowing?"

"No, find some water to drink." Yuesong answered as agreed.

"It's midnight and the water is cold," the man said.

"I'm thirsty in the middle of the night." Yuesong answered fluently.

"You can drink water, but you need money." The man added.

"You can drink water, but I don't have money." Yuesong replied.

"Come in." The man said calmly.

Yuesong followed the man through a small courtyard and entered the house. Deng Minghe and Tang Si were on guard outside.

As soon as he entered the room, the man closed the door and immediately became enthusiastic. He took Yuesong's hand and said, "This is Captain Luo. I, the underground traffic officer, Cheng Laoba, please call me Laoba."

"Hello, Comrade Cheng, I am Luo Yuesong, captain of the division's special operations team." Yuesong said, holding Lao Ba's hand.

"I've been waiting for you for a few days, how are you? Is everything going well?" Lao Ba asked.

"It's okay, I encountered a little trouble, but it's okay." Yuesong replied.

"Where are the others? Let them come in. Although my room is not big, it can be squeezed. Besides, it's freezing outside." Lao Ba said.

"Okay, I'll let them in." After Yuesong answered, he walked to the door and waved to Deng Minghe who was hiding at the door of the yard, and Deng Minghe ran over.

"You are on alert and have Tang Si call the other brothers in." Yuesong said.

"Yes!" Deng Minghe replied.

After a while, the brothers all came in. Biaozi arranged for Chang Chao to set up a hidden sentry outside, and got some clean water and a clean cloth from Lao Ba's house, and then asked Wu Wa to bite a towel and put the bayonet

After roasting it on the fire, the bullets were dug out of Wu Wa's arm. Wu Wa was very strong and kept silent, but he bit a few holes in the towel.

After bandaging Wu Wa's wound, Lao Ba put the leftover rice in the pot and the bowl together, cooked a large pot of hot rice, filled two large wooden basins, and served it to the table.

The brothers hadn't had hot meals for some days, and it was very cold at night. Although they were cooked with leftovers, they didn't even have enough bowls and chopsticks, so they had to take turns eating, and each of them only had one bowl.

It's not full, it can only be said to be a filling for the stomach, but the brothers all ate with gusto. Even Captain Yuesong, who comes from a relatively well-off family, ate with satisfaction, no less than the offal soup he had at Lao Ding's place. That's true.

, What delicacies from all over the world, delicacies from mountains and seas, in fact, the most delicious thing in the world is the leftovers served when you are cold and hungry.

After washing the meal, everyone didn't even take off their clothes, so they just huddled together in a daze.

Yuesong and Lao Ba talked for a while under the lamp about going to the city. After making plans, they also lay on the table and squinted.

At about eight o'clock in the morning the next day, Lao Ba made some porridge and steamed buns for everyone, and everyone had a warm meal.

After eating, Yuesong said: "Chang Chao, Tang Si, Deng Minghe, Cao Gen'er, the four of you follow me into the city. Biaozi will take four or five people outside the city gate to cover us as we enter the city. The others stay in the house.

Stay there and don’t go out casually.”

"Why am I staying here again?" Biaozi couldn't go to the city to fight the Japanese, and he felt unhappy again.

"Biaozi, Biaozi, what can I say about you? Why did the regiment leader ask you to be the deputy captain? That is to be ready at any time. If something happens to me, you have to shoulder this burden. Remember, any dangerous mission

"We can only go alone." Yuesong educated Biaozi.

"I know, still need you to teach me?" Biaozi turned and walked aside.

"Okay, fighting the Japs is not just for the fun of killing the Japs. Everything must be based on the overall situation and the final priority is to defeat the Japs and drive all the little Japs out of China." Yuesong finished speaking to everyone and then said to Biaozi,

"Biaozi, after covering up, lead the team back to Lao Ba immediately. Stay safe and don't act without permission."

"Yes, captain!" Biaozi said with a hint of injustice.

Yuesong took Deng Minghe and several others, disguised as firewood sellers and vegetable sellers, and sneaked into the city.

Lao Ba and other comrades in the bay took advantage of the usual opportunity to deliver food to the Japanese and sent a sniper rifle, four hundred-type rifles, a dozen grenades, and some bullets arranged by Captain Yuesong into the city.

, handed it over to Yuesong in Fang County Yellow Tavern.

Based on Lao Ding's reliable information, the Japanese propaganda said that this raid had achieved very good results, not only occupying all the New Fourth Army's base areas, but also annihilating a large number of New Fourth Army. In order to cooperate with the propaganda, the Japanese Army Headquarters decided to hold a grand celebration reception and

A press conference was held to announce this major news to the world. The specific time was set on the 14th of this month in the Gregorian calendar.

Yuesong took four teammates to the Wanguo Hotel where the reception was held for an on-site inspection. It was decided that Chang Chao would serve as the sniper and take on the task of shooting Yamamoto Ichiro at the reception. The others dressed up as waiters and coachmen to respond inside and outside the hotel.

The plan is finalized, and we are just waiting to implement it when the time comes.

This chapter has been completed!
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