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Seven, everything is ready

On the night of the 10th, Lao Ding hurried into the darkroom and reported good news to Yuesong. According to accurate inside information, the Japs headquarters had officially determined that the reception would be held on time at 7:30 pm on the 14th at the Wanguo Hotel. The old Japs Yamamoto

Ichiro is determined to attend and will deliver a speech at the reception.

What’s even more surprising is that Lao Ding also got in touch with Guo Xingguo, the owner of Wanguo Hotel. It turned out that Boss Guo was also a patriot and had been secretly helping various anti-Japanese teams. During the Wuhan War, he once joined forces with the Wuhan Chamber of Commerce to provide assistance to the country.

The army donated five American fighter jets.

After getting in touch with Boss Guo through the party organization, Boss Guo voluntarily provided the layout design and decoration design drawings of the hotel, and promised that he would provide all necessary help to the Chinese warriors.

After introducing the basic situation, Lao Ding took out the drawings provided by Boss Guo from his arms and spread them on the small table.

"Come here, let's study the details of the operation." Yuesong said to the other team members.

Deng Minghe and several others immediately gathered around. Together they studied the drawings carefully, analyzed various situations that might be encountered, and preset the details of the action in detail.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the operation and to ensure the safe withdrawal of the combatants who carried out the operation as much as possible, the operation was divided into three stages: the first stage was to enter the ambush in advance, the second stage was to snipe Yamamoto, and the third stage was to withdraw in camera


Early the next morning, with the help of Lao Ding, the special forces team prepared to carry out the first stage of the assassination operation.

When Yuesong, Tang Si and Lao Ding walked out of the Yellow Tavern, although it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was still gloomy. A cold northwest wind blew from the corner of the street, and the broken waste paper on the ground was blown away by the cold wind.

There was a constant "stab la la" sound, and the pedestrians on the street were hurried and silent. Even the crazy woman at the door looked so dull.

Yuesong looked up at the sky, and suddenly saw the black telephone pole head, and on the wires swaying in the wind, stood a lonely black crow. Just when Yuesong raised his head and saw the crow, the crow

Suddenly, Di Chang called out "Quack-", then spread his wings and flew away. Yuesong glanced at the direction the crow was flying away with disgust, stretched out his hands to gather his open coat, and followed Lao Ding towards the Wanguo Hotel.

When we arrived at the Wanguo Hotel, we met Boss Guo. Sure enough, Boss Guo, who was born in a wealthy businessman family and returned from studying in the UK, had an elegant manner. He had the demeanor of a British gentleman but also the demeanor of a Chinese celebrity. Yuesong saw Boss Guo like this

Patriots can't help but feel respect in their hearts, and they have strengthened their belief in defeating the Japanese devils in their hearts. As long as we, the Chinese people, unite as one, the tiny country of Japanese pirates can only think of wishful thinking if they want to annex China.

, Idiot's dream, a toad wants to eat swan meat, but he doesn't urinate to show it. No matter how strong the mouse is, it is still a smelly little mouse. A sleeping lion, even if he hasn't woken up yet, can crush the arrogant smelly mouse when he turns over.

All the seven orifices were covered with feces and urine.

After meeting Boss Guo, under Boss Guo's arrangement, Yuesong and Tang Si stayed at the Wanguo Hotel as waiters, preparing to meet Chang Chao, who was serving as a sniper, at the reception.

On the 12th, with the assistance of Chang Chao and Deng Minghe, Lao Ding unknowingly transported sniper rifles, bombs, shell guns and grenades into the Wanguo Hotel and hid them in a secret compartment of the hotel bar counter.

At around two o'clock in the evening on the 13th, Chang Chao lurked into the dark attic on the roof of the hotel lobby where the reception was held. In this mission, Chang Chao was the main shooter and shouldered an important task. Not only that, but the bigger test was that Brother Chao

He had to lie in wait for nearly thirty hours in an attic that could only accommodate one person. Moreover, during the ambush, he could hardly move. He could only eat some dry food and drink a little water. The key was that he was not even allowed to go to the latrine. What if he had to urinate?

What to do? I don’t know, probably, maybe, simply, I can only pee in my pants. Not only is the attic small, but there is not even a shooting hole on the side of the lobby. But this is not a problem for the clever Captain Yuesong. According to Yuesong

Looking at the decoration drawings and the location of the small attic, I found that there was a small colored lantern installed just between the attic and the lobby on a wooden board, so I dropped the small colored lantern, leaving a hole as big as a wine bowl.

, so small that it cannot be observed with the sniper scope of a sniper rifle, so this accurate shooting can only rely on Brother Chao's sharp eyes like an eagle.

At around eight o'clock in the morning on the 14th, when Yuesong and Tang Si were mopping the floor in the hotel lobby, dozens of Japs suddenly rushed in. The leading Japs Major held a sword in his hand and walked around in the hotel lobby several times.

Then with a wave of his hand, dozens of Japs began to search around the hotel lobby.

Tang Si squeezed the captain with his arm, implying that the Japanese might have discovered something.

Yuesong mopped the floor slowly as usual, and then wiped the table after wiping the floor, not paying attention to the Japanese rummaging through the cabinets.

At this time, the Japanese Major slowly walked to the wine cabinet and stood by the wine cabinet and looked at the wine cabinet seriously. Tang Si squinted at the Japanese Major's actions and was distracted, grabbing a rag and wiping the table.

With his hand, he suddenly pulled the small vase on the dining table to the ground. With a crisp "pop" sound, everyone turned to look at Tang Si. Tang Si was confused and didn't know what to do.

What's up?

Yuesong stepped forward, slapped Tang Si on the head, and cursed: "You bastard, can you just concentrate on your work? Go, get a broom, and sweep it up for me!"

Only then did Tang Si come to his senses, and immediately hunched over and went in to get the broom and dustpan.

All these actions of Yuesong and Tang Si were seen by the Japanese Major, but the Japanese Major didn't say anything. Seeing Tang Si walk in, he turned around and continued to look at the wine cabinet. As he watched, the Japanese Major suddenly squatted down.

Lowering his body, he opened the wooden cabinet under the wine cabinet. After examining it carefully, he took out a bottle of French famous wine Louis XIV. He admired the label on the bottle for a while, and then shouted to Yuesong:

"Hey, come here!"

Yuesong hurriedly ran in small steps and came to the side of the Japanese Major. He bent down and waited for the Japanese Major's instructions.

"Open!" the Japanese Major said in decent Chinese.

"Hai, hai." Yuesong deliberately imitated poor Japanese and replied. Yuesong skillfully opened the wine bottle with the opener, then took out the cup with tricks, wiped the cup, and poured four cups for the Japanese Major.

A glass of foreign wine was handed to the Japanese Major respectfully.

"Yo Xi." The Japanese Major took the wine glass, took a sip, nodded and tasted it. Then he held the wine glass in one hand and the sword in the other, walking around in the lobby.

Suddenly, the Japanese Major looked up and saw that a lamp was missing and there was a hole in the ceiling of the lobby.

Brother Chao was looking at the situation in the lobby through the hole in the ceiling. When he saw the Japanese Major noticed the small hole, he immediately retracted his head and lay motionless in the attic.

Tang Si, who had just finished sweeping away the glass shards on the floor and returned to the lobby to clean the table with Yuesong, saw the Japanese Major staring at the hole in the ceiling again and nervously poked Yuesong in the back with his arm.

Yuesong stretched out his hand and struck Tang Si's head hard, saying, "You brat, you can't even clean the table. Are you the one who wipes out the food?"

Tang Si touched his sore head, glanced at the captain, then lowered his head and continued wiping the table.

The Japanese Major raised his head and looked at it for a long time, then shouted to Yuesong: "Hey, come here!"

Yuesong hurried over and said respectfully: "Taijun, please give me your instructions!"

"Look up, look, there!" said the Japanese Major, pointing to the hole in the ceiling.

"Oh, that hole you mentioned, a lantern fell down and broke into pieces with a 'pop' sound. Haha, I've already gone to find the repairman. Press it up immediately, immediately, immediately!" Yuesong nodded and said.


"Well, Yossi!" The Japanese Major continued to pace in the lobby while sipping the wine.

For nearly an hour, all the Japanese soldiers who carefully inspected reported to the Japanese Major, and found nothing unusual. The Japanese Major arranged dozens of Japanese soldiers in various passages and corners of the lobby. It seemed that starting from the morning, the Japanese soldiers were going to

Martial law has been imposed on the hotel. It’s no wonder that the top Japanese military commander in Wuhan is going to deliver a speech at this reception, so security must be very tight. Yuesong estimates that several nearby streets will be under martial law at night, and there will be more Japanese inside and outside the lobby.

There are even plainclothes soldiers from the Japanese Special High School patrolling around.

In fact, no matter how strict the guard is, as long as it is expected, there will be a way to deal with it, even if it is an unexpected accident. But Yuesong does not seem to be worried. As the saying goes, "Everything depends on people, and everything depends on God."

Even if a careful plan is made, if the action fails, it will be like "having no choice but to lose everything".

This chapter has been completed!
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