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18. Outrageous

After leaving the Chinese medicine shop, Yuesong mounted a tall horse and began to parade through the streets with two little devils and a strong horseman.

After wandering for a while, a target caught Yuesong's attention, which was the Japanese army's Tongucheng garrison compound. It seemed to be the requisitioned city government compound. The security at the gate was unusually tight, and people entering and exiting were also carefully checked.

, military trucks enter from time to time, the truck trailers are covered with canvas, and there are motorcycle escorts in the front and rear.

Yuesong is secretly happy. There must be a lot of military supplies in this yard. It is no exaggeration to say that it can be said that there are all the supplies needed by the special operations team. However, Yuesong is not an arrogant person. If he wants to get the supplies away from here, he will not be able to do so.

It's an easy thing, but requires long-term planning.

Requisitioning grain is what the Japanese do in China, and it is also how they do it in Burma. Food in the compound will not be available for a while, but since it is a requisition, there must be a requisition like the one to Luming Village.

If the grain team can't be found in the compound, then we can get it on the road.

Yuesong didn't stop at the entrance of the compound. After riding his horse and walking for another ten minutes, Yuesong felt that the newly discovered target could be dealt with.

In front of me is a church hospital, with wounded soldiers coming in and out from time to time. Not only are mosquitoes raging in the forest, but they are not locals and are easily trapped by the heat. As their immunity declines, they are naturally susceptible to various diseases, and fighting

Several of my brothers had injuries of various sizes. A few days ago, Dan Feng complained in front of him that the medicine he had brought was basically used up. Hey, for the sake of the brothers and for the sake of our beloved girl, I have to

I brought something back with me. The old man said, "The thieves will not fail. I have a special force that entered the city occupied by the Japanese. Of course, I have to bring something back when I leave the city."

Yuesong turned around and glanced at the two little devils and the muscular groom. The brothers all stopped.

Yuesong jumped off the horse and Whooping Crane took the reins.

"Hmm." Yuesong hummed at the two little devils, shook his head, indicating that we had to go in. Then he pointed at a big banyan tree in front of the hospital, and hummed at the groom, who held his hand honestly.

Da Ma went over to the banyan tree.

Yuesong took the sniper rifle from his back, put the sniper rifle on his shoulders nervously, and walked towards the gate with the two little devils.

The Japs at the gate kept saying that they wanted to check Yuesong's doctor's note. Yuesong didn't care about you so much. He cursed a few times with "Baga, Baga, yalu" and then kicked the Japanese soldier.

Fall to the ground.

Hearing the noise outside, a Japanese second lieutenant came out. He looked up and saw that the snipers of the Imperial Army, although they also had the rank of second lieutenant, were elite soldiers of the Imperial Army. They often like to work alone, and there are many people behind their backs.

They are all backed by senior military officers.

The Japanese second lieutenant stood at attention and saluted Yuesong, bowed deeply, and asked in Japanese: "Warrior, what are your orders?"

"My partner is injured and I need medicine." Tsukimatsu answered loudly in Japanese.

"It's easy, please." The second lieutenant bent down and stretched out his hand to let Yuesong and the two little devils into the courtyard.

Under the leadership of Second Lieutenant Guizi, Yuesong and the others went to the outpatient doctor. The doctor asked Yuesong about the injury of his partner. Yuesong made up a random story, saying it was so serious that he was about to die.

The Japanese military doctor suggested immediately sending a car to take the patient to the hospital for surgical treatment.

"No, please take me to the hospital pharmacy. I will choose the medicines myself." Yuesong said impatiently.

The military doctor had no choice but to take the sniper lieutenant to the pharmacy. The Japanese lieutenant who was guarding the door also followed. Yuesong suddenly turned around and said to the Japanese lieutenant: "It's none of your business. Go back and strengthen the security."

"Hi." The Japanese second lieutenant, who was also a civilian, didn't want to offend the sniper second lieutenant, so he agreed and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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