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37. Feast of Ghosts

Doihara nested in the forest for a while and hatched a few chicks, but he still couldn't bear it. He didn't want to walk along the stream. He was worried that he would get dizzy in the dense forest, so he walked along the stream. He was worried that he would get dizzy in the dense forest. Traps, there would be no traps if you walked directly in the creek, but that crooked machine gun knew its power.

Madoka Doi hesitated for a while. As the weather got hot, so did my mind. How many traps can you dig out? I will follow the stream, pick up the machine gun, and capture the waterfall. For the sake of the Emperor , for the appreciation of Major Yoshida, I will take care of your old nest today.

Just as he said, Doihara ordered the three soldiers holding rifles to clear the way. He walked in the middle of the team, and the machine gunner followed him, and started walking forward along the edge of the jungle to the west of the creek.

As he walked, he shouted "Ah——", whatever he was worried about came. When Doihara heard this scream, he knew that another imperial soldier had fallen into the trap, and he couldn't help but turned his head, as if he couldn't bear it. I saw the miserable state of the Imperial Army soldiers and the Japanese people.

Seeing that the soldiers were afraid to move forward, and holding on like this was no solution, Doihara led two soldiers over. When he looked into the pit, his flesh and blood were blurred. Doihara retracted his turtle head and squatted beside the trap. After studying for a while, it turned out that Mr. Doihara was not a pig. He found that there were many dead branches and leaves in the trap. "Hey," Doihara felt proud.

"Send a message to the Imperial Army soldiers not to step on the places where there are many dead branches and leaves, but to walk as close to the trees as possible."

"Hi." The ghosts sent messages to each other, telling the group of ghosts about the second lieutenant's latest discovery.

Hanba heard a scream from the Japs and looked out at the creek. There was no ghost, they were still walking in the woods.

"Shaoqiu, Jiduo, you two, stop following me here. Go to the woods and ambush the Japanese with rifles. Remember, just shoot and leave. Don't worry about whether you hit or not. You can't defeat these dozen or so with traps." The devil’s.”

"Yes." Shaoqiu and Guido received the order and went to the west with their rifles.

Han Ba ​​went east alone with his machine gun in his arms.

After hesitating for a long time, Yoshida came up with a good idea. He called the three Japanese soldiers carrying mortars over, pointed at a clearing in the forest in the distance and said: "You three go over there and set up the mortars. One person is ready to fire, and one person is responsible for guarding and observing. I will lead the team and continue to advance towards the Chinese reconnaissance team's camp. Once there is a firefight, you will aim at the enemy's machine gunners and blow them up."

"Hi." The three Imperial Army soldiers received the order and quietly walked towards the position designated by the major with their mortars on their backs.

Yoshida took a telescope and observed it carefully. Suddenly, a rare breeze came. The branches swayed slightly under the breeze. Yoshida's eyes suddenly lit up. After the branches were blown open by the wind, he actually saw something. The Bamboo House of the Chinese Reconnaissance Team.

"The Chinese are so efficient, but they will be destroyed soon, hehe."

Yoshida called a sergeant over and explained. The sergeant led five or six soldiers to explore the way. Yoshida led the rest of the group of Japs to keep a distance of fifty or sixty meters from the sergeant, like a group of thieves. , stop and go, stop and look.

Third brother was chewing dogtail grass when Lei Hang came over.

"Brother Chao, the captain asked me to come here to send a message. You take Hui Neng and Tang Sicao is guarding the bamboo forest. The captain can't say anything unexpected. The Japanese will still go to the bamboo forest. Third brother, follow me. The captain is going to attack. action."

"Okay, Third Brother, you and Lei Hang can go there." Brother Chao said.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, he spit out the foxtail grass in his mouth, held the Thompson, and followed Lei Hang to the captain.

When we arrived at Yuesong, the third brother said as soon as they met: "Captain is very interesting. He never forgets me, the third brother, when good things happen."

"You are an old mountain bandit. Shaoqiu and Guido are busy over there at the creek. Now that we are going to attack, of course you have to lead the way." Yuesong said.

"It's necessary." The third brother was extremely excited.

"Like this, the third brother will take the lead, Mengzi will follow the third brother, Lei Hang will go back and look at Yingzi, Nurse Lan, and those injured brothers, especially the radio station, this is more important than your dog's life."

"Don't worry, the radio station won't be lost even if I die."

"Feiteng Feiyue is coming with me this time, so you can eat some meat too. Today we are going to kill the little devil, make a good stew, and give him a beating as a sacrifice."

"Captain finally thought of us." Fei Yue happily told his brother Fei Teng.

"You two bastards, you two are my treasures and you won't show them to others easily, do you understand?"

"Yuesong, what am I, the leader of the party group, and the deputy captain, doing here?" Biaozi asked.

"You and Murong go and help clean up the remaining Japs' defeated generals by the creek. As long as one of them is not killed, you are not allowed to sing along with Yingzi and point fingers at me again."

"You ungrateful thing, when was it not me who came to your rescue? Nurse Lan even avoided it, so why didn't I step forward?"

"Okay, come forward. I think you are in a dilemma. You are facing Yingzi in your heart and protecting me with your mouth. I will keep this matter a secret for you for the time being. One day if you make me unhappy, I will definitely tell Leng Leng

Damn it, Toothpick won’t give up on you when it comes to poaching.”

"Where are you with me?"

"Stop talking, let's split up. Biaozi goes to the south. The others follow the old fox major's retreat. This time he discovered our camp. I will kill all the Japanese who come and collect all the guns and ammunition. The Japanese

The meat will be fed to the wolves, and the Japs’ blood will enrich the land of the forest. Let’s set off.”

"Yes." The brothers' faces glowed red, and they were all gearing up.

This chapter has been completed!
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