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42. Chilling

The cat-and-mouse game between Yingzi and Doihara is still going on. When there is no soldier around Doihara, Doihara, who has always been extremely vicious, now really feels the biting cold of death.

Inudohihara-kun had completely lost his former majesty and was crawling in the muddy ditch. He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to die now. He didn't dare to raise his head and show his buttocks. The once pleasant sound of the 38-meter rifle and the sound of crooked machine guns now made him

He was horrified by what he heard. In the chaos, Doihara did not hear who shot the machine gunner behind him, where he was, how far away he was, and what kind of rifle he used. Doihara no longer cared about these things. What he cared about was only the last bullet.

It's best not to hit your fat body.

Yingzi saw that the Japanese second lieutenant had not shown his head for a long time, and no matter how lively the fighting outside was, he lay directly on the roof of the bamboo house, mounted the Springfield rifle on the ridge, and patiently aimed at the ditch, waiting for the fat Japanese to show his head, and then he would shoot him when he showed up.


Doihara turned over in the ditch. The samurai sword he held in his left hand lost its cold light. The mud was smeared with mud and changed the samurai sword beyond recognition. He suddenly thought of Tenhuang and when he graduated from the army school, he stood neatly on the street.

In the queue, the moment when people raised their arms high and shouted long live the sky, they remembered the moment when they took the samurai sword with both hands reverently.

Doihara thought of samurai caesarean surgery, but how could he do it with the dirty samurai sword in front of him? Without clean water and white cloth, even his own belly was dirty. More importantly, Doihi

Yuan Jun really didn’t want to die, not to die now, let alone die by caesarean section.

Doihara thought of Okinawa, of his rickety father, of the sashimi cut by his mother, of his little sister, why was she so stupid? She just wanted to join the army, why couldn't she go to comfort, Okinawa, hey.

, Tianhuang.

Before Doihara died, he had a lot of thoughts. An ancient Chinese saying goes: "When a bird is about to die, its song is sad; when a man is about to die, its words are also kind." Doihara had no words, only wailing, no kindness, only regret.


The sergeant who was alone at the forefront watched the two soldiers beside him die tragically. He lay on the ground and did not dare to move forward. The veteran knew clearly the feeling of bullets hitting his body, and he was even more afraid of the bayonet piercing his belly.

It's painful. I can lie down for a while, maybe I can survive.

Yoshida was so annoyed and angry that he even threw away all his usual caution, stood up straight, and asked the machine gunners around him to follow him forward with their machine guns in hand.

At this moment, Platoon Leader Sun shouted: "Brothers, it's time to avenge the brothers who died in the battle, fight--"

Hu Jun set up his machine gun and fired a burst of "ta-ta-ta" to vent his anger. Several Japanese soldiers who were charging forward fell down in an instant.

Platoon leader Sun's Thompson was close to the firepower of a machine gun at this distance, and he also knocked down several Japanese soldiers after "dudududu".

Wang Hong and Dong Yazi's Garand made a clear "dang-dang-dang" sound of ricocheting bullet shells every second, and with every gunshot, a Japanese was defeated.

In about thirty seconds, more than a dozen of the Japanese soldiers commanded by Yoshida were killed or wounded. Looking at the fallen soldiers in front of him, Yoshida was so angry that his lips turned purple and his eyes became dark.

With a sound of "Boom.", Tiedan's grenade sent another grenade, and another Japanese fell down. The Japanese's stomach was exploded by the grenade, and his intestines began to slip out, but the man was not dead. He was wailing.

The Japanese was lying on the ground, the rifle in his hand had long been thrown away, but he did not dare to touch his belly, so he could only look at the sky with tears in his eyes, but the sky did not hide the traitor.

"Hurry up." Yuesong continued to run forward with his third brother and the others.

Seeing the explosion, Yoshida suddenly calmed down again. It seemed that he was completely unable to rush forward. Yoshida shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hidden."

The Japs finally heard the order to temporarily save their lives. They hid behind the tree trunks one by one, panting and thankful that they were still breathing.

The sergeant took advantage of the cover of the terrain, like a maggot crawling out of the toilet, but saw the old hen's maggots. He worked hard and crawled behind a camphor tree. He held his rifle and sat on the ground.

, sweating profusely.

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