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56. Slaughter the old ghost and set up a burial mound

"Brother Chao." Huineng saw that Brother Chao was injured and shouted.

"It's okay, fire." Brother Chao said simply and clearly.

"Ta da da" "ta da" Hui Neng held the machine gun and opened fire at the running Japs. The frantic Japs rushed forward regardless. As the Japs kept firing in this direction, Hui Neng could only shoot.

After dodging several shots and firing several shots, I managed to kill one Japs.

"Brother Chao, the Japs are going crazy," Huineng said.

"Don't fight hard, be careful to protect yourself." Brother Chao said to the brothers around him.

The ones who suffered the most were Minghe and Wuwa, who were closest to the crazed Japanese.

"Dudu" had to run after being shot. Wuwa said to the Whooping Crane: "Run quickly. If you get hurt, I will have to dig up herbs everywhere."

"Dudu" the Crane was so courageous that he actually stood face-on and fired accurately at the Japs. He knocked down a Jaap with one shot, and "Da Da Da Da Da" the bullets from the two Japs machine gunners flew towards them like flying insects.

Whooping Crane hurriedly hid behind the bamboo. The bamboo was broken by the dense bullets, and Whooping Crane quickly lay down on the ground.

"What a fool, quite crazy." Whooping Crane changed positions while lying on its sides.

"Hurry up and retreat. The remaining Japanese are not willing to spare bullets. They will be bitten by mad dogs, and it will be even harder to find herbs." Wu Wa said to the Whooping Crane as he crawled forward.

"Let's go." After the Whooping Crane got out of the range of the Japanese machine gunner's bullets, he stood up, hunched over, and ran away with the assault rifle.

With the sound of a gunshot, Yuesong had already rushed behind the Japs. Without saying a word, he first killed a Japs machine gunner with one shot.

Yoshida heard the gunshots from behind and saw the machine gunner falling to the ground. He immediately ordered another machine gunner to turn around and shoot at Tsukimatsu.

"Da da da da" The Japanese's crooked firepower is indeed very powerful, and it is even more powerful in the hands of a crazy Japanese.

"Bah!" fired two shots, and the enemy came over. Garland fired two consecutive shots. The enemy's machine gun misfired. The machine gunner tilted his head and fell to the ground. Even the coffin boards were not mixed together.

"Come on." The Japanese machine gun stopped firing. The third brother was so excited that he rushed forward quickly. The two mirror boxes fired continuously. One Japanese soldier was shot several times and was killed.

"Da da da da" Platoon leader Sun held Hu Jun's Czech machine gun while walking and opened fire. The bullets hit Mao Zhu and made him tremble all over. One Japanese soldier's body shook violently and he was beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Kill--" Platoon Leader Sun was still unwilling and shouted "ta-da-da" again and shot at the Japanese.

"Dududu" "Dudu" Xizi and Shihong were afraid of not being able to grab the meat, so they took full advantage of the mobility of the assault rifle and ran quickly and opened fire, killing one Japanese each.

When Minghe and Wuwa heard the gunshots and shouts of kill behind them, they stopped running and turned back. The two Thompsons spat out tongues of fire again. The shrewd Japanese Army Sergeant had a 38 rifle instead of two typewriters.

Opponent, the poor Japanese soldier tried every means to survive, but in the end he was beaten to a pulp by two assault rifles.

When the brothers surrounded him from all sides, only Yoshida Masaichi was left. This was what Tsukimatsu had declared in advance, and the old Japanese had to leave the captain alone for fun.

Looking at the soldiers of the Chinese reconnaissance team coming from all directions carrying various guns, Yoshida Shoichi threw away the rifle in his hand and the Wangba box that had accompanied him on more than ten years of fighting. He pulled out his samurai sword and took it from his trouser pocket.

He took out a white handkerchief and carefully wiped the saber left to him by his old father.

"Do you want to surrender?" Yuesong handed the sniper rifle to Lei Hang, took out the dagger from his waist, held it in his hand, and asked Yoshida Shoichi in Japanese.

"Don't be too happy too early. The whole of Burma has been occupied by the imperial army. Your Chongqing government's stubborn resistance is about to completely fail due to lack of supplies." Yoshida Shoichi did not panic at all. He raised his eyes and looked at the man named in front of him.

Luo Yuesong is the captain of the Chinese reconnaissance team who understands Japanese and holds a Type 97 sniper rifle produced by the empire.

"You are wrong. China's war of resistance was due to a lack of strategic materials, but don't you think Japan was even more lacking?" Yuematsu asked, glaring at Yoshida.

"Great Japan has no shortage of strategic materials. Most of Asia is the territory of the empire. Steel, coal, and oil all belong to our Empire of Japan." Yoshida said plausibly.

"Yes, during the Meiji Restoration, little Japan was at the forefront of Asia. Not to mention aircraft, artillery, light and heavy machine guns, you had more than a dozen aircraft carriers alone. The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was despicable, but little Japan still had the strength to carry out a sneak attack.

We in China have been poor and weak for more than a hundred years, and indeed we don’t even have the capital to attack Pearl Harbor, but little Japan is little Japan, and I have a question for you." Yuesong lit up a cigarette.

"Please tell me." Yoshida Shoichi is still pretending to be a gentleman and is really hypocritical.

"How many men are there in your little Japan?" Tsukimatsu took a sip and looked up at Yoshida Shoichi and asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"What do you mean? Let's not talk about the whole of Asia, just China. If you spread the Japanese men who are still alive over the entire land of China, how many men can there be in one square kilometer on average? How many Chinese men can there be in one square kilometer!"

Yuesong's tone suddenly worsened, almost roaring.

Masa Yoshida subconsciously took a step back. Yes, the war is about comprehensive national strength. Shoichi Yoshida also supports General Yamamoto. It is unwise to attack Pearl Harbor. Now, listening to what Luo Yuesong said, it is also unwise to invade China.

China is only experiencing temporary civil strife and stagnant development, but aren't people the greatest resource for war?

"Hmph." Yoshida Shoichi still tried hard to find a reason for himself, "The sick man of East Asia, no matter how many people there are, can't defeat Yamato's emperor's warriors."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ming He couldn't stand listening anymore and drew out his big knife, "Come on, I'll challenge you to a duel and see who is more powerful with the 'sick man of Asia' in your mouth, or with you, the bandy-legged warrior of the emperor.


Yoshida held the handle of the katana in both hands and took a stance, ready to accept the challenge from the Chinese.

"Back off." Yuesong said sternly.

"Captain, let me kill this old devil. He's too irritating and unreasonable," Minghe said.

"No matter how big or small, I'm trying to combat the arrogance of the Japanese. What's the matter with you? I'll just stand there."

"Oh." Seeing how stern the captain was, Minghe had no choice but to stand aside with his sword in hand.

"Hey, I don't want to kill unknown people. Tell me your name." Tsukimatsu turned around and said to Yoshida Shoichi in Japanese.

"Yoshida Shoichi." Yoshida said word by word.

Yuesong took a few puffs, handed the cigarette to Lei Hang, and said, "Take it, I'm going to take two more puffs when it's done."

"Okay." Lei Hang believed in the captain's ability and steadily helped him hold the cigarette.

So there was a duel between Luo Yuesong's dagger and Yoshida Shoichi's katana. After the sword flash, Yuesong scratched Yoshida's wrist. After the katana fell to the ground, Yuesong flew up and kicked Yoshida to the ground.

The sword was quickly placed on Yoshida's neck.

Yoshida didn't move, looking righteous.

"Old devil, if you lose, you lose. Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?" Yuesong kicked Yoshida again and put away the dagger, "Minghe, tie up the old devil. I'm still useful."

"Yes." Minghe and Huineng went up and tied up the old devil.

After cleaning the battlefield, no one expected that Luo Yuesong actually asked his brothers to dig a large grave for the Japanese, and at a fork in the road four miles away from the camp, he also asked his brothers to dig the corpses of the dead Japanese all the way. They were all transported and thrown into pits.

Just when they were about to start covering the soil, Luo Yuesong came over, and Lei Hang held a large wooden board in his arms with words engraved on it. Minghe and Huineng escorted the old Japanese over.

"Yoshida Shoichi, right? Lei Hang, put up the tombstone." Luo Yuesong said while smoking.

"Yes." Lei Hang and Wu Wa took shovels and erected the wooden tombstone.

"Major Yoshida, please look at the words I carved for you with my own hands, and I will read them to you." Yuesong said to Yoshida who was kneeling in front of the tombstone while being held down by Minghe, "Wozhong is the tomb of Xiaoli. Do you understand what you mean?"

When Yuesong looked back, the brothers all laughed.

"In the next small print, Yoshida Shoichi and other 51 Japanese soldiers are you and your Japanese pigs that we slaughtered. Do you understand?" Yuesong was teasing Yoshida. Yoshida had a livid face and said nothing.

"The words at the bottom, Chinese Expeditionary Army, mean that the Chinese Expeditionary Army killed all of you, dug your graves, and erected monuments for you, so that future generations of Chinese descendants can come here to be proud, and let future generations of little Japanese grandsons come here to lay their heads. Kneel down." Yuesong blew out a puff of smoke towards Yoshida.

Yoshida turned his head and closed his lips tightly, feeling humiliated and ashamed.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you. You have also been to Nanjing and massacred Chinese people. Now I will let you taste the feeling of being beheaded in this life." Yuesong said, stretched out his right hand, and Minghe cut off his own head. The sword was handed to the captain.

Yuesong held the big sword in both hands and shouted to the east: "Compatriots, today I am here to look at the heads of the Japanese and avenge you——"

After shouting, he raised the knife and dropped it. Yoshida's head was cut off by the big knife. After a jet of black blood spattered out, Yoshida's head rolled on the ground several times. Yuesong raised his foot and kicked Yoshida's head into the grave. Inside, he said: "Throw the crane in, seal it with soil, and cover it with stone slabs so that these devils will never be able to stand up again."

"Yes." Minghe and Huineng carried half of the corpse of the old Japanese soldier Yoshida Shoichi and threw it into the grave pit. The other brothers used engineering shovels to seal the large Japanese tomb with soil. Platoon Leader Sun led Hu Jun , Xizi, Shihong carried a large stone slab and threw it on the earth with a "bang".

Hu Jun felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he jumped up on the stone slab, jumped on it, stepped on it again and again, and muttered: "Never turn over, never turn over."

"Okay, okay." Yuesong said, took the cigarette and sniper rifle from Lei Hang, took two puffs of cigarette, and put the rifle on his back, "Brother Chao, take a dozen brothers over and go to Make some footprints there, and when you go back, carefully clean up the traces leading to the camp.",

"Yes." Brother Chao agreed.

"Others, come back with me. We need to discuss Wang Hong's injury carefully."


This chapter has been completed!
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