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Twelve, anxious

After Kuroki and the remaining soldiers slipped away with their tails between their legs, Yuesong, Sange and the others met in the woods a hundred meters away.

As soon as Yuesong jumped off the horse, the third brother came up to him and pushed Yuesong's chest with both hands. Those hands were really strong. Yuesong, who had been practicing kung fu for a long time and had been doing horse steps since he was a child, was pushed back by him.

A few steps.

"Luo Zi, you can do it. You can kill that Japanese official from such a distance. Come on, let's take a look at this ball gun. It looks like a fire stick. It's very easy to use."

"The third brother said and reached out to grab the sniper rifle in Yuesong's hand.

Yuesong retracted his hand and said: "Look at you, a wild boy. Why do you rob anything you see? You belong to a family of bandits. You can see the gun. Let me tell you first. Are you going to follow the New Fourth Army?"

"Hehehehe, bring it!" The third brother snatched the sniper rifle from Yuesong's hand. The other brothers gathered around the third brother to look at the sniper rifle.

The third brother looked around with the rifle and said, "It's just a mirror. It looks like a ball. How can it be killed at such a distance?"

"Let me touch it, third brother!" said one brother and reached out to touch the gun.

The third brother slapped the brother on the hand and said: "What kind of ball are you touching? You are not a little wife. If you touch it, I will see if Luo Zi doesn't take care of you." Then he handed the gun to Yuesong again.

, said: "Luo Zi, tell us, we can hit that far, how can we be so accurate?"

Yuesong laughed and told them the distance and advantages of the sniper rifle. Of course, he also did not forget to tell them the principle of "every inch has its shortcomings."

After listening to Yuesong's mumbling, several people still didn't quite understand what was going on, but they all pretended to understand. Yuesong looked at the honest look of these brothers and liked it very much.

So he took them and rushed overnight to Wangjiazhai, where the regiment headquarters was located deep in the Dabie Mountains.

Yuesong and his six brothers ran all the way to rest and avoid the Japanese when they saw them. They drove all night and arrived at Wangjiazhai halfway up the mountain at dawn. However, when they went to the village and inquired, they found that the regiment headquarters had been moved.

Went to Wanglin. The militia company commander of Wangjiazhai heard that he was from the special force of the division. He was busy for a long time and cooked some delicious food for Yuesong and the others. Yuesong and the others were tired and hungry, so they ate without hesitation.

After eating and drinking several large basins, they rushed to Wanglin again.

When they arrived at the entrance of Wanglin Village, they didn’t see anyone. Yuesong was wondering, had they moved to another place? Yuesong and his brothers walked toward the village along the short stone wall, but they didn’t walk very far.

With a few steps, several people stood up from behind the low stone wall, holding rifles in their hands, and shouted in unison: "Don't move!"

Yuesong was startled, and several other brothers were also frightened and took a step back. Yuesong turned around and saw that they were soldiers of the New Fourth Army. He smiled and said to them: "Why, I have only been gone for a few days? You don't think so?"

Do you know me? I'm Luo Yuesong from the special operations team. Come and have a look. Do you recognize me?" Yuesong moved his face closer to a soldier.

"Don't move, put down the gun, raise your hands!" someone from behind shouted loudly.

Yuesong was so angry that he twisted his head, pouted his mouth, bit his tongue, and said fiercely: "Fuck, shit, the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple. When I came back to the regiment headquarters, the soldiers didn't recognize the battalion commander. It was a big loss."

, what a big loss!”

"Look at what you're doing in front of us, and..." Before the third brother could finish his complaint, he only heard a voice from behind saying: "Don't talk, bring the one in front over here!"

When Yuesong heard this, he thought, "Oh no, why is this voice so familiar?" Yuesong didn't care whether they would let them move or not fire. He turned around and took a look, "Hey, it's that boy Tang Si, ruthless Yuesong."

Song gritted his teeth and jumped over the wall. When he got up, he pushed Tang Si to the ground. He rode on Tang Si and started to scold him. Tang Si was so scolded that he laughed wildly, and the other soldiers also followed suit and laughed.

.Until Tang Sige burst into laughter with tears streaming down his face, Yuesong didn't stop. He pulled Tang Sige up from the ground and said, "You kid, you're back first, so you don't care whether I'm dead or alive?"


"Luo Zi, what's going on? We're still surrendering with our hands raised?" the third brother said slowly.

"You're stupid, these are my brothers, are you addicted to surrender? Don't you know how to let go?" Yuesong saw his good brother, and didn't care to talk to the third brother, and asked Tang Si: "Fourth sister,

Where’s Brother Chao? Where’s the big sword?”

When Tang Si heard this, he immediately looked serious and said, "Dadao came back before me. He is at the regiment headquarters. Brother Chao, he..."

Yuesong grabbed Tang Si by the collar and said, "Brother Chao, what's wrong with him? What's wrong? Tell me!"

Tang Si looked into Yuesong's eyes and said, "Brother Chao hasn't come back yet, and there's no news about him."

Yuesong let go of Tang Si's collar, tilted his neck, kicked a wooden stick on the ground far away, and cursed: "Holy shit, shit!"

"Luo Zi, are you finished? We brothers, do you want it or not?" The third brother was a little impatient in waiting.

"Get out!" Yuesong was furious and yelled at the third brother.

"Brothers, I don't want to stay here. I have my own place to stay. Let's go!" The third brother is a tough guy. He has never been so angry. He took the brothers and turned around and left.

"Stop!" Yuesong knew that he shouldn't lose his temper with them, but now he couldn't catch his breath, "Tang Si, these are the good brothers I met on the road, take them in, you take them to settle down.

, I’ll see them again later.”

"Yes, Captain!" Tang Si replied.

Yuesong pointed to another soldier and said, "Let's go, take me to see the regiment leader!"

"Captain," Tang Si grabbed Yuesong, who was about to walk forward, and said, "You better go to the regimental division headquarters hospital first."

"What are you doing? What are you going to do in the division hospital?" Yuesong turned around and asked.

"Nurse Lan, she..." Tang Si said hesitantly.

"What's wrong with Dan Feng? Tell me, what's going on with you today? You can't even explain it with a word like stretching your head?" Yuesong asked hurriedly.

"Nurse Lan was shot. The bullet was taken out at the division hospital, but she still hasn't woken up. It's been five or six days." Tang Si lowered his head and said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Upon hearing this, Yuesong grabbed a soldier and said, "Lead the way. Quick, take me to the division hospital!"

The soldier hurriedly put the gun on his back and rushed with Captain Luo to the division hospital.

Tang Si looked at the captain's back as he hurried away, his heart heavy.

After Yuesong's back disappeared around the bend of the mountain road, Tang Si called out his third brother and several other brothers and took them to the regiment headquarters to meet with the group leader. The group leader heard that Yuesong wanted the person, so he accepted them without saying a word.

Got it down and made proper arrangements.

This chapter has been completed!
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