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66. Tribute to comrades

After discussing the marching route, the team continued to move forward. The third brother and Guido took the lead. Together, the old and the young not only had a keen sense of hearing and smell, but also were familiar with the mountains and forests. They determined that any trouble ahead would not escape their eyes.

and nose, as well as the veteran’s supernatural sense of danger.

Sun Renxian and Xizi followed closely, ready to provide timely support at any time. Yuesong, Yingzi and Lei Hang took Laifu to protect the supplies and ensure the safety of the radio station. Minghe and Mengzi were behind, so they could dig some herbs and pick some melons.

As a result, it can also provide medium-range machine gun cover.

As for Brother Chao, Yuesong said, he is a lone ranger, a cold-blooded sniper, and protects the entire team from a distance. This is also the job that the calm and quiet Brother Chao likes to do.

While walking, Third Brother and the others suddenly stopped, and Guido waved to Yuesong.

Yuesong glanced at Yingzi, and the two stepped forward together.

"Captain, these are the remains of our brothers from the expeditionary force. All that's left are the bones and broken military uniforms." The third brother said.

Yuesong and Yingzi looked through the broken military uniforms.

"From the 200th Division." Yingzi said thoughtfully.

Yuesong said expressionlessly: "Don't think nonsense. When we are marching and fighting, and there is a huge retreat, how can there be no undead people? How can we bring back the remains of every brother?"

Yingzi didn't answer, and Third Brother and Guido didn't say anything. Silence was better than sound at this time, but this silence was too depressing. There were two words written on everyone's face, "worry".

After a while, Yuesong stood up and waved Sun Renxian and Xizi over.

"You two dig a hole and bury this brother's remains. The others should rest where they are." After Yuesong finished speaking, he sat and smoked. A faint uneasiness lingered in Yuesong's heart and could not go away.

After Sun Renxian and Xizi buried the brother's remains, Yuesong and his brothers lined up in order.

"Everyone, take off your hats and salute." Yuesong ordered softly.

The brothers solemnly saluted the unknown brother. Brother Chao could see clearly from the distance through the sniper scope, and stood at attention alone to salute. Even Laifu didn't snort or flick his tail, he was just quiet.

The ground stood there solemnly.

After the ceremony, the team continued to move forward. After walking for more than two hours, the third brother and Guido in front stopped. This time Guido did not wave again. The two just stood there silently, staring at everything in front of them.

Yuesong looked at the backs of the two people and already guessed eight or nine points. He waved to the brothers behind him. The brothers gathered towards the third brother and Guido. The scene in front of him left everyone present speechless.

I know what to say, but it seems like everything I say will be redundant.

After a long time, Yuesong walked over, picked up a broken rifle, wiped off the dirt on the rifle, turned to face the brothers, raised the rifle in his hand high, and said solemnly: "Brothers, I think everyone

Get to know this rifle. This is the Type 88 rifle manufactured by our Hanyang Arsenal. It is also called Hanyang Made and has an old sleeve. This kind of rifle is difficult to load and unload, has poor reliability in extracting the case, and is easy to explode. But this kind of rifle

Rifles are used in large quantities in almost all armies in China, from the first shot of the Revolution of 1911 to the present. Yes, the outcome of a war mainly depends on people rather than weapons. However, if our country can produce large quantities of

A rifle better than the Japanese's 38 rifle, a better fighter than the Japanese's Zero fighter, a better assault rifle than the Japanese's 100-type assault rifle, and better than the Japanese's 11-type crooked handle

Machine guns, do we still need to fight the Japanese with a ten to one battle loss? Will we still be bombarded by Japanese howitzers in every positional battle? I have a battalion, a battalion, three or four hundred

Brother, I studied in Japan from Wuhan and learned how to command operations for seven or eight decades. As a result, on the outskirts of Wuhan, at the end of the Dabie Mountains, I was blown up by Japanese cannons before I even started dispatching troops.

I fainted, and when I woke up, all my brothers in the battalion were gone! Corpses were scattered everywhere, and there were stumps and severed bodies everywhere. They were all my brothers!"

The brothers listened with tears in their eyes. Yuesong turned around, and tears overflowed from his eyes. Yuesong bit his lip, wiped away the tears with his hands, picked up a dilapidated military uniform on the ground, and turned to face

To the brothers: "The 200th Division is one of the best-equipped troops in China and one of the troops with the highest combat literacy. In Tonggu, under the leadership of Commander Dai, it killed 7,000 enemies and suffered 2,000 self-losses. This is China.

The army should be like what it should be. However, the mistakes in high-level strategic decision-making still caused the expedition to be hastily withdrawn. Commander Du led the Fifth Army into Savage Mountain. I don’t know what the situation is now, but in front of me is a company of the 200 Division.

All my brothers died here. I have seen Company Commander Sun. He was a hard-blooded man, a hard-blooded soldier. Needless to say, it must have been to cover the evacuation of the 200 Division troops and to block the Japanese army here, so they all died here."

Yuesong held up the dilapidated military uniform: "This military uniform has Company Commander Sun's name, unit number, and position. Soldiers died on the battlefield. It is the glory of soldiers. We will remember Company Commander Sun's history of fighting for the motherland.

I believe that our children and grandchildren will also remember the immortal achievements of Captain Sun. There are more unnamed soldiers, and we must always remember them. When conditions permit in the future, we will take their remains back to the motherland and give them to them.

Build a cemetery for martyrs and erect tall monuments for them. The Chinese nation will be proud of them from generation to generation. Brothers, for the sake of the love between our fathers and the elders behind us, and for the motherland behind us, I, Luo Yuesong, swear to God here that I will not defeat the little ones.

The Japanese will never return home until the Burma Highway is opened!"

"Swear not to return home!" Yingzi shouted.

"I swear I will never go back to my country, I swear I will never go back to my country!" the brothers shouted passionately.

Next, Yuesong did not smoke, but carried a rifle on his back. Together with his brothers, he picked up an engineering shovel, dug a big hole, buried the remains of Captain Sun and the brothers who died together, and piled a tall grave.

Bao, he also cut a wooden plaque and engraved on it the inscription "Captain Sun Zhonglian of the 200th Division of the Fifth Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force and other 85 martyrs will be immortalized forever."

Brother Chao was holding a sniper rifle and saw from a distance the captain and all the brothers, lining up neatly, taking off their hats, saluting, observing silence, and saluting.

Brother Chao stood at attention, raised his rifle, "bang", "bang", "bang", and fired three times into the sky.

When Yuesong and his brothers heard the gunfire, they all understood that Brother Chao's extraordinary operation as a sniper was an expression of the highest respect for the brothers who sacrificed their lives.

"Third brother, lead the team and speed up the march appropriately." Yuesong ordered rationally.

"Yes." The third brother agreed, and Guido led the way, and the team continued to move towards the Langco area.

This chapter has been completed!
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