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69. Rehabilitation

Under the protection of General Sun Liren of the New 38th Division, Lengren's troops were recharged and full of energy. At this time, the expeditionary force was being readjusted and regrouped. Apart from daily training, there was not much to do. .

The New 38th Division is a newly formed unit. Although it gained some fame in the Ren'anqiang victory, the British army also replenished the New 38th Division with some equipment before the rescue of Ren'anqiang. In addition to some light weapons, the main thing was to provide The Straw Shoe Army replaced the leather boots of the British Army, but compared with the equipment of the British Army, the American Army and the Japanese Army, these were still in a very backward state overall.

Lengrenren's unit is an all-American equipment specially prepared by Commander Du of the Fifth Army. After two months of battles, Lengrenren also learned from Luo Yuesong and used some of the captured Japanese weapons, but the Thompson assault rifle, Garand rifles and Johnson light machine guns are seriously short of bullets.

"Report." Leng Renren came to Master Sun's headquarters that day.

"Oh, Major Leng, you came just in time. Our old Sun is very happy today." Mr. Sun has always been serious and serious. He is a famous senior commander known as Yan Jin. Now he saw Leng Ren coming and smiled. Can't close my mouth from ear to ear.

"Teacher, what good thing makes you happy?" Lengren asked.

"What a great thing. News has come from China. Today there will be a batch of US military transport planes transporting a batch of equipment. Although my straw-shoe army has been replaced by a leather-boot army, most of the soldiers are holding Hanyang This has seriously affected the individual firepower of our army. In a tough battle, the defensive firepower was insufficient, and the offensive firepower was even more insufficient. Now it is better. The country has received a large amount of American equipment. The Chairman of the Generalissimo personally ordered that first of all, the expedition in the Yunnan and Burma battlefields be met. Army, as soon as the plane arrives, our 113th regiment will all change their uniforms. Do you think this is great news?" Commander Sun kept talking.

"Congratulations, good equipment is the general's favorite. Now that General Sun's soldiers have been trained by you to scream, they will put on American equipment and fight against Japan. It will be useful."

"Well, the Chairman has a far-sighted vision, equipped and organized a training group, and trained a large number of military command cadres, tanks and artillery and other technical officers. After the expeditionary force is reorganized, we will have to launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army. By that time, We have mountain artillery, combat defense artillery, heavy tanks, and light tanks. Give me these things, and I can use all the strategies and tactics I learned in the U.S. Military Academy. I am not bragging, but those Japanese divisions Tuan, my old grandson was beaten to the ground by him."

"That's for sure. However, division commander, the guys in my reconnaissance team are American. I was too embarrassed to tell you before. The gun is still there, but the bullets..."

"You treat me as an outsider, don't you? We are all brothers and compatriots. The Americans and the British have joined us in fighting the Japanese. What else do we have to talk about? The plane will transport the guns and ammunition in a while. You can bring them with you. Follow your brother, you can choose whatever you want, and give priority to your reconnaissance team. When my large army marches into Burma and fights the Japanese pirates again, you have to rush to the front for me and be my old Sun's eyes. My grandson’s ears.”

"Great, we are followed by Master Sun's large army. I, Leng Renren, and more than twenty brothers, will go up to the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, no matter what."

"I don't need you to get up or down from the mountains of swords or seas of fire. I also want to tell you a little tidbit." Mr. Sun said mysteriously.

"What's the good news?" Lengrenren was very interested and put his ear close to Mr. Sun.

"I heard that with our new 38th Division as the main body, plus the new 22nd Division, we will soon be reorganized into the new Chinese Army in India. After the reorganization, the weapons and equipment will be completely new, and the command system will be smooth and efficient. It will no longer be like the previous one.

This is the first time we’ve had a chaotic fight like that, and the last time we had a bad fight.”

"Hey, it is indeed a quarrel. Let me see. General Sun is the most suitable commander of the new army."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense about this. The Chairman doesn't like others to make decisions for him. Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, brother."

"Yes, let's keep a low profile and keep a low profile, hahaha."

"Hahaha, I am a smart man, and my grandson is not stupid either. Come on, shake hands and bump shoulders. We are looking forward to the day when we can launch a fierce attack on the Japanese pirates."

"Come on, let's work together to defeat the Japanese pirates."

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