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79. Tribute to Heroes

As he led the Japs forward, Zhongnandu suddenly saw Mr. Takizawa more than 40 meters away on the left. Takizawa noticed that Nandu was looking at him and immediately made a gesture, indicating that Nandu and his team should speed up and surround the opponent's snipers.

When Nandu saw this gesture, he immediately became excited. He drew out his samurai sword and let out a cry. His soldiers jumped forward with assault rifles in their hands.

When Murong held his stomach and slowly changed positions, he clearly heard the sounds of chaotic footsteps. Judging from the footsteps, the distance between the Japs and him was only thirty or forty meters, not to mention the eerie sniper.

Everywhere, Murong understood what he should do.

Murong put the sniper rifle on his back, took out the rifle, checked the bullets, turned on the safety, and stopped running. He just lay down in a small patch of grass, quietly listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer. Murong

Suddenly remembering something, I took off a frag grenade hanging on my body, unplugged the latch, held it tightly in my left hand, then put my face on the grass and continued to lie still.

Soon, Nandu led the Japs to about ten meters from Murong. Nandu suddenly raised his right hand, causing the soldiers to stop. Nandu seemed to smell the breath of death. The soldiers of these Japs' special forces also looked at the soldiers around them.

Maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Murong was lying in the grass. When he heard the chaotic footsteps approaching, they all stopped suddenly. He thought to himself, I don't believe I can't even pull a backrest. Murong held a grenade tightly in his left hand and a shell gun in his right hand.

The bullet was loaded and his finger gently touched the trigger. Murong knew that it was not the time to stand up yet. The Japs must be hiding behind the tree trunks. If he stood up, he might not be able to hit the Japs. Instead, he would be shot at by countless assault rifles.

Shooting wildly, Murong paid attention, and waited, and waited, Murong's heart beat "dong dong dong" very hard, as if the Japanese had clearly heard it.

Takizawa was forty meters away, holding a sniper rifle and observing everything in front of him. Nandu and the soldiers stopped. Obviously, Nandu was smart and astute. There were more young officers like Nandu in the empire, although

Many imperial warriors of the same age group as me have been crushed by Tianhuang, but as long as there are more young talents like Nandu, the empire will surely make Greater East Asia prosper together, and all of them will become the territory of the empire. People of Tianhuang,

You no longer have to worry about earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis destroying the home you have worked so hard to build.

Takizawa slowly moved the muzzle of the gun. The small patch of grass was very suspicious. Takizawa held his rifle steady and stared at the patch of grass. As soon as he got up, I would kill him. He shouldn't be defeated, but he wouldn't be either.

Sentinel, who would use a sniper as a sentry? That would be too extravagant. Maybe he is just a wandering sniper. The large troops have withdrawn, but he is still stranded abroad. A sniper, no matter where he is

No matter what the environment, you will continue to fight. Your spirit admires me as a colleague. It is a pity that you were not lucky enough to meet me and a specially formed imperial army team.

Nandu shook his head to a soldier hiding behind a tree trunk next to him, motioning for him to go and take a look.

The soldier held the assault rifle and took slow cross steps, staring at the patch of grass. It was just a small patch of grass, but it was still more than twenty square meters. The assault rifle was more maneuverable than the 38-meter rifle.

It took a lot, but it still takes time to move the muzzle. There were many Imperial warriors behind me to protect me, but when the gun fired, the bullets flew not to them, but to me.

Murong finally heard the faint sound of "chacha" footsteps. The footsteps were very slow, but he was heading in the right direction. He was approaching him little by little. Murong knew very well that the other assault guns were aimed at this person.

There is a piece of grass. If nothing else, the gloomy sniper's muzzle is also waiting for the target to suddenly appear. Then, just like sniping the enemy himself, the muzzle moves quickly. With good touch, it hits just the right spot.

Shoot a bullet.

When the footsteps were only four or five meters away from him, Murong took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, raised his head suddenly, and saw the Japs soldiers holding assault rifles in front of him from the top of the grass. The Japs soldiers also saw them almost at the same time.


"Bah, bang, bang," three gunshots were fired in succession, and each bullet hit the Japanese soldier's chest.

The Japanese soldier's assault rifle didn't have time to fire, and he fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time, there was a "bang" sound, and Takizawa opened fire. Murong knew that the bullet was flying towards his head, but Murong did not intend to roll to avoid it. At this distance, there was no time to roll. Besides, even if he was lucky,

He rolled to avoid the sniper's bullets. Those assault rifles would definitely beat him into a hornet's nest. Murong's left hand holding the grenade tightly was pressed under his body. The flying bullets made Murong lose all his strength in an instant.

Consciousness, a veteran of special operations who had been on the battlefield and killed countless enemies, died in the jungle of a foreign country.

"Dududu" The soldiers around Nandu fired at the grass together, but Nandu immediately shouted: "Stop shooting."

The sound of gunfire stopped suddenly, and the jungle immediately became quiet. The smell of blood slowly floated like twilight mist, and the smell of death still floated like a mist.

Takizawa removed the cartridge case with a click and replaced it with a bullet. He did not leave his position, but continued to aim at the grass with his rifle.

"Captain Hu, this is the sound of the Japanese's hundreds of assault rifles. Such a dense sound of assault rifles. Murong is in danger. If you don't go, I will take a few brothers with me." Cao Gen'er shouted loudly.

"You dare." Biaozi stood up suddenly, held Garland in his hands, and ordered sternly, "Whoever dares to move, don't blame me for not respecting brotherhood. I will enforce battlefield discipline immediately."

"Captain Hu, Murong is a sniper rifle. The most fatal weakness is that the assault rifle is close to him. Besides, it is not a assault rifle." Huineng looked at Biaozi and said.

"Be patient, a little impatience will mess up a big plan." Biao Zizi bit his teeth and bled, but he remained firm.

"Alas, alas." All the brothers sighed, unable to bear it and helpless.

Seeing that all the brothers were motionless, Biaozi ordered with all his heart: "Everyone hide themselves. No one is allowed to move without my order."

None of the brothers answered.

"Action." Biaozi scolded sharply.

The brothers reluctantly hid on the spot, holding their guns with sweat in their strong hands.

Nandu waved his hand, and a soldier on the right received the order, holding a assault rifle, walking cross-step towards the grass that smelled of death.

After a while, the soldier loudly reported to the second lieutenant: "Report to the second lieutenant, the enemy sniper is dead, shot in the head, and still carrying the Empire's Type 97 sniper rifle."

Nandu let out a long breath and said to the soldier: "Take back the Empire's sniper rifles. The hateful Chinese can't even make sniper rifles. They are thinking about the Empire of Japan every day."

"Hi." The Japs agreed, hung the assault rifle around his neck, and freed his hands to get the sniper rifle from Murong. However, Murong had the sniper rifle slung across his body and lay on the ground. The soldier had no choice but to turn over.

Murong's body.

There was a "boom" explosion. Before he died, Murong Lin killed a Japanese with a shell gun. After his death, he killed the Japanese with a booby trap.

"Hahahahaha" Murong's soul laughed loudly on the treetop and slowly flew up. His hearty voice seemed to be saying to the Japanese: "Fight with me and the Chinese, your little Japanese hammer is a little too young."

Looking at the Imperial Army soldiers who were killed by grenades, Takizawa was not surprised. Takizawa had seen too many soldiers die in various ways. The so-called emotions, just like the scars on his face, had long been only ugly.

It's numb and painless.

"Hateful." Nan Dou looked at the smoke rising after the explosion. He raised his samurai sword and slowly gathered around with the remaining soldiers. The soldiers killed by the shell guns lay on the ground. Nan Dou picked up the assault rifle and carried it on his back.

On his back, he began to realize at this moment that the battle behind would be even more brutal.

Looking at the Chinese sniper's chest that was blasted by a grenade in the grass in front of him, Nan Du's face suddenly twitched. This was the first time he saw Chinese soldiers at close range, but this first sight shocked Nan Du. China

Human beings may not be like the sick men of East Asia at all like what is advertised every day in China. They may really be disease-ridden lions who have not yet woken up.

This chapter has been completed!
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