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107. Morale is high

The next morning, Nandu hurriedly ran to look for Takizawa, but did not find him in the officers' quarters. After searching all over, he suddenly found Takizawa sitting under a Bodhi tree on the mountainside, meditating.

Panting from exhaustion, Nandu walked up to Takizawa and whispered: "Takizawa-kun, it was so hard to find me."

"Yeah." Takizawa just hummed and remained motionless.

"We found out that there is a soldier named Yano Koji in the unit under that designation. He is not a second lieutenant, let alone a sniper, nor is he from Shikoku Island, nor was he ordered by the commander or division commander to conduct reconnaissance along the Nu River alone."

Nandu fully expected that Takizawa would be so excited that he jumped up, but who knew that Takizawa remained motionless, even his face still looked like a Buddha.

"I know, let the team get ready. We will go to Mangshi in an hour." Takizawa said calmly.

"Going to Mangshi? Why?" Nandu asked.

"Until the end of the world, resentment and hatred meet." Takizawa said as if chanting a sutra.

After hearing this, Nandu rubbed the back of his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't quite understand. Could it be that Buddha would let Luo Yuesong take the initiative to meet with Takize?

Oops, I don't understand. After Nandu bowed deeply to Takizawa, he didn't bother to ask or say anything else, turned around and gathered his team.

After Murong died, Biaozi had already erected a tomb and tombstone for Murong, and his body was buried in the camp. However, Yuesong insisted on holding a ceremony for Murong, and no one dared to object.

The ceremony was held at nine o'clock in the morning. There was no tombstone, no firecrackers, no incense candles, and no gun fired in front of the grave where an item used by Murong was buried.

Yuesong personally lit three cigarettes, inserted them in front of the grave, poured some water from a kettle, and Quan Dang lit incense and offered wine to Murong.

The brothers stood neatly in two teams, with solemn expressions and heavy hearts.

"Stand at attention." Yuesong shouted.

"Take off your hats." The brothers took off their hats together.

"Salute!" The brothers saluted in unison.

"Brother Murong, you are just like Brother Tubaozi. I'm sorry for you. I took you abroad to fight, but I couldn't bring you back. Don't worry, we will continue to kill the Japs on your behalf. After defeating the little Japs, I will bring you back."

Someone is here to take you back and fight for the motherland!"

"Fight for the motherland!" the brothers shouted.

"Fight for your brothers!"

"Fight for our brothers!" The shouts carried a little far, but fortunately there were no other Chinese troops in this area, and there were no Japanese troops stationed in this area.

After the ceremony, Yuesong turned around and assigned tasks to the brothers.

"Brothers, the country is reorganizing its military to prepare for war. A special training class for officers has been established. All units are being reorganized, heavy equipment is being assembled, and military technicians are also stepping up their training. For the second expedition in the future, from the command level to the front-line combat soldiers,

, the city will have a completely new look. From individual soldier equipment to tanks, tanks, aircraft and artillery, they will be enough for the troops to launch a powerful attack on the Japanese troops guarding the fortresses. Over at Savage Mountain, General Stilwell is leading Chinese engineers and a large number of migrant workers.

Build strategic-level highways and hump routes. American transport planes have begun transporting weapons and ammunition to the Chinese army temporarily stationed in British India to replenish combat troops. In maybe half a year, maybe eight months, the Chinese Expeditionary Force will attack the Japanese army from the east and west.

The Chinese army on the eastern front must forcefully cross the Nu River. The Japanese army is building bunkers and fortresses on various hills and military towns. Our task is to find multiple locations suitable for large forces to forcefully cross the Nu River, mark them on the map, and provide them to the commander.

It will be a very arduous task to reconnoiter the deployment of Japanese troops, especially the defense posture of key military towns, the internal and external structures of hilltop fortresses, and the distribution of firepower points. Perhaps in these few months, even when large troops are still

Before we cross the river, you, you, me, and him are all very likely to die in a foreign country like Murong and the Tubaozi brothers. However, we are Chinese soldiers, we are the iron fist of the motherland, and we are not afraid of life or death.

, we regard death as home, brothers, do you have confidence?"

"Yes." The brothers replied in unison.

"Are you confident?" Yuesong raised his voice.

"Yes, yes, yes." The majestic shouts echoed in the forest.

"Okay, now assign tasks." Yuesong said, "In a while, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Third Brother, and I will go to Mangshi for reconnaissance. Brother Chao will be there to assist outside the city. The others will be led by Captain Hu to improve the camp facilities as soon as possible. After we come back, we will

Make arrangements for the next battle."

"Yes." The brothers replied in unison.




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