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123. Tojo English Chicken

"My back hurts," Fei Teng replied.

"Let me take a look." Fei Yue looked at Fei Teng's back and saw blood stains. He quickly opened Fei Teng's shirt and said, "It's okay, it's okay. The bullet grazed it and scratched a piece of skin."

"Hurry up and bandage it." Biaozi urged Feiyue.

"Yes." Fei Yue took out the first aid kit from his backpack and quickly bandaged Fei Teng.

"Are you done?" Biaozi urged while leading his brothers to cover.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Feiyue pulled Fei Teng and quickly evacuated with Biaozi and the others. They retreated about a mile or two to the south, but they didn't find the Japanese pursuing them, not even the usual heavy machine guns firing randomly.

"Go over there, to that hilltop." Biaozi pointed to the hilltop not far away and said.

"Yes." Ren Xian took the lead and quickly climbed up the mountain.

After Biaozi reached the top of the mountain panting, he looked around and said, "Establish a defense line. It will get dark soon. Let's camp here."

"Yes." The brothers agreed and each found a hiding place. Renxian took the initiative to take on the security mission.

On another hilltop in the distance, Brother Chao saw through the sniper scope that Biaozi and the others had settled down and got into a bush. The cat was there, preparing to spend the night alone.

It was a very quiet night that day. There was no sound of Japanese blasting operations, no gunfire of sneak attacks, and there was not even a sound of people talking at the Japanese military fortifications. The more it was like this, the more Biaozi wanted to find out. He only acted at night.

, it was too risky for the Japanese to hide in the dark, so we planned to make plans at dawn.

In the evening, when Takize was in a daze in the ward, the nurse asked him to answer the phone. The call was not from someone else, but the official squadron leader Geng Ye. From the phone, Takize learned that the secret base under construction on the outskirts of Mangshi had been attacked by the Chinese reconnaissance team.

The malicious approach. This news made Takize want to rush to the secret base overnight. However, after sitting on the hospital bed and thinking about it again and again, Takize decided not to rush. He saw with his own eyes that Luo Yuesong was also injured. The battle between the two may still have to be

After waiting for a few days, he continued to be in a daze until he fell asleep.

When Takizawa was eating breakfast in the ward in the morning, the nurse told him that an officer was visiting. Takizawa remembered Lieutenant Hideji Tojo that Squadron Leader Geng Ye mentioned on the phone, so he ate the breakfast hastily and asked the nurse to take it.

Tojo was brought to his room.

"Hello, Major Takizawa." As soon as Tojo Hideki entered the door, he bowed deeply, bending his body to ninety degrees.

"Okay." Takizawa stood up and returned the greeting.

"Takizawa-kun, I'm here to visit you and ask my senior about Luo Yuesong." Hideji Tojo bowed his head.

"You don't have to be polite, Tojo-kun, please sit down." Takizawa sat on the hospital bed and gave the only stool to Tojo Hideki.

"Thank you." Tojo Hideji sat upright on the stool.

Takizawa looked at Tojo, who was thirty years old. He was tall and thick. He didn't look like an officer engaged in special operations, but more like a reckless officer who led troops to charge into battle and conquer the mountains.

"What do you want to know, Tojo-kun?" Takizawa asked.

"About Luo Yuesong and the Chinese reconnaissance team, the more detailed the better, you tell me, I will remember it."

Tojo actually took out a notebook and was ready to record it. This surprised Takizawa. Would a tiger-backed Imperial officer be so meticulous and patient?

"Hmm." Takizawa snorted, thinking that if Tojo went over at this time, the opponent he would encounter would probably not be Luo Yuesong. Besides, it would be difficult for the person in front of him to be a qualified opponent for Luo Yuesong. Let's talk about it, Taki.

Ze took a sip of water and began his story.

"Luo Yuesong is a child of a big Chinese family. He is the so-called kind with both civil and military skills. The literary one is well-educated and has read thousands of books; the martial one, the family has practiced martial arts for generations. He not only attended the military academy in Hankou, but also studied at the Imperial Army Officers School.

Three years. This is also the most troublesome thing. This person knows the combat thinking of the imperial army very well. Even the sniper rifle used is the imperial type 97. In addition, this person has a weird personality, sometimes violent, sometimes gentle; sometimes chatting and laughing, sometimes

Jealous of evil as much as hatred; sometimes impulsive and brainless, sometimes extremely intelligent..."

Takizawa was almost talking to himself, telling Tojo about the most respectable opponent he had ever encountered. At the same time, he was sorting out his thoughts on dealing with Luo Yuesong, and he talked for more than an hour without realizing it.

When Takizawa suddenly realized that he was telling Tojo, Takizawa suddenly didn't want to say anything. Maybe he had revealed his feelings too much today.

"Tojo-kun, let's stop here. I'm tired and want to take a rest." Takizawa said. He looked up and saw some weird things scrawled on Tojo Hideji's notebook. Takizawa thought to himself, this idiot, what's going on with him?

Didn't he say it for nothing? If nothing else, he brought a notebook to record it, probably to complete the task assigned by Squadron Leader Geng Ye.

Tojo put away his notebook, stood up and bowed deeply, saying: "Thank you, senior, for your advice. Please take a rest. I will say goodbye, junior."

Before going out, Tojo gave Takizawa a standard military salute again. When his thick arms were raised, Takizawa felt a gust of wind blowing in; his strong short legs bumped against the heels of his leather boots.

At that moment, Takizawa felt that a layer of dust had shaken off the door.




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