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128. British chicken sturdy

Tojo Hideji led the team to arrive at the secret base at 11 o'clock in the morning. As soon as the motorcade arrived, the technical officer in charge of the construction site was the temporary security chief. He saw the newly appointed military commander.

Lieutenant Hideji Tojo got out of the car with great aura, and hurriedly brought Warrant Officer Inoue Aoki, the actual executor of security, to greet him. After the military salute, he naturally bowed, nodded and bowed.

"Reporting to Lieutenant, this is Warrant Officer Aoki Inoue, the actual person in charge of the security encirclement at the construction site. I am a technical officer. Thanks to the hard work of Warrant Officer Inoue recently, the safety aspect is quite normal so far."

"Normal? The Chinese reconnaissance team came to the door. Is it normal?" Hideji Tojo squinted at the technical officer, turned around and said to Inoue: "Inoue Qingyi, you are very famous, the Showa Martyrs are imperial women.

She is a role model. As her husband, you have to be loyal to the empire and Tianhuang to the end, even if you risk your life."

"Hi." Inoue didn't talk much and was not in a good mood. His wife Chiyoko was famous in the empire and was sought after by the people of the empire. However, his newlywed wife Chiyoko died in front of him, which made Inoue Qingyi feel helpless and sad. She couldn't do it yet.

Show it.

"Inoue-kun, although you have lost two imperial soldiers, your approach is right. You have limited troops at hand. Although you know that the enemy is nearby, you do not take the initiative to attack. On behalf of Squadron Leader Geng Ye, I would like to verbally praise you for your contribution to the base.

Contribution." Tojo Hideji said as he walked.

"Hi, thank you for the compliment. Inoue is ashamed. I haven't done enough." Inoue Qingyi lowered his head and replied.

"It doesn't matter. Now I'm here, and I've brought a group of brave and capable Imperial Army warriors. We'll show those sneaky rats and cockroaches a little bit later." Tojo Hideji was very excited, and he was indeed prepared.

It's his usual style to be fierce.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Tojo Hideji indeed launched an operation.

Yingji took Inoue and five mortars with him. Under Inoue's guidance, Yingji roughly knew the location of the opponent's sniper, so he chose a suitable hilltop and ordered the mortars to be ready.

He took the binoculars and quietly searched for the sniper's position with Inoue.

Hideji Tojo is indeed a Japanese officer with a bold and bold fighting style, but this guy also has a careful side. Today, this guy prepared for the artillery attack first, and then began to wait patiently for the reflection of the opponent's sniper's sniper scope, and

, using mortars to attack snipers is only the first step in the series of attacks planned by Mr. Yingji against the Chinese reconnaissance team. The first small step is to show off his power.

Biaozi and the others knew that the Japanese army had increased its troops, and they also knew that the Japanese army might change its defensive strategy at any time, and that it was highly possible to take the initiative. But now that Shaoqiu had climbed into the woods and could not see, it was inevitable to worry, but only

If you can be in a hurry, you should peek out from time to time to observe. Other than that, you can only wait and don't dare to change positions casually.

Brother Chao also discovered that the Japs had increased their troops. As a sniper, he keenly felt that he might be the primary target chosen by the Japs, because in the current situation, he was the greatest threat to the Japs, and he had already killed two Japs with two shots.

Brother Chao saw that Shaoqiu had climbed into the woods, but he could only see Shaoqiu sometimes, and most of the time he couldn't see him. However, although Brother Chao knew that his risk factor was increasing, what could he do?

At this moment, I am afraid that I am the only one who has a slight chance to protect Shaoqiu. A teenage boy takes such a big risk and goes deep alone to spy on the enemy. As a senior, of course, I must protect him as much as possible.

Biaozi took another look, but still couldn't see it, so he immediately retracted his head.

But at this moment, Inoue saw it.

"Lieutenant, on the top of the hill over there, on the hill with no trees, it seemed like someone showed up just now, and then immediately shrank back." Inoue Qingyi pointed to Biaozi's position and said.

"Is there any reflection?" Ying Ji asked.


"You continue to stare over there and observe, and be careful not to shake the telescope from side to side frequently, so that the reflection of the telescope is easier for the enemy to detect." Ying Ji is quite smart, with a bear-like head, but his brain is not too small, and he can think and evolve.

Comparatively in place.

"Hey, thank you for your advice." Inoue felt that he had met a good commander. He didn't have to huddle around and feel uncomfortable all the time. Inoue wanted to rush and fight hard to vent his anger and resentment.

Tojo Eiji continued to observe the possible location of the sniper. It happened that Brother Chao was also observing the mountains in the distance at this time. Brother Chao wanted to detect the Japanese who might attack in advance, so that he could shoot before the Japanese reached Shaoqiu's location.

The gun lured the Japanese away and protected Shaoqiu as much as possible.

At this moment, Chao brother discovered the reflection of Tojo's telescope, and Tojo also discovered the reflection of Chao's sniper scope.

Brother Chao immediately put away his rifle and retracted his body, thinking that the Japanese were indeed observing. It seemed that an attack or even a mountain search was likely to arrive immediately.

After Yingji saw the reflection of the sniper scope, he laughed proudly twice and immediately said to Inoue: "azimuth, 027, distance, 340 meters, five rounds of artillery fire, execute immediately."

"Hi." Inoue quickly ran to the mortar position, "azimuth, 027, distance, 340 meters, five rounds of artillery shells fired rapidly, prepare, fire!"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep!" The five mortar shells flew out almost at the same time, heading straight for Brother Chao's position.

When Brother Chao heard the whistle of the artillery shells, he knew that the Japanese were firing at him. It was too late to run away at this time, so Brother Chao swooped down and lay down in a pothole.

"Boom boom boom boom boom" five cannonballs exploded next to Brother Chao. Smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the sound of the explosion nearly knocked Brother Chao unconscious.

"Inouye, lower the elevation angle by 2 degrees, fire five rounds, execute immediately." The violent Yingji shouted loudly.

"Lower the horns by 2 degrees, raise the five wings, prepare, release!" Inoue shouted with all his strength.

Brother Chao's experience tells me that after the enemy explodes this round, the artillery fire will immediately extend, and the next round will explode the enemy who is running back quickly.

Brother Chao shook his head and tried to keep himself awake, but Brother Chao did not run back. Instead, he ran a few steps forward and jumped directly from the top of the mountain into the sight of the Japanese. As expected, there was a sound coming from the woods behind him.

There were five explosions. Brother Chao picked up his rifle, aimed at the place where he saw the reflection of the telescope, and fired decisively, and a bullet flew past.

Yingji never expected that after being bombarded by ten artillery shells, the sniper did not escape, but jumped out and shot at himself. Yingji was not that clumsy despite being thick, so he immediately squatted down and avoided flying for more than 300 seconds.

meter of bullets, shouting loudly: "Raise the elevation angle by 10 degrees, the direction remains unchanged, and fire five rounds in a salvo."

Inoue almost roared: "Raise the elevation angle by 10 degrees, the direction remains unchanged, fire a salvo of five rounds, prepare and fire."

"Beep beep beep beep" the five-round cannon was ejected from the chamber.

Brother Chao had also expected it. This time he was not running forward or backward, but running directly towards Biaozi and the others. As soon as he ran out more than ten meters, the shell landed at the position where he had just fired.


Without even looking, Brother Chao quickly ran up the hill with his sniper rifle in hand, jumped into the woods, and ran away without looking back.

When the Japanese stopped firing, Brother Chao hid behind a rubber tree and gasped for air. Only then did he realize that his back was bleeding and a piece of shrapnel was embedded in his ribs. Brother Chao gritted his teeth and said,

"Ah -" he shouted, he dug out the shrapnel, looked at it in front of his eyes, and said to himself: "If you want to blow me up, there's no way." After saying that, Brother Chao took out the bandage from his backpack and took it off.

The coat was wrapped around his torso several times to temporarily bandage the wound, but the blood from the wound soon seeped through the bandage and was still bleeding slowly.

Brother Chao put on his military uniform and hurriedly walked towards Biaozi and the others. He was worried that Biaozi would not change his position in time and would be bombarded by the Japanese. It was easier for one person to avoid the bombardment, but if there were more people, it would be inevitable for someone to be bombed.

When Shaoqiu heard the constant explosions, he understood in his heart that Captain Hu and Brother Chao were trying to cover themselves and must have been blown up by the Japanese. While crawling slowly, Shaoqiu prayed in his heart that all the brothers would be safe.

It was safe and sound. Although Shaoqiu had hunted red deer and elk many times before, and had experienced climbing slowly like this many times, this time not only was the distance more than ten times longer than before, but his life was in danger at any time, and he was under tremendous pressure.

, Shaoqiu felt that his lips were extremely dry, and he wanted to take a sip of water. Hey, bear with it, bear with it some more.

Brother Chao was walking in the woods when he suddenly saw a figure and immediately picked up his rifle.

"Brother Chao, it's me." It was Renxian's voice.

"Are you all here?" Brother Chao asked.

"They're all here." Ren replied first.

Brother Chao felt relieved now. He sat on the ground and spent more than ten minutes like this. He consumed too much physical energy and lost more than half a catty of blood.

Biaozi and the others came over.

"Feiteng Leap Alert." Biaozi ran over and looked at Brother Chao. "He's injured. Let me take a look."

"It's okay, the shrapnel went in and I dug it out." Brother Chao said calmly.

"Oh, okay, okay, that's good. I'm so anxious. The Japanese bombed you so fiercely. I thought I could only pick off one of your arms and half a leg. Haha, we are so awesome. We can't even be killed by such a bomb."

, hahaha, niu niu niu.”

Biaozi couldn't hide his happiness, which just reflected how worried he was about Brother Chao just now.

"Brother Chao, you are still awesome. If I were Minghe, I would probably have to use my machete to chop down the shells. Look at how you move and move, so that the enemy's muzzles can't keep up with the movement." Minghe.

He squatted next to Brother Chao and said.

"You are even better, you use a machete to chop cannonballs." Brother Chao escaped death, and so many brothers came to care about him, a little smile appeared on his face.

"Wow, Brother Chao can also joke. Renxian, you still have to learn from Brother Chao." Biaozi said with a smile.

"Learn from Brother Chao and pay tribute to Brother Chao." Ren Xian held the assault rifle and stood aside, truly in awe of Brother Chao.

"Okay, what should Shaoqiu do now?" Brother Chao asked.

"Let's learn from Yuesong's example. Let's use the empty city strategy. Let's retreat first and not show our faces for the time being. Let the Japanese be beaten away because of us. This may actually be safer for Shaoqiu." Biaozi


"This is the only way. Why is this kid so bold?" Brother Chao said.

"Stop talking about Brother Chao. It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go." Biaozi was still worried about Shaoqiu and felt a little guilty.

"Captain Hu, Shaoqiu insists on going. We should believe him. You should stop blaming yourself and go. Our evacuation operation is the best protection for Shaoqiu." Renxian said.

"Yes, there is no regret medicine in this world. Brothers, withdraw."

"Yes." Minghe helped Brother Chao and together they evacuated away from the Japanese secret base.




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