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Twenty, the devil has become sperm

Yuesong sat down and stood up, stood up and sat down again, holding his hair with both hands. Time is running out, time is running out, the Japanese convoy may come at any time, what should I do? What should I do?

Yuesong, who was extremely restless and restless, began to scold the little devil in his heart again. Grandma's little devil, in a country with bigger eggs and a population with only a few hairs, why should you sit on my head and piss on China, which has vast resources, abundant resources, and a long civilization?

Those bow-legged dwarf men, the Chinese in my huge country, one of them can drown you with just a spit, aren't they just the "Meiji Restoration"? Aren't they just learning some bullshit skills and deliberately trying to create more?

Do you want some guns? Go figure, if one of my 40 million compatriots could lift a stone, he could kill you like a bastard.

Yuesong was thinking and irritated, so he picked up a big stone from the ground and threw it hard towards the bushes. But before the stone was hit, Yuesong's inspiration came out along the stone.

That's right, there are no heavy weapons, not enough grenades, and I'm afraid of balls! In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", instead of just smashing down shrubs and rocks at every turn, aren't they also hitting a large area with one hit? Haha, in our mountains, cannons can't grow on their own.

, grenades can’t dig out of the soil on their own, but rocks, big rocks, there’s nothing wrong with that!

Yuesong raised the stone high above his head and knocked down a small tree. Then he started dancing again, twisting his strong waist and singing in a low voice: "Clang, clang, clang, te, te, teh, mountain."

People have their own tricks!"

After finishing dancing and singing, Yuesong trotted all the way. Before he could reach his brothers, he shouted to them: "Get up, everyone, get up and bring me all the big rocks nearby.

Put them all on top of the cliff for me!"

The brothers listened one by one, but wondered what they were doing with the stones. Yuesong looked at them all with their heads covered, and shouted at them angrily: "What? You don't understand? Hurry up, you are all

Move for me!"

Although the brothers still didn't understand what the captain was doing, they all moved quickly to move the stone. Yuesong saw that the brothers here were all doing it, and shouted to the other side at the top of his lungs: "Biaozi"

, Biaozi——”

"Hey, captain, tell me, I'm not deaf yet!" Biaozi stood up and replied.

"Quickly, ask your brothers over there to move and move all the big rocks nearby and place them for me along the top of the cliff!" Yuesong said loudly.

"Moving rocks? What are you doing?" Biaozi didn't understand.

"Why are there so many balls? Move them all quickly!" Yuesong shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, let's move here!" Biaozi didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, Captain Luo has a lot of clever ideas.

Seeing everyone moving, Yuesong ran to Chang Chao again and said, "Brother Chao, keep an eye on me!"

Chang Chao still didn't answer, he just stared at the road where the Japanese came from and nodded slightly.

Yuesong looked at Brother Chao and nodded, saying to himself: "Brother Chao, I really admire you. Three sticks can't beat you!" After saying that, he waved his hands and turned around to move with his brothers.

The stone is gone.

In a blink of an eye, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. Yuesong and Biaozi had already led their brothers to place two long rows of large rocks on the top of the cliffs on both sides. In order to protect the grass roots, Yuesong asked Biaozi to remove the grass roots.

The bottom of the cliff was withdrawn, and Murong He was assigned to the far west, using a sniper rifle to prevent the Japanese from escaping from the west. Of course, a soldier with a gun was also assigned to Murong He to strengthen the firepower.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the Japanese to take the bait.

Yuesong felt refreshed, but he didn't forget Brother Chao who had been lying there staring at the road. So he walked up to Brother Chao and said, "Brother Chao, can I ask you a question?"

Brother Chao nodded. Yuesong said seriously: "In case, I mean just in case, in case you unfortunately die in this battle, do you think your wife should be taken care of by the fourth sister?"

Brother Chao didn't nod this time, but stretched out his leg to kick Yuesong, but his body still lay there motionless, his eyes still staring at the road.

Seeing that he still didn't speak, Yuesong came close to Brother Chao and said into Brother Chao's ear: "How about I do it?"

Brother Chao didn't nod or speak. He stood up, thrust the sniper rifle into Yuesong's hand, lay down on the side, took out the dry biscuits and drank the water from the kettle, nibbling and drinking.

"I'm really convinced by you. Let me tell you something, how much does it cost per word?" Yuesong asked for trouble. As he spoke, he lay on the ground, raised his sniper rifle, and stared at the road.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, but the Japanese still didn't show up. Yuesong started to feel a little unable to sit still, and handed the sniper rifle to Chang Chao. He ran to the third brother, stared at the third brother and asked: "I said Lao Jianghu, what are you talking about?"

Are you convinced that this is the only way?"

"Nonsense, when did I tell you that this is the only way?" Third Brother asked.

"Hey -, no, it's not just this road. Then wouldn't we be stupid if we stayed here?" Yuesong became a little impatient, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"There are many roads, but if you want to take the Japanese truck, you can only take this one." The third brother said in a nonchalant way, shaking his head.

"Hey, I said, Lao Jianghu, Lao Jianghu, you are treating me like mutton, keep an eye on me!" Yuesong said, reaching out and pushing three of them, flicking his arm, and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

In the blink of an eye, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, but the Japanese convoy was still missing.

Yuesong became a little anxious, so he called Tang Si over and said, "Tang Si, go three miles east to scout out the Japs' movements. As soon as there is any news, Mashan will come back and report!"

"Yes!" But just when Tang Si raised his hand to salute, Brother Chao finally spoke: "Get down, there are devils!"

Yuesong and Tang Si quickly lay down on the ground. Tang Si raised his binoculars to observe, Yuesong raised his sniper rifle, and saw a Japanese truck appearing on the east road. Yuesong clenched his fists and shouted softly:

"Yeah!" He said to Tang Si again, "Give me my order, everyone get into combat positions!"

Tang Si bent over and ran to deliver the order.

This time, in front of the first enemy vehicle was not cavalry, but more than a dozen infantrymen. Behind the infantry were large trucks covered with oilcloth hoods. There were more than a dozen infantrymen between two trucks, one after another.

.There is a machine gun on the top of the cab of each truck. It seems that the Japanese have really learned the lesson. When passing through dangerous areas, they no longer expect to pass quickly after the reconnaissance is completed, but proceed slowly and steadily.

Every thirty or forty infantrymen protect two trucks. In this way, no matter which truck you attack, he can protect it in time. Moreover, the distance between the two trucks is relatively large, about twenty or thirty meters.

, according to this move, it is a bit slow, but it may be difficult to block the entire Japanese convoy in the valley at once.

Yuesong thought to himself, this is really a new problem encountered by the old revolution. What a fool, the eight-car convoy was stretched so long. At this length, the ones in front have passed the valley, and the ones behind are probably still there.

They haven’t come in. Hit the ones in front, and the ones in the back will run away; hit the ones in the back, and won’t the ones in the front run away? Yuesong’s head is spinning rapidly, can’t it be done in one go? I still don’t believe it, the old method won’t work anymore?

The Japanese convoy continued to advance, and the Japanese infantry at the front was less than 200 meters away from the entrance of the valley.

How to hit it? The pocket is only so big, but the snake is so long, it can't fit in, and it can't be swallowed in one bite. Does it mean that if you promise to successfully complete the task with the leader, it means half is completed and half is left?

The footsteps of the Japanese infantry made Yuesong feel a little nervous. To come up with a perfect plan, Yuesong probably only had ten minutes left.

This chapter has been completed!
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