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157. Run away in a hurry

Finally, with the sound of a gunshot, the Japanese heavy machine gun misfired, and Lao Guo was able to avoid being torn apart by the bullets of the heavy machine gun as he drove the carriage.

"Damn Yuesong, why did you fire at this time?" Yingzi cursed Yuesong in an aura.

Yuesong also felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart. Before the Japanese's powerful machine gun fired again, he pointed the sniper scope at the carriage. Yingzi was bandaging the third brother's right waist with a strip of cloth.

The bullet passed by, but fortunately it was slightly tilted to the right, and it only made a hole in the flesh of the third brother's waist.

The railing was broken. Just imagine, if it were tilted a little further to the left, the third brother's kidney would rupture, which could not be solved by suturing.

Yingzi tore off one piece of cloth after another, tearing the bundle of cloth into pieces beyond recognition, and wrapped it around the third brother's waist several times, and finally managed to stop the bleeding.

Yuesong looked at this, waved his hand and gave himself a slap. This slap was no longer symbolic, but a real slap, which made Yuesong's face burn.

Yuesong moved the gun port, and a Japanese soldier held the butt of a heavy machine gun and was about to shoot at the carriage that was not out of the range of the Japanese heavy machine gun. Yuesong cursed, "Go to hell, you damn Japanese." One shot passed.

, the machine gunner was knocked down.

Yuesong moved the muzzle of the gun again and looked down. The Japanese rifles on the city wall began to shoot at Biaozi and Minghe who had not had time to jump on the carriage. Both of them had short guns in their hands. Fighting back was ineffective. Moreover, the enemy was outnumbered and we were outnumbered.

Zi and Whooping Crane had no choice but to hide and run along the base of the city wall to the east.

Yuesong started the efficient shooting of a veteran sniper, reloading, quickly aiming, shooting, knocking down a Japs, reloading, and then quick aiming. The rhythm was full and the sniping feeling was smooth. Although the Japs were firing towards Yuesong,

The gun, but the 38 rifle without a sniper scope at a distance of 400 meters has no problem with its lethality and range. However, the exact position of the sniper cannot be seen clearly, so the only way to suppress the arrogance of the sniper is with the sound of gunfire.


Biaozi and Minghe took advantage of this moment, slipped into the woods, and ran along the woods towards the carriage on the road.

The carriage finally ran out of the range of the Japanese heavy machine gun, but at this moment, Lao Guo fell off the carriage. The clever Laifu neighed and stopped, and the carriage stopped in the middle of the road.

Yingzi jumped off the carriage and discovered that Lao Guo had been hit by a machine gun bullet in the back. Although it was not a fatal position, the heavy machine gun bullet was large and caused a large wound. The blood flowed rapidly. If it was not treated in time, Lao Guo suffered from bleeding.

Too much and sacrificed.

Takizawa did not expect that Luo Yuesong and a few people would dare to forcefully hit the city gate guarded by light and heavy machine guns. After reacting, Nandu came with reinforcements from his team.

The furious Takizawa raised his samurai sword and shouted hysterically: "Chase me."

"Hi." Nandu got excited, took the lead and rushed to the city gate on his motorcycle, chasing after him on the highway.

Yuesong was originally staring at the machine gun on the city wall, but he saw several motorcycles coming out of the city gate. It seemed that they were going to chase the carriage, so he aimed at the driver of the first motorcycle and fired a "bang" shot.

The driver of the Japanese motorcycle was shot, and the motorcycle swerved and overturned on the road.

"Sniper, take cover." Nan Dou knew how powerful Chinese snipers were. He immediately jumped off the motorcycle, hid behind the car, and observed the sniper's position with a binoculars.

Yuesong was in a hurry to help Yingzi and the others, and didn't bother to hide himself. He took quick aim and fired three bullets in succession, but he was too impatient and only wounded one Japanese.

Nan Dou discovered the sniper's position and directed the soldiers to shoot at Yuesong collectively. The crooked machine gun on the motorcycle also poured bullets at Yuesong.

This is exactly what Tsukimatsu wants. If everyone shoots at him, he can attract the enemy's firepower to the maximum extent. However, he did not expect that Takizawa actually climbed onto the city wall, holding a sniper rifle, and "bang"

Gun, this was a well-prepared and precise shot by a senior sniper. The bullet flew towards Yuesong, and Yuesong responded to the end. His life or death was unknown.

At this time, Yingzi could no longer take care of Lao Guo. He just wanted to take the chariot and horse harness from Laifu so that he could put his third brother on the horse and escape from this dangerous place quickly.

At this time, Biaozi and Minghe ran over. They helped free Laifu and put the third brother on the horse. Yingzi held Laifu, Biaozi and Minghe.

I took cover behind me, got into a path in the forest, and quickly evacuated.

This chapter has been completed!
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